Common problems

From Gramps

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Gramps gives strange errors after new install or upgrade

Many problems reported with Gramps turn out to be the consequence of installing a new version of Gramps "on top" of an older installed version (this is particularly important when installing from source). Such an install can lead to problems both in Windows and Linux. If you have done that and are experiencing problems, it might help uninstalling and installing again.

Gramps only properly generates .gv output format on GraphViz based reports

You have GraphViz package installed but after upgrading, you cannot use all available output formats for Gramps' reports based on GraphViz (because generated files are missing) or perhaps the quality of generated files is not very nice.

Reinstalling with the most recently available GraphViz package for your distribution may often fix some issues.

Also, PDF (GraphViz) or PostScript issues could be related to your cairo library (or python-cairo).

See also