From Gramps
- merge familylines and relgraph good stuff into a common report
- auto-translation of names, places, etc. - for reports and exports
- reports & export should have more in common -- in filtering/selecting source set and output data
- new action - filter, expose for cli?
- see also bug #1600 and Filtered_Reports
- Language-aware date display with inflections #6926 -- probably should use for a completely new DateDisplayer/DateParser/libnarrate!!!
- we need a feature usage stats tracker, there's lots of obscure features that probably aren't used much, but contribute to overall complexity. E.g., should we cut some of the report backends?
Building gf and python-gf35
- d/l
- prereq pkgs: libghc-haskeline-dev cabal-install haskell-devscripts happy libghc-mtl-dev libghc-json-dev libghc-parsec3-dev libpython-dev
- cabal install: fst parallel time-compat utf8-string random
- extract tgz to gf-3.5/
- # dh_auto_build <- probably was redundant, but maybe needed for the python bindings?
- make deb (add the -d option in Makefile when you get a build dependency warning)
- sudo dpkg -i ../gf_3.5-1_i386.deb
- In gf-3.5/contrib/py-bindings/
- edit the makefile so that the python version computation thingie is just 2.7 verbatim, instead of the broken script line: pyversion=2.7.
- Add
install $< /usr/lib/python$(pyversion)/dist-packages/
- make, it will bork on a haskell file with import CString
- change the relevant line to import Foreign.C.String
- make again
- make test
all should pass
- sudo checkinstall
Package: python-gf35 Version: 0.3 (according to upstream site <- ugh, that revision number was from -- an alternative set of bindings... let me start with the core gf bindings first since I managed to build them!) Provides: python-gf Description: Python bindings for gf 3.5
- locally move to and make test again -- verify the .so is picked up
Dev bookmarks
- Cairo Tutorial for Python Programmers, by Michael Urman
- python-cairo v3 docs
- pygtk docs slightly outdated wrt the trunk env, e.g., pango.Layout.set_text() doesn't list the mandatatory second argument for string length on my system... python help(pango.Layout.set_text) is the final authority!..