Gramps Glossary/tr
Bu sözlük, Gramps'ta görünen terimlere kısa bir açıklama ve ilgili makalelere bir bağlantı ile genel bir bakış sunar.
Soy araştırması terimleri hakkında bilgi almak için, bkz. Soybilimi Sözlüğü.
- Ana Kişi
- (core concept) - The persistently designated Home Person is the foundational Person in the Tree (the currently open Gramps database). This Person is the central target of genealogical research and family references extend from this center. Ideally, every person, event and source in the Tree will (however directly or indirectly) relate back to the Home Person.
By default, the database reports describe everything else in contextual relation to this person. The Status Bar, the Quick View called "Relation to Home Person", and the Third party addon Gramplet called "Deep Connections" all describe different aspects of the relationship of the Active Person to the Home Person.
You (or your client) are customarily designated (set) as the Home Person. And this Home designation serves as a persistent point of reference for the rest of the the Tree in Reports generally and for the Active Person in detail. But a different Home Person might be temporarily set when generating reports or when researching a complex biography or obituary.
Fascinating tidbits often lure Gramps researchers into wandering off-course. When the Active Person has become lost, the bearings can be instantly regained by navigating the Active Person selection back to the Home Person.
Navigate to Home Person - keyboard shortcut Alt+Home or press the toolbar Home button.
The custom filter rule for finding the Home Person is in a People category filter under the General filters and was named 'Default person' until the 5.1 version.
- Aile
- Family ( bir. nes.) - Contains the information specific to relationships between people. This traditionally contains one or two parents and zero or more children. A family unit is created in Gramps by adding Parents to an individual, by adding a partner/spouse to an individual, or by adding a family first then adding the people.
The Family relationship is a core concept in Gramps. It depicts the basic relations between people. Commonly this will contain a father, a mother and some children, however, it can also contain only parts of this (e.g., two brothers, a mother and child). People can be part of several families (adoption, remarried, ...) - Family (etkinlik rolü) An event can be coupled to a family, denoting that the entire family was involved in the event. Typically the Marriage event will be coupled to a family with event role family
- adres
- (sec. obj.) - The Gramps concept of an Address is a particular location with an associated time frame. Think of it as a mailing address. It is intended to represent where a person lived and when the person lived there. The Address consists:
- Date
- Street Address
- Locality
- City
- County
- State/Province
- Postal/Zip code
- Country
- Phone
- Not to be confused with a Place which has a fixed position (its location). Use this with care. For genealogical research you can also use the residence event coupled with a Place. For mailing (email, postal), add an address to a Person or Repository.
- Alıntı
- ( bir. nes.) - Contains the information that enables you or others to locate your source document. An isolated Citation can be created without first creating separate Source object. But, should the same source be referenced repeatedly in a Tree, a separate Source simplifies the Citation and eliminates redundant information that must be harmonized.
- Araç çubuğu
- (graphical user interface terminology) - The Toolbar is a ribbon (located below the application menubar) with button shortcuts for the most widely needed functions associated with the current view. The selection of buttons changes in response to the context of the current view. (e.g., toolbar buttons for switching mapping view modes will only appear for the Geography view.)
- administrative division
- a unit of a layered system subdividing a geopolitical (geographic or political) region. Such divisions are recorded as Place Types in Gramps. Meanwhile the structure of a Place Tree is built by layering via the 'Enclosed by' tab in the Place Editor. The subdivisions are sometimes categorized as an entity, locality, area, or region. The terms of subnational entity, constituent unit, or country subdivision tend to imply divisions that are more related to political representation than administrative.
See wikipedia's Administrative division for a conceptional definition or List of administrative divisions by country for specific countries.
- nitelik
- (sec. obj.) - Attributes are for something permanent, or at least somewhat permanent: eye color, blood type, etc. Usually you would have not more than one of each attribute type for a Person/Family/etc. Attributes are managed from an Attributes tab in each primary Object Editor. There are no built-in Attributes, only custom types.
- Bilgi veren
- (etkinlik rolü) Bir Etkinliği bildiren Kişinin Rolüne atıfta bulunan bir terim.
- birincil nesne
- Primary objects are the data structures at the top level of a hierarchical collection of records. Beside the main structure of data, they can contain a hierarchy of secondary objects, and can be referenced by other primary or secondary objects. In the Gramps database, primary objects and the secondary objects that they contain are stored as separate records. Each primary object type is stored in a separate table. See Using database API, Primary Objects (see also secondary object)
- Birincil nesneler şunlardır:
Alıntı, Etkinlik, Aile, Ortam, Not, Kişi, Yer, Depo, Kaynak, Etiket. - Birincil rol
- (etkinlik rolü) Bir Etkinliğin odak katılımcısının rolüne atıfta bulunan bir terim.
- (veritabanı arka ucu) Berkeley Software Distribution veritabanı (BSDDB olarak da bilinir), Gramps'ın 2.0 ile 5.0 sürümleri arasında kullanılan varsayılan veri tabanı motoruydu. Varsayılan, 5.1 sürümünde DB-API Veritabanı Arka Ucu aracılığıyla SQLite olarak değiştirildi. (5.1.3 sürümü için BSDDB motorunda manuel güncelleme yapılması tavsiye edilebilir.)
- Bilinmeyen
- (etkinlik rolü) A placeholder for when the role of a participant in an Event has not yet been defined. Gramps sets an appropriate default Role as each new Event type is created. But when a new participant is associated with an existing Event via Share or drag'n'drop, the Role isn't as predictable. In such a case, an Unknown placeholder is inserted.
- Any Unknown Event Role type causes a variety of reporting problems. Persons and Families with Unknown Roles should be found and the Roles manually replaced as soon as is practical.
- Bölüm
- (core concept) Gramps divides and organizes the information about each Primary Object into a series of different descriptive schemas called Categories, each with their own View. Each Category is a smaller, more digestible portion of the total information that comprises a Genealogical Tree.
- Görünüm kategorileri şunlardır:
Gösterge, People, Relationships, Families, Charts, Events, Places, Geography, Sources, Citations, Repositories, Media, Notes
- Papaz
- (etkinlik rolü) A term describing a role of the person who performs a rite, especially referring to a priest at the Eucharist.
- custom Types
- This indicates a user defined type, as opposed to types that came pre-defined in Gramps. When none of the pre-defined Types are suitable, add a new custom Type by typewriting directly into the selector combo box. If the value doesn't precisely match any of the existing menu items, a new custom Type will be created when the OK button is clicked.
Any added custom Type will remain available in that expanded menu... unless the Tree is exported & re-imported or via a 3rd party addon Utility like Type Cleanup.
custom Types can be defined for: Event Attributes, Family Attributes, media Attributes, Person Attributes, Event Roles, Event types, Family Relation types, Child Reference Types, Name Origin Types, Names Types, Note Types, Place Types, Repository Types, Source Attributes, source Media Types, URL Types.
- Damat
- (etkinlik rolü) Düğünde evlenecek olan erkeğe atıfta bulunan, evlikikte koca rolüne sahip olacak kişiden bahseden bir terimdir. Ayrıca bakınız: baba.
- Depo
- ( bir. nes.) - Soy ve aile geçmişi kaynaklarının depolandığı fiziksel veya sanal bir yapı ile ilgili bilgileri içerir. Bir Gramps Ağacına bir Depo eklendiğinde, Kaynaklar düzenlemek için kullanılabilir.
- Din adamı
- (etkinlik rolü) Dinden bağımsız olarak dindar bir kişiye uygulanan bir terim. Örneğin, bir keşiş veya rahip. Ayrıca bakınız: Papaz
Dini terminoloji genellikle ihtilaflıdır, bağımsız bir tanım için Merriam-Webster'a bakınız.
- kısaltma: deoksiribonükleik asit
- genetik bilgiyi taşıyan bir nükleik asit.
- kısaltma: Document Type Definition (Belge Türü Tanımı). Bir SGML veya XML belgesinin tek tek bileşenlerini tanımlayan etiketleme yapısını tanımlayan bir belge.
Gramps RELAX NG (REgular LAnguage for XML Next Generation)(.rng
) şema XML ve DTD sürümleri için başvuru belgelerine bakın.
- eklenti
- (aka addon) an optional third-party expansion to Gramps that leverages Gramps plugin customization framework to add a specific feature. Addons may not conform to design or code quality standards. Use at your own risk!
- Optional parts built into the core project (but which can be enabling or disabled leveraging this framework) are called by the more generic name: plugins.
- Etiket
- ( bir. nes.) - A label that can be attached to a Citation, Event, Family, Media, Note, Person, Place, Repository or Source for the purpose of easy identification and filtering.
A keyword or phrase used to group the collection to produce a report.
- Etkin Kişi
- (core concept) - The person designated (or 'selected') as the momentary center of focus in the open Gramps database. The perspective of this person defines the context for actions and for displaying all the surrounding information. Changing this focus is done by navigating the Active Person selection to another person.
- The Active Person's relationship to the Home Person defines the scope of the perspective.
- Etkinlik
- ( bir. nes.) - Contains the information related to an happening. Adding an Event record provides the context of an interaction of the roles of People/Families, dates & places in activities.
An Event is a defining moment in a person's life. See events for the use in genealogy, for predefined events in Gramps and suggested naming for common events.
- etkinlik türü
- The general denominator to which an event belongs, e.g., a christian, civil, tibetan, ... marriage, are all denoted by the event type marriage. See events in Gramps for an overview.
- etkinlikteki rolu
- The role a Person plays in an Event. In Gramps, an Event can be linked to as many participants as desired. Each Person may participate in different roles but more than one Person might play the same role. The Event Role captures this. Some common Roles are pre-defined but the user can add other custom Roles by just typing in an appropriate new Role Type in the Event Reference Editor.
- Pre-defined Types of Event Role: Aide, Bride, Celebrant, Clergy, Family, Groom, Informant, Primary, Witness, Unknown, custom
- Dosya formatları
- File formats repackage the Tree database information for archiving, data exchange with other software or display.
- Import formats: GRAMPS v2.x database (obsolete)
, Comma Separated Values.csv
, GEDCOM (Genealogical Data Communication).ged
, Pro-Gen.def
, vCard (virtual contact card).vcf
, JSON (JavaScript Object Notation).json
, SQLite.sql
- Export formats: Gramps native XML format (compressed & uncompressed variants)
, Gramps Package (Gramps XML plus media).gpkg
, GEDCOM (Genealogical Data Communication).ged
, Web Family Tree (a GEDCOM variant).ged
- Import formats: GRAMPS v2.x database (obsolete)
vCalendar .ics
, vCard (virtual contact card) .vcf
- Output formats including: Comma Separated Values
, Data-Driven Documents (D3)
, Graphviz graph description language.d3
, Hypertext Markup Language.html .htm
, LaTeX.tex
, Open Document Text.odt
, Portable Document Format.pdf
, Plain Text.txt
, Print (hardcopy), Rich Text Format.rtf
, Scalable Vector Graphics.svg
, vCard (virtual contact card).vcf
, Extensible Markup Language.xml
- Output formats including: Comma Separated Values
- Süzgeç
- A filter in a database finds (or hides by 'filtering out') records, displaying only those records that match certain criteria. (The criteria are comparison rules describing some attribute of a record.) Layers of criteria can be applied but each layer requires additional processing and slows performance of the interface.
The basic Search is a single criteria filter. The search value is compares only one attribute of a record that has been selected from a pop-up menu.
The Filter Gramplets will compare several predefined common attributes simultaneously with simplified access to changing the search value. The default is for exact matching but Regular Expressions (RegEx) can be used for pattern matching. A Custom Filter may be also layered in.
A Custom Filter adds richly complex Rules-based comparison with layers of intersection options for those rules. Custom Filters allow repeatable filters to be created with pre-defined rules and values to be matched. Beyond interactively hiding (or revealing) records in views, Custom Filters are used to set limits for exporting, setting scopes for reports, and targeting tool actions.
In addition to the built-in rules for filtering, addon rules are available for Custom Filters.
- acronym: Genealogy Data Communication
- a format for importing and exporting genealogical data. The open specification for the GEDCOM format was developed by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church) as an aid to genealogical research. The long standing standard release was version 5.5 in 1996 with a 5.5.1 draft update presented for comment in 1999. (Belatedly, the 'draft' label was officially removed in the annotated 2019 release. After 20 years as the de facto standard format, it remained unimproved excepting for 2 tags and the copyright.) As an Open Standard, there are extensive and constantly changing incompatibilities between implementations and data loss when transferring GEDCOM formatted data between competing software tools is common.
- GEDCOM X proposed in 2012 and 5.5.5 proposed in 2019 are improvements that have not gained the approval of the copyright holder. As of June 2021, these proposals have been superseded by the GEDCOM 7.0.1 version.
- Gelin
- (etkinlik rolü) Düğünde evlenecek olan kadına atıfta bulunan, evlilikte karı (bkz. Güncel Türkçe Sözlük) rolüne sahip olacak kişiden bahseden bir terimdir. Ayrıca bakınız: anne.
- Görevli
- (etkinlik rolü) A term to refer to the role of a person authorized to conduct an official duty or function. (Such as performing a marriage or funeral ceremony or conferring a vocational degree.) Jurisdiction may be derived from a from holding a position of civil or religious authority. Use 'OFFICIATOR' rather than 'Officiant' for GEDCOM compatibility.
- Gramps
- Gramps is an open-source genealogy program, a free software project and community.
The GRAMPS in all capital letters and the "Genealogical Research and Analysis Management Programming System" backronym were both invented around 2001 by Don Allingham's father but were phased out around March 2010 in favor of Gramps as the official name of the software. All upper-case acronym-based names have become unfashionable for software.
- Gramplet
- a Gramplet is a plug-in (aka widget) that can be docked in the sidebar or bottombar of a standard view to extend the functionality of that view. Gramplets dynamically update as the different records are selected in the main display area of a view. Gramplets typically create an alternate interface to your Family Tree data. Collections of built-in and 3rd party addon gramplets are available for installation and download with the Plug-in Manager. The Plug-in Manager also regulates a wide variety of other built-in and addons which can expand functionality unrelated to the interface.
- See the Gramplets for Python Developers for independent development information.
- Grafiksel Kullanıcı Arabirimi (GUI)
- a visual way of indicating interactive features of a computer operating system or application/program. Gramps uses a "windows, icons, menus, pointer" (WIMP) based GUI with post-WIMP elements like hyperlinked redirection and custom interface objects.
- The appearance and interaction may vary by conventions dictated by the Operating System (OS), installation option (such as language localization support or addon/plug-in), theme (at the OS or internal levels), and/or user preferences customization.
- The specific interface elements are identified by customary name, general appearance & behavior in the Visual Guide to Gramps. Expansion interface elements are described in the user documention for each specific addon.
- kısaltma. bkz. see Grafiksel Kullanıcı Arabirimi.
- ikincil nesne
- Secondary objects are contained within other objects, and cannot be referenced directly. They can contain other secondary objects. Examples include: Name, Date and Address. See Using database API, Secondary Objects (see also primary object)
- İngilizceleştirme
- process of making something English. If an immigrant (or their descendant) adopts a naturalized variation of their birth name, that preferred alias can be added with an Also Known As name type in the Names tab. All aliases can be categorized by type and surname variants may be grouped with the in the Name Editor.
- Kaynak
- ( bir. nes.) - A person (family, friend, another researcher), thing (book, magazine newspaper, census), or place (courthouse, church, library, genealogical/historical society) from which information comes, arises, or is obtained. After adding a Source to a Gramps Tree, the Source can be referenced in Citations and organized with Repositories.
- Kitap Raporu
- Tekrarlanabilir özel soy ağacı Kitabının tasarımına veya oluşturulmasına izin veren Gramps'ın bir Raporlar menüsü özelliğidir. Bir Kitap, tek bir belgede Gramps metin ve grafik raporlarının sıralı bir harmanından oluşur.
- Kişi
- ( bir. nes.) - Kişiler kategorisinde bir kişiye özel bilgileri içerir.
- matronym
- (origin Name attrib.) - personal name based on the name of one's mother
- Mode
- see View mode
- Ad Kökeni
- Bir Kişi için bir adın nasıl türetildiğini tanımlayan isteğe bağlı bir nitelik (karakteristik). Köken seçim menüsünün önceden tanımlanmış öğeleri şunlardır: kalıt, ataerkil, anaerkil, verilen, alınan, baba soylu, anne soylu, hanedan, başka ad, uğraşı.
Gramps'ta Adların standart bir özelliği mevcuttur.
- Not
- ( bir. nes.) - Contains the information representing a textual brief record of facts and how it references other objects in the Tree. Notes can be added to any object at any any level of the Tree and are often used to detail the context of that record in the Tree.
- Records in the Note Category contain free-form text with basic formatting and linking features. Notes can be categorized by Tag and Type in addition to the object to which it is attached. That information is created and modified using the Notes Editor.
- Ortam
- ( bir. nes.) - Bir ortam nesnesiyle ilgili bilgileri içerir. Ortam nesneleri, görüntüleri, videoları, ses kayıtlarını, belgeleri, web sayfalarını veya diğer ilgili dosyaları içerir.
- Özel işareti
- Özel işareti, verileri paylaşırken veya raporları yazdırırken düzeltilmesi gereken bilgileri işaretler. Kayıtlar şu şekilde gösterilir: özel olduğunda kilitli bir asma kilit; ve genelken kilidi açılmış bir asma kilit. Asma kilit simgesine tıklamak Genel ve Özel işaretler arasında geçiş yapar. Bu kılavuz geçersiz kılma, Gramps'ın Kişisel Gizliliğe saygı duymasına yardımcı olan otomatikleştirilmiş Muhtemelen Yaşayan ve özel Süzgeç özelliklerini tamamlar.
- Gramps, tek kullanıcılı bir veri tabanıdır ve çok kullanıcılı bir sistemin tipik güvenlik özelliklerini atlar. Böylece Özel verilere bile Gramps içinden erişilebilir. Ancak, raporların oluşturulması ve verilerin dışa aktarılması varsayılan olarak Özel olarak işaretlenen bilgileri yeniden düzenlemeye yöneliktir.
- patronym
- (origin Name attrib.) - personal name based on the name of one's father.
- Sharing allows Objects to be linked to other objects to establish a relationship or maintain single set of characteristics (or secondary objects) that they hold in common. This allows updates to a shared object to be reflected in all instances mentioning (referencing) that shared object. Redundantly creating object with the same information should be avoided. (So, refining a City to include the enclosing county instead of the less specific enclosing state will be seen for all Events referencing that City and Places enclosed by it.)
- plugin
- (aka plug-in)
- 1) a type of expansion framework that allows Gramps customization by providing interface hooks to recognize and use external code.
- 2) customized module of code built to provide a specific feature or functionality that is not part of the core program. Gramps plugin code modules can be enabled or disabled via a plugin manager.
- Portable Operating System Interface: a family of OS standards specified by the IEEE Computer Society for maintaining compatibility with variants of Unix (such as Linux) and other operating systems. Although the MacOS is "POSIX-certified", the term is used in this manual to generically refer to just the "Mostly POSIX-compliant" Linux and BSD distributions with verified Gramps downloads and which use the POSIX-style environment.
- Referans
- Gramps'taki nesneler arasındaki bağlantıları ilişkilendiren temel bir sistemdir. Kayıt için Düzenleyiciye bir nesne eklendiğinde, eklenen nesnede bir Referans (ilişimi) oluşturulur.
- Referanslar sekmesi
- nesneler arasında bir bağlantı sistemidir. Gramps nesneleri bağlandığında, Referanslar sekmesi ona doğru bağlanacak nesneleri listeler.
- role
- function performed or part played by a person (or other Gramps object) in a particular situation. When objects of Gramps are linked, a Reference is created where the Role disambiguates the relative nature of the reference. see etkinlik rolü
- romanizasyon
- bir kelimenin Roma (Latin) alfabesinde dilsel temsili
- SQLite
- (veri tabanı arka ucu) SQLite projesinin süreç içi kitaplığı (basitçe SQLite olarak da bilinir), Gramps'ın 5.1 sürümünden beri kullanılan varsayılan veri tabanı motorudur. Destek, 5.0 sürümünde BSDDB'den DB-API Veri tabanı arka uç aracılığıyla genişletildi.
- tarih
- (sec. obj.) - Dates in Gramps are much more complex than just a month, day, and year. Dates are always in a particular calendar, can span a time frame, the Date Quality can be approximate, and have support for many other subtleties specific to genealogy data.
- Tanık
- (etkinlik rolü) Bir etkinliğin gerçekleştiğine tanıklık etmiş etkinlikte bulunan kişileri belirten terim
- Tipografik kurallar
- The customary formatting having special (and possibly peculiar) meaning when used throughout the MediaWiki driven Gramps manual and documentation. The different typeface accents, highlighting and enclosures indicate specific parts of the Gramps Graphical User Interface (GUI) or prompt a User activity.
- Kullanıcı Dizini
- (core concept) An alias for the file folder (directory) location where customizations (e.g.: preferences files, addons, plug-ins) are stored for the Gramps family of genealogy tools. Since this folder location varies by which Gramps fork has been installed, the User Directory is an 'alias' (a.k.a. placeholder) used in instructions about re-configuring Gramps.
This alias allows instructions for locating your specific User Directory file location to be consolidated in the documentation.
- Görünüm bölümü
- (graphical user interface terminology) - a View category (often simply called a "View") is a Gramps-specific name for the collection of View modes (display layouts) presenting information in a structured and predictable manner. Different Views are selected from the Navigator (left sidebar),
Layouts are in table, outline or graphical formats; depending on the preferred way to represent how the data elements relate to on another.
Gramps divides and organizes the information about each Primary Object into a series of Categories, each with their own View. Each of the Category Views displays a smaller, more digestible portion of the total information that comprises a Genealogical Tree. The View categories are: Dashboard, People, Relationships, Families, Charts, Events, Places, Geography, Sources, Citations, Repositories, Media, Notes
- Görünüm kipi
- (graphical user interface terminology) - a View mode is a Gramps-specific name for the display layouts presenting View category information in a structured and predictable manner. A View category may have alternate view modes (subcategories) of display layout. (e.g., Views with Table layouts might have flat listed or hierarchically grouped modes.) Navigating between View modes is from the toolbar and Navigator.
Each mode of a category can be independently configured. Each mode may maintain a separate object selection, filtering, and organization for its Gramplet bars.
View data may be further subdivided with tabbed pages of layouts.
- viki
- (Hawaii alıntı kelimesi) 'hızlı' anlamına gelir; veya 'vikiviki' 'çok hızlı' anlamına gelir. Gramps kullanıcıları için viki, MediaWiki içerik yönetim sistemi kullanılarak düzenlenen ortak eğitim materyali web sitesini ifade eder. Bu web sitesinin temel sayfaları, yapılandırılmış Gramps yazılımı kullanıcı kullanım kılavuzu, namı diğer 'Wiki Manual'dir.
- Çoğu internet kullanıcısı için bu kelime, çoğu zaman, sitenin içeriğini genişletmek için kullanıcıları hızlı ve kolay bir şekilde işbirliği yapmaya teşvik eden yerleşik araçlara sahip ilk web sitesi olan 1995 WikiWikiWeb'e kasıtsız bir yanılsamadır. Vikisözlük'te viki'ye bakın
- acronym: Extensible Markup Language. A schema used to define the expected structure of data in a text format. The system annotates a document in a way that data elements are syntactically distinguishable from identifying tags. A markup language defines a set of rules for encoding documents in a fault tolerant format that is both (marginally) human-readable and machine-readable.
Gramps will generate XML format natively in compressed and uncompressed forms identified with a.gramps
file extension. It is the format that definitively supports every piece of genealogical data stored by Gramps.
See the reference documentation for the versions of Gramps RELAX NG (REgular LAnguage for XML Next Generation)(.rng
) schema XML and DTD
- Yardım
- (etkinlik rolü) Bir asistanın rolüne atıfta bulunan bir terim.
- Yer
- ( bir. nes.) - The Gramps concept of a Place is a particular location independent of time. Over time, the same Place may have different address information due to changing borders and political situation. For example, Leningrad and St. Petersburg represent the same place, but with different names. Places in Gramps are stored in a hierarchy and are direct accessed via the Places category view. A Place consists of:
- Descriptive Title
- Name
- Type (administrative divisions such as country, state, county ...)
- Longitude/Latitude
- Code (such as a country code or postal code)
- A list of alternative names for the place
- A list of regions which enclose the place
Wiki manual Please enhance the Wiki - create new glossary terms and add them to the wiki manual. Glossary term IDs are more memorable & predictable if kept to all lower-case and use underscores (_) for spaces. inserting a "Glossary Term" into the Glossary list inserting the term into the Gramps wiki manual for more information about WikiMedia sections, see: |