Nl:GRAMPS 3.0 Wiki Handleiding - Gramplets

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Fig. 4.1 Gramplets View

A GRAMPS Gramplet is a view of data that either changes dynamically during the running of GRAMPS, or provides interactivity to your genealogical data. What is the difference between gramplets, reports, quick views, and tools?

  • Reports provide a static output format of your data, typically for printing
  • Quick View provides a typically short, interactive listing derived from your data
  • Tools provide a method of processing your data
  • Gramplets provide a dynamic view and interface to your data

Gramplets are the widgets that are part of GRAMPS and can be seen in the Gramplet View. The widgets provide all kind of functionality that can be useful for the researcher.

When you first start the View you will see the Welcome Message Gramplet and the Top Surnames Gramplet.

Fig. 4.2 Detached Gramplets View

You can drag the Properties button (top left) of each gramplet to move it around the screen. Clicking the Properties will detach the gramplet from Gramplet View and place it in its own window. The window will stay open regardless of page (relationship, pedigree, etc). Closing the detached view will put it back onto the Gramplets view. If you quit Gramps with a open gramplet, when you start gramps again, it will open automatically.

When one or more Gramplets are undocked from the Gramplet View, you can change to a different view (such as the People or Pedigree View). In this way, you can use these gramplets to supplement a particular view with additional details and functionality provided by the gramplet.

You can add new gramplets by right clicking on an open space on Gramplets. You can also change the number of columns by right-clicking an open area on the Gramplets page.

These are the currently available gramplets:

  • Welcome Gramplet
  • Top Surnames Gramplet
  • Surname Cloud Gramplet
  • TODO Gramplet
  • Statistics Gramplet
  • Pedigree Gramplet
  • Python Gramplet
  • News Gramplet
  • Session Log Gramplet
  • Calendar Gramplet
  • Relatives Gramplet
  • Age on Date Gramplet

If a link in a Gramplet is to a specific person, then clicking the link will change the Active Person. Double-clicking such any link to a specific GRAMPS item (such as person or family) will bring up the Editor for that item. To edit a linked person without changing the Active Person, right-click on the person link. Depending on the type of entry, double-clicking any row in a Quick View table will either select more specific data (drill down) or bring up the editor.

This section will describe each gramplet and its basic functionality.

Changing settings

You can change the settings of the Gramplets by editing your ~/.gramps/gramplets.ini file. But you can only do that when GRAMPS is not running. Just bring up the gramplets.ini file in a text editor and make the desired changes. You can change the title of the Gramplet by changing the section name (surrounded by square brackets). These options will be able to be changed via the Gramplet View in the next version of GRAMPS. If you have an idea for additional Gramplets, please let us know!

Welcome Gramplet

Fig. 4.3 Welcome Gramplet

The welcome gramplet gives an introductory message to new users, and some basic instructions.

The welcome message describes what GRAMPS is, that the program is OSS and how you start a Family Tree.

This information can also be found on the start page of GRAMPS

Top Surnames Gramplet

Fig. 4.4 Top 10 Surnames

The top surnames gramplet shows the top 10 (by default) used surnames.

The top ten is presented as follows:

  • Surname
  • percentage
  • occurences

The list gives you also the Total unique surnames in the database as well as the total number of people in your database.

Double-click a surname to run the Same Surnames Quick View. This opens the Quick View window, which gives the people with the surname you double-clicked.

A table is presented which shows all people with a matching name or alternate name. Person's name, birth date and name type is given.

Change the number of names displayed by editing this section in ~/.gramps/gramplets.ini

Surname Cloud Gramplet

Fig. 4.5 Surname Cloud

The surname cloud gramplet shows the top 100 (by default) used surnames. The name font size is proportional to the amount of people with the same name.

Double-click a surname to run the Same Surnames Quick View. This will open the Quick View window where you can find all people with a matching or alternate name. Person, birth date and name type are given.

If you mouse over the name you see the percentage of occurence and total counts.

Change the number of names displayed by editing this section in ~/.gramps/gramplets.ini

TODO Gramplet

Fig. 4.6 TODO Gramplet

The TODO gramplet is free form text area. You can use this area to put some notes, remarks, things you should to get your research going. There are several other TODO programs (e.g. Tomboy e.a.) but this Gramplet is useful as the information stays within GRAMPS. In future versions, you will be able to save links to GRAMPS items (like people, events, and familes. This will allow you to keep a group of links that you are working on together.

The text is persistent between sessions. The data is saved to disk when you exit GRAMPS.

You can open more TODO lists to save different kinds of topics or organize your info.

Change the title of the gramplet by editing the section name in ~/.gramps/gramplets.ini

Statistics Gramplet

Fig. 4.7 Statistics Gramplet

The Statistics gramplet runs a Statistics report. Double-click the phrases to bring up the matching items.

Following information is provided to you in this Gramplet:

  • Individuals
    • Number of individuals
    • Males
    • Females
    • Individuals with unknown gender
    • Individuals with incomplete names
    • Individuals with missing birth dates
    • Disconnected individuals
  • Family information
    • Number of families
    • Unique surnames
  • Media objects
    • Individuals with media objects
    • Total numbers of media object references
    • Number of unique media objects
    • Total size of media objects
    • Missing Media Objects

As with all Gramplets if you click on the left hand side Tool button you detach the window and if you add persons to your family tree, you will see the amount of individuals change dynamically.

Pedigree Gramplet

Figure: Pedigree Gramplet

The Pedigree gramplet shows a compressed view of the active person's direct ancestors. It defaults to going back 100 generations. The names can be clicked to change the active person, double-clicked (or right-click) to edit the person. This Gramplet also shows at the bottom of the gramplet the number of people per generation. Double-click the Generation number to see the matching individuals.

In the next version of GRAMPS, you can optionally see birth and death dates.

Python Gramplet

Fig. 4.8 Python Shell

The Python gramplet brings up a Python Shell for interpreting python expressions.

You can type most any (single line) Python expression.

In addition, the environment has been populated with some useful variables, including self (this Python gramplet), Date, uistate and dbstate.

Note that the name Date will be translated into your language, if a translations is available.

The Date entry is a date object constructor, and can be used for date arithmetic. For example, you might be interested in questions like:

What was the date 56 years before a given date:

> Date(2007, 12, 31) - 56

How old was someone on Sept 3, 1955 who was born on June 7, 1922:

> Date(1955, 9, 3) - Date(1922, 5, 7)
(33, 3, 27)

(About 33 years, 3 months, and 27 days). When did they turn 21 years old?

> Date(1922, 5, 7) + 21

You can also add years, months, and days:

> Date(1980) + (0, 0, 25)

You can also use the same formats as you use in data entry:

> Date("Jan 15, 1962")
> Date("15 Jan, 1962")
> Date("1962-15-01")

There are two ways to use different calendars:

> Date("Jan 15, 1532 (Julian)")
1532-15-01 (Julian)
> Date(1671, 12, 31, calendar="julian")

and a method to convert one date into another calendar, which returns a new date object:

> Date(1703, 6, 1).to_calendar("hebrew")
5463-10-17 (Hebrew)

News Gramplet

Fig. 4.9 News Gramplet

The News gramplet reads the wiki news page.

Because the News gramplet gets its information from the GRAMPS wiki (at you need to have a internet connection for this to work. If you don't have an internet connection, then the News gramplet won't show any news.

When you do have an internet connection, the News gramplet will show you the latest news about GRAMPS.

Session Log Gramplet

Fig. 4.10 Session Log Gramplet

The session log keeps track of activity in this session.

By default, it only shows each entry once. If you change some information on person a and person b both selections will be listed in the Log.

You will get this sort of list:

  • Selected:person a
  • Selected:person b

Click a name to change the active person. This is very handy because you can very quickly change the active person from the list.

Double-click on a name brings up the edit page for that person. In addition, if you want to edit a person, but don't want to change the active person, you can right-click on the person's name.

Change this behavior by editing this section in ~/.gramps/gramplets.ini.

Calendar Gramplet

Fig 4.11 Calendar

The Calendar gramplet shows a monthly calendar, with current active person's events marked (in bold day numbers).

The actual date is highlighted.

With the < and > buttons top left corner (month) you can change to the previous and next month.

With the < and > buttons top right corner (year) you can change to the previous and next year.

Double-click a day to run the On This Day Quick Report.

The window shows you the Events of the selected day: Events on this exact date and Other events on this Month/day in history as well as Other events in that year.

The information is presented in a table showing:

  • Date
  • Type
  • Place
  • Reference

You can also drag a date to the date field of the Age on Date Gramplet to enter that date.

Age on Date Gramplet

This Gramplet gives you the possibility of entering a date in an entry field. If you click Run the Gramplet will compute the ages for everyone in your Family Tree on that Date. The date must be entered in a format that GRAMPS accepts.

You can then sort by the age column, and double-click the row to view or edit.

Relatives Gramplet

Fig 4.12 Relatives Gramplet

This Gramplet shows all direct relatives of the active person. It's intended use is as a navigation help, an alternative way to move through your GRAMPS database. If you detach the gramplet, and place it next to GRAMPS, it will allow you to use it to easily change the content of the current "person view".

If you are working in the pedigree view, the active person is the left-most person. By clicking a name in the relatives gramplet, you can easily change the active person, and all person view in the other window will update. As the relatives gramplet shows all spouses, all children and all parents, this offers an alternative way of navigating your data.

The names in this gramplet also allow you to call up the person editor directly, by right-clicking on any of the names.

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