Known issues

From Gramps

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Lists of some long-standing recurring issues with Gramps. Be sure also to read the instructions on using the bug tracker, and to check the bug tracker to learn what the current actively researched issues are --- they aren't reported here.


Problem Cause on gramps3 Cause on gramps4
freezes and crashes when refreshing the people or place tree view, Gnome desktop ATK/GAIL
blank text into field gtk+ < 3.0
segfault on expand all nodes/rows into a tree view GObject < 3.4.0
missing scrollbars 3.6.4 < Gtk+ < 3.10.6
strange layout for menu into Geography views Gtk+ >= 3.8
freeze after editing data 3.x < Gtk+ < 3.14.7

Gramps and some Gtk versions

  • Some Gtk versions seem not to properly refresh the GUI (need to use the mouse cursor), see bug 4863 Only an issue for Gramps 3.x / Not reproducible in Gramps 4.x or newer.
  • Some Gtk versions have a refresh issue on Citation TreeView (3.4.x) after an edition, see bug 5688 FEEDBACK.
  • Incremental search and synchronization with typed letters, see bug 1450 Resolved in Gramps 4.2.0.
  • New row/line on Census gramplet (addon), see bug 5688 Only an issue for Gramps 3.x / Not reproducible in Gramps 4.x or newer..
  • Layout issue for menu into Geography, see bug 5742.
  • Gramps freezes after editing a data, see bug 7772. Fixed by using GTK+ 3.14.8 or higher.

Gramps and some python gobject introspection versions

  • pygobject < 3.4.0: : segfault on expand all nodes/rows into a Tree View, see bug 6289.

Gramps freezes and crashes with ATK / GNOME / GAIL Assistive Technologies enabled

There have been multiple reports of long freezes and crashes of Gramps when refreshing the people or place tree view, e.g. after editing a person or changing the Name Display Format. They are related to the use of GNOME Assistive Technologies (ATK/GAIL).

  • Gnome 2.x

If you experience similar problems try going into System -> Preferences -> Assistive Technologies, unchecking Enable assistive technologies.

  • Ubuntu 12.04 LTS

If you experience similar problems try going into System Settings -> Keyboard -> Universal Access, Disable all assistive technologies.

Then logging out and in again.

You can also try this into a console:

$ sudo gedit /etc/gconf/gconf.xml.mandatory/%gconf-tree.xml


sudo gedit /var/lib/gconf/./%gconf-tree.xml


$ sudo gedit /etc/gdm3/greeter.gconf-defaults


$ sudo gedit .gconf/desktop/gnome/accessibility/keyboard/%gconf.xml

Locate this part:

<dir name="accessibility">
<dir name="keyboard">
   <entry name="enable" ... type="bool" value="true"/>

and set enable to false.

See also

No horizontal scrollbars

  • Gtk+3 bug from versions 3.8 to 3.10.6


Gramps runs out of locks

With a large database, Gramps can "run out of available locks". For 140.000 people you should use: max_locks 300000 and max_objects 300000

The easiest way to do this is to create an empty database the add a file DB_CONFIG to the database directory before importing (see gramps -l output for the directory of a specific family tree. Contents of this DB_CONFIG file should be:

#may want to fiddle with cachesize also
#set_cachesize 0 200000000 2
set_lk_max_locks 300000
set_lk_max_objects 300000

See bug report below.

See also

  • Gramps bugs 2686: crashed importing d03 stress test database, and workarounds


Gramps and AttributeError

This message is often related to your data into your FamilyTree. See AttributeError


Gramps cannot import media with non-ASCII characters on filename

If Python returns a codec/UTF8 warning and this file was pasted from an external support (CD, HD, USB key), maybe filename has been corrupted ! It seems correct on screen but not on command line. Your OS was not able to properly set the encoding used on your external support.

The replacement character will be often a "�" (black diamond with a white question mark).

You can try to fix the filename by setting the correct character. Now you will be able to import this file into Gramps !


Gramps cannot display some characters into reports

RTF (C style escape) and LaTeX (latin1) file format backends on output not initially designed for a unicode support.

It is possible to get strange non-ASCII character handling when using these formats.

It could be very specific, because it has been tested and improved since many versions, but still possible.

  • 3802 relationship graph URL's not working with PDF format

See also

  • (resolved) 6883 non-Western fonts broken in PS reports
  • (resolved) 6884 RTF reports backend seems to be non-UTF-aware, breaks non-Western text

See also