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De:Gramps Glossar

2,216 bytes added, 16:57, 9 June 2020
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{{languages/de|GRAMPS_GlossaryGramps_Glossary|Gramps Glossar}}__NOTOC__Dieser Glossar gibt eine Liste von Termini, die in GRAMPS Gramps verwendet werden, eine kurze Beschreibung und einen relevanten Artikel.
Für einen Glossar über Genealogische Begriffe siehe [[Genealogy Glossary/de|Genealogie Glossar]].
[[#A|A]] [[#B|B]] [[#C|C]] [[#D|D]] [[#E|E]] [[#F|F]] [[#G|G]] [[#H|H]] [[#I|I]] [[#J|J]] [[#K|K]] [[#L|L]] [[#M|M]] [[#N|N]] [[#O|O]] [[#P|P]] [[#Q|Q]] [[#R|R]] [[#S|S]] [[#T|T]] [[#U|U]] [[#V|V]] [[#W|W]] [[#X|X]] [[#Y|Y]] [[#Z|Z]]
;Adresse: (''sec. obj.'') Das GRAMPS Gramps Konzept einer Adresse ist ein Ort mit einem assoziierten Zeitpunkt. Vergleiche es mit einer E-Mail Adresse. Sie soll zeigen, wann eine Person wo gelebt oder etwas getan hat. Eine Adresse besteht aus:
:* Datum
:* Straße
:* Lokalität
:* Ort
:* Bezirk
:Nicht zu verwechseln mit einem Platz, der eine fixe Position hat. Benutze dies mit Vorsicht.
;Helferanglicisation:: process of making something English ;attribute: (''event rolesec. obj.'') Ein Terminus für einen AssistentenAttributes are for something permanent, or at least somewhat permanent: eye color, blood type, etc. Usually you would have not more than one of each attribute type for a person/family/etc.
;Braut: (''event roleEreignisrolle'') Ein Terminus für die Frau bei einer Hochzeit. Siehe ebenso: ''motherMutter''.
===TODO===;Bräutigam: (''Ereignisrolle'') A term to refer to the man at a marriage who will be referred to as ''husband'' after the marriage. See also: ''Vater''.
;celebrant: (''event roleEreignisrolle'') A term to refer to a priest at Eucharist.  ;custom: This indicates a user defined type, as opposed to types that are predefined in Gramps.
==D== ;clergydate: (''event role''sec. obj.) A term applied to Dates in Gramps are much more complex than just a religious person regardless of religionmonth, day, and year. For exampleDates are always in a particular calendar, can span a monk or priest. See time frame, can be approximate, and have support for more details. See also: ''celebrant''many other subtleties specific to genealogy data.
;customDNA: This indicates # acronym: '''d'''eoxyribo'''n'''ucleic '''a'''cid# a user defined type, as opposed to types nucleic acid that are predefined in GRAMPS.carries genetic information
;DTD: Akronym: '''D'''ocument '''T'''ype '''D'''efinition
;eventEreignis: An (prim. obj) A defining moment in a person live's life. See [[events in Gramps|events]] for the use in genealogy, see [[events in GRAMPS]] for predefined events in GRAMPS Gramps and suggested naming for common events.;event roleEreignisrolle: The role a person plays in an event. In GRAMPS Gramps an event can be coupled linked to as much many people as wanteddesired. Each person will play a different role. Event role captures this. Some common roles are predefined, others the user can add by just typing in the appropriate role.;event typeEreignistyp: The general denominator an event belongs to. Eg a christian, civil, tibetan, ... marriage, are all denoted by the event type ''marriage''. See [[events in GRAMPSGramps]] for an overview.
;familyFamilie: (''prim. obj'') A Family is a core concept in GRAMPSGramps. It depicts the basic relations between people. Commonly this will contain a father, a mother and some children, however, it con also contain only parts of this (eg. two brothers, a mother and child). People can be part of several families (adoption, remarried, ...) ;familyFamilie: (''event roleEreignisrolle'') An event can be coupled to a family, denoting that the entire family was involved in the event. Typically the Marriage event will be coupled to a family with event role ''family'' 
# Ein Format zum Austausch genealogischer Daten
;groomGeistlicher: (''event roleEreignisrolle'') A term applied to refer to the man at a marriage who will be referred to as ''husband'' after the marriagereligious person regardless of religion. For example, a monk or priest. See for more details. See also: ''fathercelebrant''.  
;Helfer: (''Ereignisrolle'') Ein Terminus für einen Assistenten
: personal name based on the name of one's mother
;Ort: (''prim. obj.'') Das Gramps-Konzept eines Ortes ist eine detaillierte Lage, unabhängig von der Zeit. Über die Zeit kann der selbe Ort aufgrund von Grenzänderungen und politischen Situationen verschiedene Adressinformationen haben. Zum Beispiel, Leningrad und St. Petersburg representieren repräsentieren den selben Ort, aber mit unterschiedlichen Namen. Places in Gramps are stored in a hierarchy. Der Ort besteht aus:
:* Beschreibender Titel
:* Name
:* Typ (such as country, state, county ...)
:* Längengrad/Breitengrad
:* Eine Liste von Informationen über die Lage, welche folgende Felder enthält:Code (such as a country code or postal code):** Straße:** Lokalität:** Einer Liste alternativer Namen für den Ort:** Landkreis:** Kirchengemeinde:** Bundesland:** Postleitzahl:** Land:** Telefon A list of regions which enclose the place
;Placepatronym:: (personal name based on the name of one''prims father;primary object: Primary objects are the top level objects. obj.'')The GRAMPS concept of They contain a Place is a particular location independent hierarchy of time. Over timesecondary objects, the same Place may have different address information due to changing borders and political situationcan be referenced by other primary or secondary objects. For exampleIn the Gramps database, Leningrad primary objects and Stthe secondary objects that they contain are stored as separate records. Each primary object type is stored in a separate table. Petersburg represent the same placeSee [[Using_database_API#Primary_Objects|Using database API, but with different names. The Place consists of:Primary Objects]] (see also ''secondary object''):* Descriptive TitleThe primary objects are:* Longitude/Latitude:* A list of location Person - Contains the information that includesspecific to an individual person.:** Street AddressFamily - Contains the information specific to relationships between people. This typically contains one or two parents and zero or more children.:** CityEvent - Contains the information related to an event.:** CountyPlace - Contains the information related to a specific place.:** Church ParishRepository - Contains the information related to a repository.:** State/ProvinceSource - Contains the information related to a source of information.:** Postal/Zip CodeCitation - Contains the information related to a citation into a source.:** CountryMedia - Contains the information related to a media object. This includes images, documents, or any other type of related files.:** PhoneNote - Contains the information related to a note.
;roleRolle: ''see event role'' ;romanization:: linguistic representation of a word in the Roman (Latin) alphabet 
;secondary object: Secondary objects are contained within other objects, and cannot be referenced directly. They can contain other secondary objects. Examples include: Name, Date and Address. See [[Using_database_API#Secondary_Objects|Using database API, Secondary Objects]] (see also ''primary object'')
;witness:(''event role'') The term that applies to the people asked to be present at an event so as to be able to testify to its having taken place
;XML: Akronymacronym: E'''x'''tensible '''M'''arkup '''L'''anguage
;Zeuge:(''Ereignisrolle'') The term that applies to the people asked to be present at an event so as to be able to testify to its having taken place
[[Category:De:GRAMPS terminologyGramps_terminology|G]][[Category:Translators/Categories]][[Category:De:Documentation|G]]

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