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Addon:Interactive Family Tree

313 bytes added, 03:13, 19 September 2022
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{{languages|Addon:Interactive Family Tree}}
{{Third-party plugin}}
{{man note|The Interactive Family Tree addon does not send any data out of your computer.|It is processed locally on your computer. Only the Topola JavaScript Genealogy viewer application is downloaded so that it can run locally.}}
[[File:Addon-Interactive-Family-Tree-Topola-example-51.png|thumb|right|450px|Interactive Family Tree addon screenshot.]]
The '''Interactive Family Tree''' addon allows you to browse the family tree using the [ Topola Genealogy Viewer].
Here is a technical description of how the addon works.
On the Gramps side, the addon saves a temporary file in GEDCOM format and runs an sets up a temporary local HTTP server inside Gramps that reads the GEDCOM file.
Then, the addon opens your browser pointing to a web application hosted on GitHub pages. That web application contains a GEDCOM parser and viewer that is loaded into your browser. The web application is a “single page application” that once application.” Once it is loaded from the GitHub server, it does not require an further Internet connection connections to work (this . This is why you can open it from the browser’s cache even with no internet connection eg: . (i.e., WiFi turned off). After the web application is loaded from cache, it reads the GEDCOM file from the simple local HTTP server in temporarily set up by Gramps. If the cached file expires and is purged, a fresh copy will need to be downloaded again.{{man labeltip|Genealogy Data is not uploaded.|The data is only loaded locally into the browser’s memory and does not leave your computer. It is processed by JavaScript code to produce a visualization of the data.}}
==See also==

Navigation menu