Gramps 5.1 Wiki Manual - Reports - part 6
Back to Index of Reports.
This sections describes the different Text Reports available in Gramps.
- 1 Text Reports
- 1.1 Common options
- 1.2 Ahnentafel Report
- 1.3 Birthday and Anniversary Report
- 1.4 Complete Individual Report
- 1.5 Database Summary Report
- 1.6 Descendant Report
- 1.7 Detailed Ancestral Report
- 1.8 Detailed Descendant Report
- 1.9 End of Line Report
- 1.10 Family Group Report
- 1.11 Kinship Report
- 1.12 Note Link Report
- 1.13 Number of Ancestors Report
- 1.14 Place Report
- 1.15 Records Report
- 1.16 Tag Report
Text Reports
Text reports represent the desired information as formatted text. Most of the options are common among text reports, therefore they will be described here under Common options.
Common options
Common options for text reports are the filename of the output, the format of the output, selected style, page size and orientation. For HTML reports, there is no page information. Instead, HTML options include the choice of the HTML template, either available in Gramps or a custom template defined by you. Optionally, the reports can be immediately opened with the default application.
![]() |
Tip The options used in reports are persistent: eg: each report remembers the options previously used. |
The options which are specific to a given report will be described directly in that report's entry and on Command line references.
For each report there is a screen with on the top part tabs (like Paper Options...) and on the bottom part the Document Options. The number of tabs varies with the report.
Paper Options
With the Paper Options tab you can change:
- Paper format
- Size Letter(default)
- Width (
in. default) - Height (
in. default) - Orientation Portrait(default)
- Margins
- Left(
in. default) - Right(
in. default) - Top(
in. default) - Bottom(
in. default)
- Left(
- Metric : whether to use metric values or not (in. or cm.). (checkbox unchecked by default)
Document Options
Options below will change slightly depending on the output format selected.
- Output Format: choose the output format:
- Print...
- PDF document
- Open Document Text
- PostScript
- RTF document
- LaTex
- Plain Text
- Open with default viewer: you can indicate to open the made document your default viewer. (checkbox unchecked by default)
- Filename: default value is
/home/<username>/<Family Tree Name><Report Name>.txt
. - Style: (default is default). With the Style Editor... button you can add Document Styles.
- Characters per line: (
Ahnentafel Report
This report lists the Active Person and his or her ancestors along with their vital data.
You can choose the Ahnentafel Report with Reports ->Text Reports -> Ahnentafel Report...
The people are numbered in a special way which is an established standard Genealogical Numbering System called Ahnentafel. This report has some Ahnentafel specific Style options in the Style Editor accessible via the Style Editor... button.
The Active Person is given number 1. His or her father and mother have numbers 2 and 3, respectively.
This rule holds for every person while going back in generations: father's parents are numbered 4 and 5, and mother's parents are numbered 6 and 7, fathers always numbered with even and mothers with odd numbers.
Therefore, for any person having number N in this tree, the numbers of father and mother are 2N and 2N+1, respectively.
person = n father = 2n mother = 2n+1
Each entry will consist of a single paragraph, and should contain the following contents:
- Person number.
- Person's name.
- Birth Information, if available.
- Death Information, if available.
- Burial Information, if available
See also common options
Report Options
- Center Person: the center person for the report, defaults to the current active person.
- Select a different person button. - Change the center person.
- Generations: (
default) The number of generations to include in the report. - Gramps ID: whether to include Gramps IDs.
- Do not include default
- include
- Page break between generations Whether to start a new page after each generation.(checkbox unchecked by default)
- Add linebreak after each name Indicates if a line break should follow the name.(checkbox unchecked by default)
Report Options (2)
- Name Format: - Select the format to display the names. This choice in normally taken from the default setting in Edit > Display tab for Name format:. Or to override that setting for the report choose from:
- Default - (in a new Family Tree this is normally Surname, Given Suffix )
- Surname, Given Suffix
- Given Surname Suffix
- Given
- Main Surnames, Given Patronymic Suffix
- SURNAME, Given (Common)
- Include data marked private (checkbox checked by default) - Whether to include private data.
- Living People: - How to handle (information about) living people
- Included, and all data (default)
- Full names, but data removed
- Given names replaced, and data removed
- Complete names replaced, and data removed
- Not included
- Years from death to consider living:
(default) - Whether to restrict data on recently dead people. - Translation: The translation to be used for the report. Language selector showing all languages supported by Gramps. Defaults to the language you are using Gramps in.
- Date format: The format and language for dates, with examples
- Default - Choose this option to use the default set in Edit > Display tab for Date format: option.
- YYYY-MM-DD(ISO)(2018-03-14) (default for report)
- Numerical(14/3/2018)
- Month Day, Year(March 14, 2018)
- MON DAY, YEAR(Mar 14, 2018)
- Day Month Year(14 March 2018)
- DAY MON YEAR(14 Mar 2018)
Birthday and Anniversary Report
This report produces a list of birthdays and anniversaries on a page by month. It produces the same information as a Calendar report but in text format instead of a calendar table.
You can choose the Birthday and Anniversary Report with Reports ➡ Text Reports ▶ Birthday and Anniversary Report...
See also common options
Report Options
- Filter: - Select the filter to be applied to the report. Choose from:
- Entire Database (Default)
- Descendants of active person
- Descendant families of active person
- Ancestors of active person
- People with common ancestor with active person
- Any custom made filter you have created will be listed below the other choices.
- Filter Person: The center person for the filter. Defaults to the Active Person.
- Select a different person button. - Change the filter person.
- Title Text:
Birthday an Anniversary Report
(default) - Title of report - Text Area 1:
My Birthday Report
(default) - First line of text at bottom of report - Text Area 2:
Produced with Gramps
(default) - Second line of text at bottom of report - Text Area 3:
(default) - Third line of text at bottom of report
Report Options (2)
- Name Format: - Select the format to display the names. This choice in normally taken from the default setting in Edit > Display tab for Name format:. Or to override that setting for the report choose from:
- Default - (in a new Family Tree this is normally Surname, Given Suffix )
- Surname, Given Suffix
- Given Surname Suffix
- Given
- Main Surnames, Given Patronymic Suffix
- SURNAME, Given (Common)
- Include data marked private (checkbox checked by default) - Whether to include private data.
- Include only living people (checkbox checked by default) Include only living people in the report.
- Translation: The translation to be used for the report. Language selector showing all languages supported by Gramps. Defaults to the language you are using Gramps in.
- Year of report: fill in the year. Defaults to current Year.
- Country for holidays: Select the country to see associated holidays. None are shown by default.
- Birthday surname: Select married women's displayed surname.
- Wives use their own surname (Default)
- Wives use husband's surname (from first family listed)
- Wives use husband's surname (from last family listed)
- Include birthdays: Whether to include birthdays in the calendar (checkbox checked by default)
- Include anniversaries: Whether to include anniversaries in the calendar (checkbox checked by default)
- Include relationships to center person Whether to include relationships to the filter person (Note: Slower to create report) (checkbox unchecked by default)
Complete Individual Report
This report provides individual summaries.
You can choose the Complete Individual Report with Reports ->Text Reports ->Complete Individual Report...
See also common options
Report Options
The advantage of this report is the specific filter option. Depending on the filter choice (Active Person only, his or her descendants, his or her ancestors, or entire database), the report may contain from one to many individual summaries. Another option for this report is the inclusion of source information when listing events.
- Filter: choose between
- Entire Database (Default)
- Descendants of active person
- Descendant families of active person
- Ancestors of active person
- People with common ancestor with active person
- Filter Person: The center person for the report.
- List events chronologically (checkbox checked by default)
- Page break before end notes (checkbox unchecked by default)
Report Options (2)
- Name Format: Select the format to display the names. Choose from Surname, Given Suffix(default) / Given Surname Suffix / Given / Main Surnames, Given Patronymic Suffix / SURNAME, Given (Common)
- Include data marked private (checkbox checked by default)
- Living People: - How to handle (information about) living people
- Included, and all data (default)
- Full names, but data removed
- Given names replaced, and data removed
- Complete names replaced, and data removed
- Not included
- Years from death to consider living:
(default) - Whether to restrict data on recently dead people. - Translation: The translation to be used for the report. Language selector showing all languages supported by Gramps. Defaults to the language you are using Gramps in.
- Date format: The format and language for dates, with examples
- Default - Choose this option to use the default set in Edit > Display tab for Date format: option.
- YYYY-MM-DD(ISO)(2018-03-14) (default for report)
- Numerical(14/3/2018)
- Month Day, Year(March 14, 2018)
- MON DAY, YEAR(Mar 14, 2018)
- Day Month Year(14 March 2018)
- DAY MON YEAR(14 Mar 2018)
- Include Notes (checkbox checked by default)
- Include Source Information (checkbox checked by default)
- Include source notes (checkbox unchecked by default)
- Include Photo/Images from Gallery (checkbox checked by default)
Include (2)
- Gramps ID: whether to include Gramps IDs.
- Do not include default
- include
- Include Tags (checkbox checked by default)
- Include Attributes (checkbox checked by default)
- Include Census Events (checkbox checked by default)
- Include relationships to center person Whether to include relationships to the filter person (Note: Slower to create report) (checkbox unchecked by default)
Used if separate section is required.
- Event groups:
- Family (Checkbox checked by default)
- Religious (Checkbox checked by default)
- Vocational (Checkbox checked by default)
- Academic (Checkbox checked by default)
- Travel (Checkbox checked by default)
- Legal (Checkbox checked by default)
- Residence (Checkbox checked by default)
- Other (Checkbox checked by default)
- Custom (Checkbox checked by default)
Database Summary Report
This report displays the overall statistics concerning number of individuals of each gender, various incomplete entries statistics, as well as family and media statistics.
You can choose the Database Summary Report with Reports ->Text Reports ->Database Summary Report...
The report shows a break down of the following information for the open Family tree
The numbers in the different categories are shown
- Individuals:
- Number of individuals:
- Males:
- Females:
- Individuals with unknown gender:
- Incomplete names:
- Individuals missing birth dates:
- Disconnected individuals:
- Unique surnames:
- Individuals with media objects:
- Family information:
- Number of families:
- Media Objects:
- Number of unique media objects:
- Total size of media objects: in MB(megabytes)
- Missing Media Objects: this will show the file names of any missing media object.
The information given in this report is the same as in the Statistics Gramplet
See also common options
Report Options
- Include data marked private (checkbox checked by default)
- Living People: - How to handle (information about) living people
- Included, and all data (default)
- Full names, but data removed
- Given names replaced, and data removed
- Complete names replaced, and data removed
- Not included
- Years from death to consider living:
(default) - Whether to restrict data on recently dead people. - Translation: The translation to be used for the report. Language selector showing all languages supported by Gramps. Defaults to the language you are using Gramps in.
Descendant Report
This report presents the descendants of the Active Person with a brief description in indented style.
You can choose the Descendant Report with Reports ->Text Reports ->Descendant Report...
See also common options
Report Options
The only specific option concerns the number of forward generations to consider.
- Center Person: the center person for the report, defaults to the current active person.
- Select a different person button. - Change the center person.
- Numbering system: The numbering system to be used.
- Simple numbering (default)
- d'Aboville numbering
- Henry numbering
- Modified Henry numbering
- de Villiers/Pama numbering
- Meurgey de Tupigny numbering
- Generations: (
default) The number of generations to include in the report. - Show marriage info Whether to show marriage information in the report. (checkbox unchecked by default)
- Show divorce info Whether to show divorce information in the report. (checkbox unchecked by default)
- Show duplicate trees Whether to show duplicate Family Trees information in the report. (checkbox checked by default)
Report Options (2)
- Name Format: - Select the format to display the names. This choice in normally taken from the default setting in Edit > Display tab for Name format:. Or to override that setting for the report choose from:
- Default - (in a new Family Tree this is normally Surname, Given Suffix )
- Surname, Given Suffix
- Given Surname Suffix
- Given
- Main Surnames, Given Patronymic Suffix
- SURNAME, Given (Common)
- Include data marked private (checkbox checked by default) - Whether to include private data.
- Living People: - How to handle (information about) living people
- Included, and all data (default)
- Full names, but data removed
- Given names replaced, and data removed
- Complete names replaced, and data removed
- Not included
- Years from death to consider living:
(default) - Whether to restrict data on recently dead people. - Translation: The translation to be used for the report. Language selector showing all languages supported by Gramps. Defaults to the language you are using Gramps in.
- Date format: The format and language for dates, with examples
- Default - Choose this option to use the default set in Edit > Display tab for Date format: option.
- YYYY-MM-DD(ISO)(2018-03-14) (default for report)
- Numerical(14/3/2018)
- Month Day, Year(March 14, 2018)
- MON DAY, YEAR(Mar 14, 2018)
- Day Month Year(14 March 2018)
- DAY MON YEAR(14 Mar 2018)
Detailed Ancestral Report
This report covers in detail the ancestors of the active person, including a range of vital data as well as marriages, following Sosa-Stradonitz/Ahnentafel numbering. It shares many of its properties with the Detailed Descendant Report (see below).
You can choose the Detailed Ancestral Report with Reports ->Text Reports ->Detailed Ancestral Report...
See also common options
Report Options
The report is structured with the Ahnentafel standard numbering.
- Center Person: the center person for the report, defaults to the current active person.
- Select a different person button. - Change the center person.
- Sosa-Stradonitz number: (
default) The Sosa-Stradonitz number of the central person. - Generations: (
default) The number of generations to include in the report. - Gramps ID: whether to include Gramps IDs.
- Do not include default
- include
- Page break between generations: Whether to start a new page after each generation. (checkbox unchecked by default)
- Page break before end notes: whether to start a new page before end notes (checkbox unchecked by default)
Report Options (2)
- Name Format: - Select the format to display the names. This choice in normally taken from the default setting in Edit > Display tab for Name format:. Or to override that setting for the report choose from:
- Default - (in a new Family Tree this is normally Surname, Given Suffix )
- Surname, Given Suffix
- Given Surname Suffix
- Given
- Main Surnames, Given Patronymic Suffix
- SURNAME, Given (Common)
- Include data marked private (checkbox checked by default) - Whether to include private data.
- Living People: - How to handle (information about) living people
- Included, and all data (default)
- Full names, but data removed
- Given names replaced, and data removed
- Complete names replaced, and data removed
- Not included
- Years from death to consider living:
(default) - Whether to restrict data on recently dead people. - Translation: The translation to be used for the report. Language selector showing all languages supported by Gramps. Defaults to the language you are using Gramps in.
- Date format: The format and language for dates, with examples
- Default - Choose this option to use the default set in Edit > Display tab for Date format: option.
- YYYY-MM-DD(ISO)(2018-03-14) (default for report)
- Numerical(14/3/2018)
- Month Day, Year(March 14, 2018)
- MON DAY, YEAR(Mar 14, 2018)
- Day Month Year(14 March 2018)
- DAY MON YEAR(14 Mar 2018)
- Use Complete Sentences: whether to use complete sentences or succinct language.(checkbox checked by default)
- Use full dates instead of only the year: whether to use full dates instead of year.(checkbox checked by default)
- Compute death age: whether to compute a person's age at death.(checkbox checked by default)
- Omit duplicate ancestors: whether to omit duplicate ancestors.(checkbox checked by default)
- Use callname for common name: whether to use the call name as the first name. (checkbox unchecked by default)
- Include children: whether to list children.(checkbox checked by default)
- Include spouses of children: whether to list the spouses of the children.(checkbox checked by default)
- Include events: Whether to include events. (checkbox unchecked by default)
- Include other events: Whether to include other events people participated in.(checkbox unchecked by default)
- Include descendant reference in child list: whether to add descendant references in child list.(checkbox checked by default)
- Include Photo/Images from Gallery (checkbox unchecked by default)
Include (2)
- Include notes (checkbox checked by default)
- Include sources (checkbox unchecked by default)
- Include source notes (checkbox unchecked by default)
- Include attributes (checkbox unchecked by default)
- Include addresses (checkbox unchecked by default)
- Include alternative names (checkbox unchecked by default)
Missing information
- Replace missing places with ___: Whether to replace missing Places with blank spaces.(checkbox unchecked by default)
- Replace missing dates with ___: Whether to replace missing Dates with blank spaces.(checkbox unchecked by default)
Detailed Descendant Report
This report covers in detail the descendants of the active person by generation, following the genealogical tradition of textual descendant reports by generation. It aims to provide all important features expected to be found in these classic descendency formats and has received influence from various sources. The Gramps team considers as one of its objectives the viability of this report's adoption by professional genealogical institutions worldwide. As a consequence this is a highly customizable report.
The report includes a range of vital information, marriages and (optionally) notes and spouses' information. Among the numerous options are the number of forward generations to consider, whether to compute ages, the text-style between complete-sentenced and succinct, and whether to include images. The report utilizes Henry-style numbering by default, and offers d'Aboville-style numbering and Register-style numbering as options.
You can choose the Detailed Descendant Report with Reports ->Text Reports ->Detailed Descendant Report...
See also common options
Report Options
- Center Person: the center person for the report, defaults to the current active person.
- Select a different person button. - Change the center person.
- Numbering system: the numbering system to be used.
- Henry numbering (default)
- d'Aboville numbering
- Record (Modified Register) numbering
- Report structure: How people are organized in the report
- show people by generations (default)
- show people by lineage
- Generations: (
default) The number of generations to include in the report. - Gramps ID: whether to include Gramps IDs.
- Do not include default
- include
- Page break between generations: Whether to start a new page after each generation. (checkbox unchecked by default)
- Page break before end notes: whether to start a new page before end notes (checkbox unchecked by default)
Report Options (2)
- Name Format: - Select the format to display the names. This choice in normally taken from the default setting in Edit > Display tab for Name format:. Or to override that setting for the report choose from:
- Default - (in a new Family Tree this is normally Surname, Given Suffix )
- Surname, Given Suffix
- Given Surname Suffix
- Given
- Main Surnames, Given Patronymic Suffix
- SURNAME, Given (Common)
- Include data marked private (checkbox checked by default) - Whether to include private data.
- Living People: - How to handle (information about) living people
- Included, and all data (default)
- Full names, but data removed
- Given names replaced, and data removed
- Complete names replaced, and data removed
- Not included
- Years from death to consider living:
(default) - Whether to restrict data on recently dead people. - Translation: The translation to be used for the report. Language selector showing all languages supported by Gramps. Defaults to the language you are using Gramps in.
- Date format: The format and language for dates, with examples
- Default - Choose this option to use the default set in Edit > Display tab for Date format: option.
- YYYY-MM-DD(ISO)(2018-03-14) (default for report)
- Numerical(14/3/2018)
- Month Day, Year(March 14, 2018)
- MON DAY, YEAR(Mar 14, 2018)
- Day Month Year(14 March 2018)
- DAY MON YEAR(14 Mar 2018)
- Use complete sentences: whether to use complete sentences or succinct language.(checkbox checked by default)
- Use full dates instead of only the year: whether to use full dates instead of year.(checkbox checked by default)
- Compute death age: whether to compute a person's age at death.(checkbox checked by default)
- Use callname for common name: whether to use the call name as the first name. (checkbox unchecked by default)
- Include children: whether to list children.(checkbox checked by default)
- Include spouses of children: whether to list spouses of children.(checkbox unchecked by default)
- Include spouses (checkbox unchecked by default)
- Include spouse reference (checkbox unchecked by default)
- Include events (checkbox unchecked by default)
- Include descendant reference in child list: whether to include descendant references in child list.(checkbox checked by default)
- Include Photo/Images from Gallery (checkbox unchecked by default)
Include (2)
- Include notes (checkbox checked by default)
- Include sources (checkbox unchecked by default)
- Include sources notes (checkbox unchecked by default)
- Include attributes (checkbox unchecked by default)
- Include addresses (checkbox unchecked by default)
- Include alternative names (checkbox unchecked by default)
- Include sign of succession ('+') in child-list (checkbox checked by default)
- Include path to start-person (checkbox unchecked by default)
Missing Information
- Replace missing places with ___: Whether to replace missing Places with blank spaces.(checkbox unchecked by default)
- Replace missing dates with ___: Whether to replace missing Dates with blank spaces.(checkbox unchecked by default)
End of Line Report
This provides a list of a person's last known ancestors with the pedigree line, ordered by generations.
You can choose the End of Line Report with Reports ->Text Reports ->End of Line Report...
See also common options
Report Options
- Center Person: the center person for the report, defaults to the current active person.
- Select a different person button. - Change the center person.
- Name Format: - Select the format to display the names. This choice in normally taken from the default setting in Edit > Display tab for Name format:. Or to override that setting for the report choose from:
- Default - (in a new Family Tree this is normally Surname, Given Suffix )
- Surname, Given Suffix
- Given Surname Suffix
- Given
- Main Surnames, Given Patronymic Suffix
- SURNAME, Given (Common)
- Include data marked private (checkbox checked by default) - Whether to include private data.
- Living People: - How to handle (information about) living people
- Included, and all data (default)
- Full names, but data removed
- Given names replaced, and data removed
- Complete names replaced, and data removed
- Not included
- Years from death to consider living:
(default) - Whether to restrict data on recently dead people. - Translation: The translation to be used for the report. Language selector showing all languages supported by Gramps. Defaults to the language you are using Gramps in.
- Date format: The format and language for dates, with examples
- Default - Choose this option to use the default set in Edit > Display tab for Date format: option.
- YYYY-MM-DD(ISO)(2018-03-14) (default for report)
- Numerical(14/3/2018)
- Month Day, Year(March 14, 2018)
- MON DAY, YEAR(Mar 14, 2018)
- Day Month Year(14 March 2018)
- DAY MON YEAR(14 Mar 2018)
Family Group Report
This creates a family group report, showing information on a set of parents and their children.
You can choose the Family Group Report with Reports ->Text Reports ->Family Group Report...
See also common options
Report Options
- Filter: - Select the filter to be applied to the report. Choose from:
- Default - Defaults to the Active family for the current active Person.
- Every family
- Descendant families - of the active family
- Ancestors families - of active family
- Center Family: The center family for the filter. Defaults to the Active family for the current active Person.
- Select a different family button. - Change the filter family.
- Recursive(down): Create reports for all descendants of this family.(checkbox unchecked by default)
Report Options (2)
- Name Format: - Select the format to display the names. This choice in normally taken from the default setting in Edit > Display tab for Name format:. Or to override that setting for the report choose from:
- Default - (in a new Family Tree this is normally Surname, Given Suffix )
- Surname, Given Suffix
- Given Surname Suffix
- Given
- Main Surnames, Given Patronymic Suffix
- SURNAME, Given (Common)
- Include data marked private (checkbox checked by default) - Whether to include private data.
- Living People: - How to handle (information about) living people
- Included, and all data (default)
- Full names, but data removed
- Given names replaced, and data removed
- Complete names replaced, and data removed
- Not included
- Years from death to consider living:
(default) - Whether to restrict data on recently dead people. - Translation: The translation to be used for the report. Language selector showing all languages supported by Gramps. Defaults to the language you are using Gramps in.
- Date format: The format and language for dates, with examples
- Default - Choose this option to use the default set in Edit > Display tab for Date format: option.
- YYYY-MM-DD(ISO)(2018-03-14) (default for report)
- Numerical(14/3/2018)
- Month Day, Year(March 14, 2018)
- MON DAY, YEAR(Mar 14, 2018)
- Day Month Year(14 March 2018)
- DAY MON YEAR(14 Mar 2018)
- Parent Marriage: Whether to include marriage information for parent. (checkbox checked by default)
- Parent Events: Whether to include events for parents. (checkbox unchecked by default)
- Parent Addresses: Whether to include addresses for parents. (checkbox unchecked by default)
- Parent Notes: Whether to include notes for parents. (checkbox unchecked by default)
- Parent Attributes: Whether to include attributes. (checkbox unchecked by default)
- Alternate Parent Names: Whether to include alternate name. (checkbox unchecked by default)
Include (2)
- Gramps ID: whether to include Gramps IDs.
- Do not include default
- include
- Family Notes: Whether to include notes for families. (checkbox unchecked by default)
- Dates of Relatives: Whether to include dates for relatives. (checkbox unchecked by default)
- Children Marriages: Whether to include marriage information for children.(checkbox checked by default)
- Generation numbers(recursive only): Whether to include the generation on each.(checkbox unchecked by default)
- Print fields for missing: Whether to include fields for missing information. (checkbox checked by default)
Kinship Report
This provides the kinship of selected person according to level search (height, down generations) set by user.
You can choose the Kinship Report with Reports ->Text Reports ->Kinship Report...
See also:
- common options
- Relationship Calculator Localization - create meaningful relation descriptions in your region.
Report Options
- Center Person: the center person for the report, defaults to the current active person.
- Select a different person button. - Change the center person.
- Max Descendant Generations: (
default) The maximum number of descendant generations. If needed you can type a larger number. - Max Ancestor Generations: (
default) The maximum number of ancestor generations. If needed you can type a larger number. - Include spouses: Whether to include spouses. (checkbox checked by default)
- Include cousins: Whether to include cousins. (checkbox checked by default)
- Include aunts/uncles/nephews/nieces: Whether to include aunts/uncles/nephews/nieces. (checkbox checked by default)
Report Options (2)
- Name Format: - Select the format to display the names. This choice in normally taken from the default setting in Edit > Display tab for Name format:. Or to override that setting for the report choose from:
- Default - (in a new Family Tree this is normally Surname, Given Suffix )
- Surname, Given Suffix
- Given Surname Suffix
- Given
- Main Surnames, Given Patronymic Suffix
- SURNAME, Given (Common)
- Include data marked private (checkbox checked by default) - Whether to include private data.
- Living People: - How to handle (information about) living people
- Included, and all data (default)
- Full names, but data removed
- Given names replaced, and data removed
- Complete names replaced, and data removed
- Not included
- Years from death to consider living:
(default) - Whether to restrict data on recently dead people. - Translation: The translation to be used for the report. Language selector showing all languages supported by Gramps. Defaults to the language you are using Gramps in.
- Date format: The format and language for dates, with examples
- Default - Choose this option to use the default set in Edit > Display tab for Date format: option.
- YYYY-MM-DD(ISO)(2018-03-14) (default for report)
- Numerical(14/3/2018)
- Month Day, Year(March 14, 2018)
- MON DAY, YEAR(Mar 14, 2018)
- Day Month Year(14 March 2018)
- DAY MON YEAR(14 Mar 2018)
Note Link Report
![]() |
New Report in Gramps 4.2.0 Check Links in Notes are valid |
This report displays and checks the status of the internal link consistency in Gramps notes created with the Link Editor and only list external internet addresses created using the Internet Address Editor without checking them.
You can choose the Note Link Report with Reports ->Text Reports ->Note Link Report...
No options are available for this report.[1]
See also:
Number of Ancestors Report
This report displays the number of ancestors of the active person.
You can choose the Number of Ancestors Report with Reports ->Text Reports ->Number of Ancestors Report...
The report shows the following details:
- generation 1 has 1 individual : 100% : this is the person you started with
- generation 2 has 2 individuals : 100% : both parents are known
- .....
- generation 8 has 35 individuals : 27.34 % this means from the (2**7) 128 possible ancestors in generation 8 - 27% are known.
Total ancestors in generation 2 to .. is also given in numbers and percentages.
See also common options
Report Options
- Center Person: the center person for the report, defaults to the current active person.
- Select a different person button. - Change the center person.
- Name Format: - Select the format to display the names. This choice in normally taken from the default setting in Edit > Display tab for Name format:. Or to override that setting for the report choose from:
- Default - (in a new Family Tree this is normally Surname, Given Suffix )
- Surname, Given Suffix
- Given Surname Suffix
- Given
- Main Surnames, Given Patronymic Suffix
- SURNAME, Given (Common)
- Include data marked private (checkbox checked by default) - Whether to include private data.
- Translation: The translation to be used for the report. Language selector showing all languages supported by Gramps. Defaults to the language you are using Gramps in.
Place Report
Produces a report according to places selected by the user.
It will list related person and event to the selected place.
You can choose the Place Report with Reports ->Text Reports ->Place Report...
See also common options
Report Options
- Select using filter: Select places using a custom filter you created earlier.
- Select places individually: List of places to report on.
- + button - Brings up the Select Place selector dialog so you can choose a place.
- - button - Select place in list then press this to remove place.
- Center on: - If report is event or person centered.
- Event (default)
- Person
Report Options (2)
- Name format: - Select the format to display the names. This choice in normally taken from the default setting in Edit > Display tab for Name format:. Or to override that setting for the report choose from:
- Default - (in a new Family Tree this is normally Surname, Given Suffix )
- Surname, Given Suffix
- Given Surname Suffix
- Given
- Main Surnames, Given Patronymic Suffix
- SURNAME, Given (Common)
- Place format: - Select the format to display places. This choice in normally taken from the default setting in Edit > Display tab for Place format:. Or to override that setting for the report choose from:
- Default
- Full
- Include data marked private (checkbox checked by default) - Whether to include private data.
- Living People: - How to handle (information about) living people
- Included, and all data (default)
- Full names, but data removed
- Given names replaced, and data removed
- Complete names replaced, and data removed
- Not included
- Years from death to consider living:
(default) - Whether to restrict data on recently dead people. - Translation: The translation to be used for the report. Language selector showing all languages supported by Gramps. Defaults to the language you are using Gramps in.
- Date format: The format and language for dates, with examples
- Default - Choose this option to use the default set in Edit > Display tab for Date format: option.
- YYYY-MM-DD(ISO)(2018-03-14) (default for report)
- Numerical(14/3/2018)
- Month Day, Year(March 14, 2018)
- MON DAY, YEAR(Mar 14, 2018)
- Day Month Year(14 March 2018)
- DAY MON YEAR(14 Mar 2018)
Records Report
The Records report shows a number of interesting records (mostly age related) in your database, like oldest living person, youngest mother, etc.
You can choose the Records Report with Reports ->Text Reports ->Records Report...
An identical Records Gramplet is also available.
See also common options
Report Options
Selection of the records to print is possible, and a reasonable list of "positive records" is preselected (most people would regard, for example, a long marriage as a positive record, while an early divorce would rather be seen as a negative record).
- Filter: - Select the filter to be applied to the report. Choose from:
- Entire Database (Default)
- Descendants of active person
- Descendant families of active person
- Ancestors of active person
- People with common ancestor with active person
- Any custom made filter you have created will be listed below the other choices.
- Filter Person: The center person for the filter. Defaults to the Active Person.
- Select a different person button. - Change the filter person.
- Number of ranks to display:
(default) - Use call name:
- Don't use call name(default)
- Replace first names with call name - (See Caveats)
- underline call name in first names / add call name to first name
- Footer text: default = empty field
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Caveats If the option to underline the call name is selected, the report uses |
Report Options (2)
- Name Format: - Select the format to display the names. This choice in normally taken from the default setting in Edit > Display tab for Name format:. Or to override that setting for the report choose from:
- Default - (in a new Family Tree this is normally Surname, Given Suffix )
- Surname, Given Suffix
- Given Surname Suffix
- Given
- Main Surnames, Given Patronymic Suffix
- SURNAME, Given (Common)
- Include data marked private (checkbox checked by default) - Whether to include private data.
- Living People: - How to handle (information about) living people
- Included, and all data (default)
- Full names, but data removed
- Given names replaced, and data removed
- Complete names replaced, and data removed
- Not included
- Years from death to consider living:
(default) - Whether to restrict data on recently dead people. - Translation: The translation to be used for the report. Language selector showing all languages supported by Gramps. Defaults to the language you are using Gramps in.
Person 1
- Youngest living person (checkbox checked by default)
- Oldest living person (checkbox checked by default)
- Person died at youngest age (checkbox unchecked by default)
- Person died at oldest age (checkbox checked by default)
- Person married at youngest age (checkbox checked by default)
- Person married at oldest age (checkbox checked by default)
- Person divorced at youngest age (checkbox unchecked by default)
- Person divorced at oldest age (checkbox unchecked by default)
Person 2
- Youngest father (checkbox checked by default)
- Youngest mother (checkbox checked by default)
- Oldest father (checkbox checked by default)
- Oldest mother (checkbox checked by default)
- Father with most children (checkbox unchecked by default)
- Mother with most children (checkbox unchecked by default)
- Father with most grandchildren (checkbox unchecked by default)
- Mother with most grandchildren (checkbox unchecked by default)
- Couple with most children (checkbox checked by default)
- Living couple married most recently (checkbox checked by default)
- Living couple married most long ago (checkbox checked by default)
- Shortest past marriage (checkbox unchecked by default)
- Longest past marriage (checkbox checked by default)
- Couple with smallest age difference (checkbox checked by default)
- Couple with biggest age difference (checkbox checked by default)
Tag Report
This lists primary objects (person, family, notes) who match the selected Tag.
You can choose the Tag Report with Reports ->Text Reports ->Tag Report...
This report was previously called the "marker report" in Gramps 3.2.
See also common options
Report Options
- Tag: Select the Tag to use for the report.
- Name Format: - Select the format to display the names. This choice in normally taken from the default setting in Edit > Display tab for Name format:. Or to override that setting for the report choose from:
- Default - (in a new Family Tree this is normally Surname, Given Suffix )
- Surname, Given Suffix
- Given Surname Suffix
- Given
- Main Surnames, Given Patronymic Suffix
- SURNAME, Given (Common)
- Place format: - Select the format to display places. This choice in normally taken from the default setting in Edit > Display tab for Place format:. Or to override that setting for the report choose from:
- Default
- Full
- Include data marked private (checkbox checked by default) - Whether to include private data.
- Living People: - How to handle (information about) living people
- Included, and all data (default)
- Full names, but data removed
- Given names replaced, and data removed
- Complete names replaced, and data removed
- Not included
- Years from death to consider living:
(default) - Whether to restrict data on recently dead people. - Translation: The translation to be used for the report. Language selector showing all languages supported by Gramps. Defaults to the language you are using Gramps in.
- Date format: The format and language for dates, with examples
- Default - Choose this option to use the default set in Edit > Display tab for Date format: option.
- YYYY-MM-DD(ISO)(2018-03-14) (default for report)
- Numerical(14/3/2018)
- Month Day, Year(March 14, 2018)
- MON DAY, YEAR(Mar 14, 2018)
- Day Month Year(14 March 2018)
- DAY MON YEAR(14 Mar 2018)
Back to Index of Reports.
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