Gramps:Community templates

From Gramps

These are the templates that need translation to create the Portal:Community in a new language. In addition you need to create [[Portal:Community/code]] whose contents should simply be


(where code is the appropriate language code).

This table lists all languages that have been started. Please add new languages to Template:Languages/table and they will automatically be added to the table below.

Intro The text of the Community introduction (first box). en bg ca cs da de es fi fr he it ja lt mk nb nl pl pt pt-BR ru sk sl sq sv tr zh
User Polls The text of the user poll. en bg ca cs da de es fi fr he it ja lt mk nb nl pl pt pt-BR ru sk sl sq sv tr zh
Live CDs The text of the live CD. en bg ca cs da de es fi fr he it ja lt mk nb nl pl pt pt-BR ru sk sl sq sv tr zh
Shirts The text for shirt. en bg ca cs da de es fi fr he it ja lt mk nb nl pl pt pt-BR ru sk sl sq sv tr zh