From Gramps
France is a country in west Europe bordered by Belgium, Germany, Luxembourg, Spain, Italie, Switzerland and (England). France has a population of over sixty million people.
Genealogical Associations/Societies
Geneawiki lists most genealogical associations.
History relevant to genealogists
Digital Archives
- 01 - Ain (8 octobre 2007)
- 03 - Allier (Mai 2009)
- 04 - Alpes-de-Haute-Provence (June 2007)
- 05 - Hautes-Alpes (Septembre 2007)
- 06 - Alpes Maritimes
- 07 - Ardèche
- 08 - Ardennes
- 10 - Aube
- 13 - Bouches-du-Rhône
- 15 - Cantal
- 17 - Charente-Maritime (End 2007)
- 19 - Corrèze
- 21 - Côte d'Or
- 22 - Côtes d'Armor
- 27 - Eure
- 28 - Eure-et-Loir
- 33 - Gironde
- 36 - Indre
- 37 - Indre-et-Loire
- 44 - Loire-Atlantique
- 46 - Lot
- 47 - Lot-et-Garonne
- 48 - Lozère and alternative
- 49 - Maine-et-Loire
- 53 - Mayenne
- 55 - Meuse
- 61 - Orne
- 64 - Pyrénées-Atlantiques
- 67 - Bas-Rhin (?)
- 72 - Sarthe
- 75 - Paris
- 78 - Yvelines
- 79 - Deux-Sèvres
- 80 - Somme
- 81 - Tarn
- 83 - Var
- 85 - Vendée
- 86 - Vienne
- 88 - Vosges
- 89 - Yonne
- 94 - Val-de-Marne
Semi Non-Free
- 73 - Savoie
Archives nationales is dedicated to country search.
There is subclasses:
- Paris Archives
- Archives of work
- French colonies, also a direct access
Local archives
Cities archives with online access.
Counties archives.
Others ressources
See also online ressources.
Links to pages with more links and information
Genealogy dedicated wiki's
- Geneawiki is a wiki related to genealogy (Tips, geographical and historical informations).
- WikiGenWeb the FranceGenWeb wiki.
Link sites
- Geneasoft lists most up-to-date genealogical informations and programs.
- Geoportail is the online maps for current French places.
- Cartocassini provides a simple access to old maps.
- Names of old provinces (1748).
- A French Genealogy blog.