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- На данный момент вики содержит 2,378 страниц.
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- Если хочешь узнать о том, как пользоваться этим вики, узнай всё о нём в Вики-справке.
- Если остались ещё вопросы, свяжись с нами без колебаний.
Gramps 5.1.2 released.
Команда Gramps выпускает версию 5.1.2, новую версию технического обслуживания.
- Narweb: частные заметки для дома, интро и контактов. Если заметки являются личными, мы не можем использовать их на этих страницах.
- 11414: проблемы с указанными регионами. Когда ширина изображения >800, ссылочные области размещены неправильно
- 11382: отображение дерева предка выглядит странно. Решает следующее:
- Персональные боксы перекрываются
- Некоторые боксы человека видны частично или скрыты
- некоторая очистка в ancestortree.css
- дерево предков и длинные имена.
- Адаптирован CSS-файл дерева предков для всех тем
- 11357: даты не локализованы на страницах мест
- 11349: проблема Майнца с коротким текстом в одной заметке, проблема возникает на домашней странице и странице введения.
- плохие ссылки на события на медиа-страницах
- 11500: Navweb: в некоторых случаях не используются области мультимедиа:
- Если мы не показываем семьи
- Если мы не показываем события
- Не показываются области СМИ для миниатюры
- WEBCAL: домашняя ссылка переведена в нижний регистр
- 11354 11354: неверный заголовок веб-календаря на главной странице. Это решает возможность иметь ">", "<" в заголовке
- Обновление списка церквей LDS
- 11917 11917: сделать так, чтобы значок папки GuiDestinationOption запускался в каталоге пользователя
- 11463 11463: разрешить фильтру файлов импорта принимать расширения без учета регистра
- Исправлена ошибка, при которой база данных предупреждала / не открывала новые версии схемы.
- 11462 11462: Исправлено диалоговое окно импорта Progen и индикатор прогресса для правильного родительского окна.
- 11462 11462: исправлен импорт Progen для правильной обработки фамилий AKA
- 11457 11457: исправление ExportPkg, чтобы ошибки не терялись и был индикатор выполнения для мультимедиа
- 11457 11457: исправлен помощник по экспорту, чтобы сообщения об ошибках отображались в правильном родительском окне.
- 11472 11472: исправлен импорт GEDCOM, когда семейство отсутствует; импорт создаёт отсутствующую заметку
- 11491 11491: исправлена панель инструментов для добавления сбоя Gramplet на словенском
- Обновление перевода cs, ca, fr, uk, he, fi, hr, de, sv
- 11470 11470: обновление парсинга даты для чешской локали
- Исправлен испанский перевод дат
- исправлена частная поддержка прокси tagref. Добавлен недостающий код для события, хранилища, источника, цитирования и места
- [Tree doc Tex] Символ "-" в имени может привести к путанице, генерируя текст из коробки с форматом файла PDF
- [Tree Doc Tex] исправлена печать на нестандартный размер
- 11429 11429: исправление дублированного перевода "døde døde" Norwegion для libnarrate
- 10124 10124: исправить редакторы событий. Поместите отображение текста двунаправленного текста с идентификатором Gramps.
- 11335 11335: исправлены проблемы с языками RTL и LAT / LONG
- Исправлено отображение координат GPS в представлении Мест для языков RTL.
- Исправлено место редактора lat / long entry для языков RTL
- 11410 11410: исправлен экспорт GEDCOM, чтобы избежать перевода строк GrampsType
- 11762 11762: разрешить развертывание вкладок Инструменты с Notbook, чтобы заполнить окно
- Ограничьте настройки Gramplet Age Stats соответствующими значениями.
- Максимальный возраст должен делиться на 5, чтобы избежать ошибок вне диапазона.
- Ширина графика должна быть больше 45, чтобы выглядело правильно и избегать деления на ноль ошибок.
- 11384 11384: исправить потерю значения в настройках «Точность отображения возраста»
- 11390 11390: исправлено название семейного дерева Windows для символов, не относящихся к ASCII, в Windows
- 11395 11395: исправить настройки / генеалогические символы, когда присутствует только один шрифт
- 11380 11380 11339 11339: исправьте различные поля ввода, чтобы отменить / повторить работу
- 11363 11363: исправьте цвета тегов в PedigreeView
- Исправлена ошибка Gramps -v, когда Gtk отсутствует
- 11366 11366: исправлена ошибка, из-за которой PedigreeView не отображал изменения дня рождения или смерти
- 11378 11378: ODF DOC - Исправлено неправильное экранирование в выводе odt для TOC / Bookmark и т. д.
- 11381 11381: исправьте синтаксический анализатор CLI, чтобы принимать действительные отрицательные числа
- 11365 11365: Исправлен отчет «Дерево потомков» для HandleError, когда в семье нет родителей.
- 11346 11346: Исправлен инструмент переупорядочения идентификаторов, чтобы последующие добавления БД использовали следующий возможный идентификатор
- 11316 11316: обновите экспорт VCalendar до версии 2.0, чтобы можно было экспортировать все символы utf8
- 11351 11351: исправьте настройки, чтобы <ctrl> PageUp / PageDn не оставался на вкладке Даты
- Графики: экранирование имен, дат и мест в графических отчетах с недопустимыми символами XML
- 11341 11341: Исправлен прямой выбор объекта в меню «Перейти», переход в неправильное место
Смотрите Changelog.
Gramps 5.1.1 released.
Gramps team releases version 5.1.1, A new maintenance release.
- Update translations: cs, de, fi, fr, he, hr, pt_PT, ru, sv
- Disable development warning message
- Add options to sandclock in tree document generator
- 11321: Using regex in the sidebar gives different result from previous gramps release
- 11327: Fix odt output when db owner has XML unfriendly chars
- Update README
- Bump required Python version to 3.3
- Add optional fontconfig package
- 1131811213: Fix CLI crash when generating reports
- 113201129411279: Fix Statusbar HandleError on merge families
- 11289: Fix missing tooltip translations in the Note editor toolbar
- Fix bugs in withinarea filter rule
- Avoid bad coordinates in the ref place
- Avoid alphabetic characters in filter rules
- Could not convert string to float by using withinarea filter rule
- Difference between sidebar filter and filter rule
- 11305: Fix Graph outputs for multiple page PDF Postscript
- 11291: Fix to make Gtk 'action names' always valid
- 11292: Fix missing menus/buttons when operating in non-English languages
- 11310: Fix cursor position error in lat and long fields
- 11308: Avoid all characters looking like a dash in 'Clean input data' tool
- 11282: Mainz Style sheet weird looking
- Fix bugs in relationship view
- Set symbols for the active person
- Set good symbols for marriage, baptism, cremation and burial
- 11295: Reduce the size of the sexuality symbol
- 11284: Fix exception when editing Note with italics/bold etc. in non English
- 11297: Restore keybindings for gramplet bars
- 11280: Fix bug in web connection menu launching incorrect web site
- 11293: Fix translation problem when creating event filter
- 11290: Error when checking option to add Quit to Taskbar
- 11283: Make the narratives notes placement an option
See the Changelog.
Gramps 5.1.0 released.
Gramps team releases version 5.1.0, A new major release.
- Bump required Python version to 3.3, Gtk version 3.12
- Update translations: ca, cs, da, de, en_GB, eo, fi, fr, hr, hu, is, it, nb, nn, pl, po, pt_BR, ru, sl, sv, uk, vi
- Change default database backend to SQLite
- New feature to allow Filter Rules to be added via addons.
- New feature to use Genealogical symbols. Includes support for views and reports. Edit/Preferences/Genealogical Symbols to enable.
- New: On restart after crash, offer to run Check & Repair
- New CLI commands; 'safe' mode and 'default' to help user with debugging Gramps
- Narrative web fix:
- some strings not translated
- The confidence and the date are not translated in the family map page.
- The date doesn't use the specified date format.
- Markers incorrectly placed. In the map pages, the markers are not placed where it should be. Reproducible when zoom in/zoom out.
- Background not correctly set. If you use the Web_Basic-Cypress.css, the foreground and background use the same color, so you see nothing. You must hover the fields to see the text
- Places list is not sorted depending on the selected language. If you start gramps in english or another language then try to generate a narrative web report in another language, the navigation alphabet is incorrect. This is true for the place list and the person list.
- OSM forward all http resquest to https.
- When we are on a mobile phone or a small device, we suppress the navigation tab. In place, we have a new icon on the upper left which is used to show the dropdown menu.
- For Home, Introduction and Contact, If we have an image and this image contains regions, show the regions. We can go directly to the person page associated to this region. If we click on the image, we go directly to the associated media page. This will be true only if we selected "include images and media objects" and "create and only use thumbnail" is unselected
- The first line identifying a family will be more legible. The link is not useful in the parents and pedigree section for the current person.
- Adapt some css files.
- sort the place references either by date or by name.
- Add extra page to narrativeweb.
- extrapage can now point to joomla, drupal, ...
- add enclosed by and encloses (place)
- Add compact Ancestry trees using Buchheim/Walker algorithm This enhancement adds a new 'compact' field to the Narrated Web Report. A compact tree is one that is not a simple binary layout but uses the algorithm of Buchheim/Walker to create a layout that is sensible but also compact. Creating a compact layout is slower than a simple binary tree but the results are significantly improved and do not leave large areas of whitespace where there are no nodes to be shown.
- Make relationships optional in narrative web
- Option to have Places and Sources pages
- Narrative should come first right after the name, gender and parent information in individual page
- References section at the bottom of each place with people related to this place have birth year behind it in parenthesis
- Sort "Surname" web page by given name and birth date.
- Surname list doesn't use default name format
- Display Lat/Lon optionally on places list page
- Update the uimanager to avoid deprecated Gtk warnings (changes things not visible to the user):
- Add config option to use Toolbar Text
- Fix duplicated accelerators in charts <ctrl>P for print is now <ctrl><shift>P
- Geography:
- fix pins very big when related to 2 places
- add color for custom places name
- fan charts view: Add option to show the Gramps ID in parenthesis in the fan chart.
- Gramps 'Views' are now named in the window header
- Allow Home person to be set in Relationship and Charts/Pedigree view
- Filter Rule editor, save pane position
- Person Sidebarfilter:
- Fix Person Sidebarfilter when using 'Event' and Reg expressions
- In personsidebarfilter, search on each part of name Instead of requiring that the entire search string matches a single one of the Person's names, the function will require that each word in the search string matches any of the Person's name fields.
- filters rule has attribute: Check all values of an attribute type and not only the first one.
- filters rule have children person filter: Check all families of a person for children and not only the first
- Graph reports:
- Better typography in graph reports Replace hyphen with en-dash.
- enable Graphviz node port selection, optionable. This enables the headport and tailport attributes for all edges in the Graphviz file. The default (off) value makes the arrows between persons and/or family nodes attach their ends to the respective node at any position. When this option is selected, the position facing the node on the other side of the arrow is always chosen.
- Fix graphs on Windows for font selection not working
- relationship graph:
- Allow an option to not use hexagons for those of unknown gender
- Father and Mother are connected by an invisible line.
- Add an option to omit "irrelevant" family nodes
- Family lines graph: Replace rounded corners checkbox by dropdown It now allows rounded corners to be set more explicitly for different genders (None/Male/Female/Both).
- Hourglass graph:
- Add Ahnentafel option on hourglass
- Do not use hyphen for living persons in hourglass graph
- edit link: Add a mailto choice to Internet Address
- New Clean input data tool: New tool to suppress leading and trailing spaces. This tool is looking for people and place names with leading or/and trailing spaces. For each entry which contains leading or trailing spaces, a row is added in a table. You can see where the spaces are for each row as the name is underlined. If you double click on the row, you can edit the Place or the Person.
- CSV import: Add occupation and residence events and attributes in the import User can now add the following columns in the csv import file for a person:
- Occupation description
- Occupation date
- Occupation place
- Occupation source
- Residence date
- Residence place
- Residence source
- Attribute type
- Attribute value
- Attribute source the corresponding events will be added to the person. The user can put several lines for the same person if two occupations are known, one event per line will be created.
- Fix CSV import for multiple place enclosed by on multiple imports
- Pro-Gen import: expanded functionality and fixed minor bugs.
- Enhance layout of the preferences dialog
- Webcal:
- better help msg for the after year option.
- Include only events after year
- add death event
- Edit Person/Family/etc. Gallery Tab: Add buttons for arrangement of GalleryTab media order
- Add tooltip for Gramplet Bar To improve discoverability of the Gramplet Bar Menu (Currently a nameless down arrow at end of each Gramplet bar title tab)
- Use theme settings for the error state of entry widgets. This avoids problems with dark themes.
- vCalendar export: Convenient display on mobile devices.
- Add first class support for Occupation attribute
- Statistics chart:
- Add option to hide empty information on statistics chart
- the Statistics Chart report will show a year as an ordinal number in Croatian.
- Detailed descendant report: Show death/burial information only if person is probably dead
- Birthday report:
- Include death anniversaries as an option in the birthdays and anniversary reports.
- Added an option to the birthday report that allows for the year of birth (or in the case of a wedding it's year) to be printed in the report.
- Added symbols to the birthdays report showing the type of event
- Fixed the birthday report so the dead icon is able to be set within the options window
- Added a text option to have a string that will show after a persons name in the birthday and anniversary report. This works for both birthdays and anniversaries.
- Selection Dialogs: fix to avoid long delay before display on large trees
- Geography Maps:
- Changed behavior of "Look up with Map Services" Removed the section that looked up by city, and country from the Map Services lookup for Google and Open Street Map.
- Geocoding: associate a lat/lon to a place name
- End of Line Report: sort generation during output
- update the German date handler: added some missing Latin month names and some old German month names
- Relative Gramplet: Person Relatives Tab should use the type from the relationship
- Fix crash when addon/plugin contains an id with space
- Fix Delete dialogs: to support canceling the multiple deletes operation more easily
- Fix Find Duplicate People; exception when deleting someone shown outside of the tool
- Fix CLI import so that different db types can be used
- MetaData Viewer Gramplet: Fix so that metadata is actually detected and displayed
- Fix exception when merging with active sidebar filter
- Fix GEDCOM importer for SOUR/REFN combinations
- Add support for GEDCOM import _FREL/_MREL tags in INDI/FAMC
- Improve support for GEDCOM export of _FREL/_MREL in INDI/FAMC
See the Changelog.
Gramps 5.0.2 released.
Gramps team releases version 5.0.2.
A new maintenance release.
- Update translations: cs, da, de, fi, fr, hr, it, ru, sl, sv
- Fix some Gramplets not updating during tree changes after db change.
- Fix Events Grampslet for bad sort order on dates/ages
- Fix References Tab to update on Deletes of items when editor is open
- Fix GEDCOM import for better support of TMG
- Fix Edit Link 'New' button to work
- Fix GEDCOM importer to properly handle multiple surnames per 5.5.1
- Narrative web: Sort problem with places.
- Fix Navigator sidebar so can change view type with proper resize
- Fix crash when using sidebar filter and merging in another view
- Fix AncestorTree so add siblings to center person works
- Fix graphs on Windows for font selection not working
- Fix dbapi reindex_reference_maps tool to properly close transaction
- Fix zoom via mouse wheel in media event editor selectionwidget, also fixes zooming with scroll bars always present
- Fix metadata viewer so that metadata is actually detected and displayed
- Avoid comma in a lat/lon entry field.
- Avoid invalid characters and leading or trailing spaces in the entry field
- Fix crash for multiple deletes in one transaction
- Adjust translation strings for unmarried partners to give correct text in English
- Fix failure after Gedcom import if missing objects were found
- Mac: Fix none type has no len() error. Set correct font resolution when drawing text directly to cairo.
- Fix Gedcom import so it doesn't create completely empty Birth events
- Fix Relationship view so ages are according to Preferences
- Fix Person Editor Events to properly update during external changes like Event delete or update.
- Gedcom import/export fixes for mime and finding media
- Fix Unhandled exception in Geography editor
- Fix relationship path between filter rule when parent is missing
- Fix Graphs that use graphdoc pdf via Ghostscript with multi-page for poor font rendering of some characters
- Fix finddupes tool when run from Match Threshold screen again after merge.
- Fix Gedcom import for multiple notes on OBJE (MULTIMEDIA_LINK)
- Deal with SQLite db corrupted by None name mapping
- Fix XML import to add tags to Events, Sources, Places, Repos, Cits when requested.
- Fix for delete of a referenced primary obj while editing an added obj. Also fixed to update the referenced obj on changes from outside the editor.
- Fix Place Tree view when using enclosed by sidebar filter
- Fix EditFamily for adding a child to single parent family with Surname guessing set to combination.
- Fix Descendent Tree report for crash when person has multiple families and one of them doesn't have a spouse.
- Fix Name editor crash after clearing a group_as name on dbapi dbs
- When we merge two objects:
- We should stay on the selected row in list views.
- In case we select the first family and select the gramps_id of the second family, the new gramps_id is ignored
- Fix Relationship Graph; extra people when using filters & subgraphs
- Fix Place Format Editor file save/load for difficult names
- Fix Not all place types appears on family lines Graph
- Remember location of Sort Events Tool
- Fix Media editor when using double click the preview of added media
- Avoid leading and trailing spaces when copy/paste coordinates from a map provider.
See the Changelog.