Other genealogy tools

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In addition to the tools in Gramps, there are other Free Software or Open Source genealogy tools to make websites, trees, parse GEDCOM, .... If Gramps tools do not meet your needs, you may wish to consider one of the following tools.


ADAN (Archivage D'Actes Notariés) is a set of PHP modules in french with a search engine for managing Notarial certificates. It needs SHTML, PHP and MYSQL support. Released under GPL2.


Blossoc is a GPL linkage disequilibrium association mapping tool that attempts to build (perfect) genealogies for each site in the input and score these according to non-random clustering of affected individuals, and judge high-scoring areas as likely candidates for containing disease affecting variation.


CollectiveAccess is a highly configurable cataloguing tool and web-based application for museums, archives and digital collections. Available free of charge under the GPL open-source license, it requires little to no custom programming to support a variety of metadata standards, external data sources and repositories, as well as most popular media formats. In addition to multilingual cataloguing facilities, it allows publication of this data in the languages of your choice.


Cranefoot is a lightweight program designed primarily for geneticists but you can use it for other pedigree visualization as well. Processes hundreds of families and thousands of individuals at once and wraps the results into a single document. Under GPL license.


With eSciDoc, scientists, librarians, and software developers can work with research data, create novel forms of publications, and establish new ways of scientific and scholarly communication. It is under Common Development and Distribution License (CDDL), an OSI-certified license.


Esp2ged is a program to move data from Espólín to the GEDCOM file format supported by (almost) all genealogy programs. Esp2ged is released under the GNU GPL License, version 3 or higher.


ExpoActes is a belgian (french) PHP/MySQL module for easily displaying, editing and modifing certificates on your web server host. Released under GPL, you need at least Apache 1.3, PHP 4.3 and MySQL 4.0. Levels for access:

  • 1 = Access to city, parish
  • 2 = Access to patronymic
  • 3 = Access to tables (names and dates)
  • 4 = Access to more informations on certificates
  • 5 = Allowed to load data with Nimègue (Windows program)
  • 6 = Allowed to load data with CSV (LibreOffice or text)
  • 7 = ** not used
  • 8 = Allowed to manage all data
  • 9 = Admin

Seems Linux users need main module and config. This module is powerful but in French-only.

help (in french) for importing CSV on your server.


Familier/Familiar is a GPL cross-platform Family Tree management software using QT4. It supports viewing/editing file tree using drag-drop in multiple ways. Events allow you to define events in any number. It is available for both UNIX and Windows.


FASTLINK is a significantly modified and improved version of the main programs of LINKAGE. It has been used in over 1000 published genetic linkage studies. See also PedHunter and Cranefoot.


Gedail generates a Web genealogical site from a Gedcom file based on the gedcom 5.5 standard. It doesn't handle all gedcom elements. It is released under GPL.


GED2WWW was an open source software originally written by Leslie Howard. Jean-Baptiste Fahy maintained the program under GPL but the developments are now on a new program: GénàToile, which not display yet non-ASCII characters under UTF-8.

Gedcom one-to-one to XML

ged1212xml are scripts (awk|wsh ~ Javascript for Windows Script Host) to convert Gedcom data – one-to-one to wellformatted XML.


Généapro is GPL3 web genealogical software based on the GenTech data model.


GenXchange is an experimental collection of free GPL genealogy tools to work with GEDCOM 5.5 and GSF 2.0 files. This software allows export of data to GEDML and HTML files. GEDXchange runs on Linux, Windows 95 through Vista, and OSX operating systems. Written in C, these tool are a set of fast binaries (not scripts) of both graphical interface and command line interface applications to meet most genealogy viewing and recording needs.


gramps-php-exporter exports your Gramps XML database to a SQLite database, using python 2 or 3.

Additionally there are some PHP scripts to display your database on the web.

All privacy settings are honoured.


hrlib is a python library to read Heredis (a genealogy program) file. It allow you to read-only everything in a Heredis file with extension .hrX. Plus hrreportmaker create some reports with hrlib. It is able to use LifeLine report and also create new one in Python. There is no packages but files are on CVS. It is released under GPL.


hr2ged is a python program that transcribe Heredis file in Gedcom. It is available both with a GUI and on command-line. Also hr2db may transcribe to MYSQL, ACCESS (via ODBC), Gadfly. It is released under GPL.


JcArbGen is a KDE (qt) pedigree tree manager in french. It is released under GPL.


karto needs java and is released under GPL.

Karto allows to calibrate a scanned map with some known geo-points (Lambert, UTM, ...). After that, you can add any points (GPS points) in the map to build your own map. You can also add a transparent GIF image in the map after calibration (cave or mine). It doesn't work with common genealogical formats but with most images and textual masks. Useful if you want to display ancestors on your old map.


Omeka is a GPL flexible web-publishing platform for the display of library, museum, archives, and scholarly collections and exhibitions.


openBMD is a free and cross-platform desktop application under GPL2 for the transcription of Birth, Marriage and Death (BMD) index records.


phpmyfamily is a dynamic genealogy website builder which allows geographically dispersed family members to maintain a central database of research which is readily accessable and editable. By having a central repository, family members can contribute as and when information becomes available without requiring them to send it to a central 'custodian', or disseminate via email, and allows anecdotal information and possible leads to be shared.


PyPedal - Python Pedigree Analysis is a Python module that provides tools for the manipulation of pedigrees, simple visualization of pedigrees, and the calculation of measures of genetic diversity from pedigrees.


Rodovid is a GPL2 drag-n-drop genealogic program for Linux or Windows based on Tk, Perl. You can edit info (name, sex, dates of birth, death, marriage, etc...) for individuals, add/remove photos, import and export GEDCOM data, creating sites like this one.


SimplePyGed - A simple Python GEDCOM parser, provides Python API to most commonly used GEDCOM records, tags and events. Released under GPL.

Web Family Tree

Web Family Tree draws a tree of ancestors and descendants for any person, showing any number of generations (where the information exists). Published with a GNU General Public License. Also, Gramps allows to export into this format. You may download the last version on freshmeat.


XGenealogy is a open-source genealogy program using GEDCOM 6.0 and written in java.


Xurano is a GNU Public License graphical editor to create and edit mid-size family trees (some hundred persons).


Yggdrasil is a PostgreSQL database and a PHP front-end for large genealogy or prosopography research projects, with focus on documentation of the entire population of a particular area. New BSD License.

Projects hosted on Sourceforge code

Sourceforge is hosting some free and open source projects.

Projects hosted on Google code

Google code (archive) hosted many free and open source projects.

Projects hosted on Github

Github hosting many free and open source genealogy projects.

Non-Free Software

In addition to Free Software and Open Source Software programs, there are no cost, shareware and commercial genealogy tools. It is not the goal of the Gramps project to promote such products, since they do not preserve the user's freedom and can lock the user's data out of his/her control.

For more information on no cost, shareware and commercial, see Cyndi's List or Geneasoft.

Other Tools

One can also exchange information with family web applications, but these are not directly genealogy related. They can be interesting to host data generated from genealogy applications (anniversaries, ...). Some free tools (you need the skill to set up a web service, most web projects have companies connected to them that for a fixed fee host and maintain the application for you):

  • Family Connection: Family Connection is a GPL Web application based on Ruby on Rails, which restricts access only to family members by requiring a family password. It offers Family News, Address Book, Photo Album.


See also DenominoViso

  • Experimental Maegen for Maemo5/N900.