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使用 Gramps 研究、组织及分享你的家谱。

Gramps 是一个自由的软件及社区。我们致力于开发一个既适合爱好者又适合专业系谱学家的系谱学程序。它是一个社区项目,由系谱学家创造、开发并治理。

当前版本:5.2.4 发布时间:2025-01-12

与 GRAMPS 3.4 系列不同的数据格式。全面支持 Python 3,Python 2 已不再支持。使用 GTK+ 3 GUI。很多更新请见:What's new?
Linux 220x261.png Windows 180x160.png Macos 200x200.png Bsd daemon.png


Linux 220x261.png

在升级你的发行版之前:使用你的老版本 Gramps备份你的家谱 [1]

via Distributions      最新版本(5.2.4,仅限高级用户)

MS Windows

Windows 180x160.png

下载之前:使用你的老版本 Gramps备份你的家谱 [1]

支持所有在 Windows Vista/7 之后的版本。(请注意:Python 3.5 和 Gtk 3.18 停止支持 Windows XP,而不是 Gramp 自身。Gramps 仍然可以在 Windows XP 上运行,但需要使用老版本的程序库,如:Gtk 3.16 和 Python 3.4.4。)

Windows 安装器(32 位) 5.1.5      Windows 安装器(64 位) 5.2.4

下载之后:双击安装 Gramps。标准安装仅限英文,因此如果需要使用其他语言请务必确认在安装过程中选择了其余的词典和语言文件。


1、GrampsAIOXX 5.2.4 <--- 用于日常使用 Gramps 的快捷方式
2、GrampsAIOXX 5.2.4-console


使用 Windows AIO 版本,请使用上面的下载连接。有关各个版本、控制台和调试模式、发行说明等更多信息,请查看这个页面(仅限英文)。

其他独立历史 MS Windows 版本 [3].

你也可以通过 Gramps Chocolatey 软件包安装 [4]

Mac OS X

Macos 200x200.png

在下载之前请用你的旧版本Gramps备份(英文)你的家谱文件[1]。请阅读 安装之前(英文).

支持苹果 OS X 10.5及以上版本。

Intel 5.2.4     



Spell Checking:

Gramps uses a different spell checker than the one provided by Mac OS X, with different spelling dictionary requirements. We can't easily provide dictionaries for all of the supported languages in the bundle, but they're easily downloaded from OpenOffice.org's website. Download the language you want and save it, then navigate to the download in Finder. Most browsers have a downloads window that offers "Show in Finder" in its context menu. Change the file extension from oxt to zip, then from the context menu select Open with... Archive Utility to decompress it. In the decompressed folder or perhaps in a subfolder you'll find the dictionary files in pairs, foo.aff and foo.dic. Some languages have more than one pair with a README file to explain why. Select a pair and copy it to /Library/Dictionaries (you'll have to authenticate with an administrator id and password), and if 'foo' isn't already a language or locale code, make it one. For example, the French package includes several pairs with names like fr-moderne.aff and fr-moderne.dic. The spell checker doesn't recognize those names, so when you copy them to /Library/Dictionaries you must rename them to fr.aff and fr.dic or fr_FR.aff and fr_FR.dic. You can have more than one dictionary pair installed if you use several languages, but one must match the language you use for Gramps or spell checking won't be enabled at all.


Bsd daemon.png

Before upgrading your distribution: Use your old version of Gramps to backup your Family Trees [1].

via Distributions      Latest version (advanced users only)

Online Demonstration

You can also try an online demonstration of Gramps on rollApp:

Select Launch Online then Test Drive(Opening/saving files will not be available)


This is a commercial limited trial and not endorsed by the Gramps-project. Beware of third parties having your genealogical data.

Linux and BSD distributions

These packages are built and supported by the distros.

Please report any problems with them to the package maintainer.

Most Linux distributions come bundled with a version of Gramps, though it's not always the most recent version and it may not have been installed by default. Still it is recommended to use the Gramps version that comes with your distribution.

Below are ways to install Gramps on some of the more popular distributions:

Distribution GUI Package manager Current versions Notes
Debianopenlogo-32.png Debian Add/Remove Software Debian 7 ("wheezy") (old stable): Gramps 3.4.0
Debian 8 ("jessie")(stable): Gramps 4.1.1
Debian 8 ("jessie")(backports): Gramps 4.2.5
stretch (testing): Gramps 4.2.5
sid (unstable): Gramps 4.2.5
available versions
Ubuntu 32x32.png Ubuntu Software Centre Trusty (14.04 LTS): Gramps: 4.0.3
Trusty Backports (14.04 LTS): Gramps: 4.0.4
Xenial (16.04 LTS): Gramps: 4.2.2
Yakkety (16.10): Gramps: 4.2.3
Zesty (Development: 17.04): Gramps: 4.2.5
available versions
Farm-Fresh linux mint.png Linux Mint Software Manager Qiana/Rosa 17(Gramps 4.0.3+dfsg-2)
Sarah/Serena 18(Gramps 4.2.2~dfsg-1)
available versions
Fedora 32x32.png Fedora Add/Remove Software (Gnome)
Software Management (KDE)
Rawhide (Gramps 4.2.5)
Fedora 26 (Gramps 4.2.5)
Fedora 25 (Gramps 4.2.5)
Fedora 24 (Gramps 4.2.5)
available versions / Note:The Fedora and Red Hat Projects were merged on September 22, 2003.
Mageia drakrpm (or rpmdrake) Mageia Caulron: Gramps 4.2.5
Mageia 5.0: Gramps 4.1.3
Mageia App Db - gramps
openSUSE YaST openSUSE Tumbleweed: Gramps 4.2.5
openSUSE Leap 42.2: Gramps 4.2.4
openSUSE 13.2: Gramps 4.0.4
available versions
See note [1] : Gramps 4.2 can be installed on Opensuse 13.2 ( if you add the 'openSUSE BuildService - GNOME:Apps' )
Slackware 14.2: Gramps 3.4.3
14.1: Gramps 4.0.3
available versions
slackbuilds.org: Gramps 4.2.5
NetBSD NetBSD: Gramps 3.4.4 available versions
FreeBSD FreeBSD: Gramps 4.2.4 available versions
TrueOS PC-BSD: Gramps 3.4.8 2016/09/01 - PC-BSD is now TrueOS
OpenBSD OpenBSD: Gramps 4.2.5 available versions
Arch Linux Gramps 4.2.5 available versions
Gentoo Linux Gramps 4.2.5 available versions

Linux: Install latest version

If your distribution doesn't ship with Gramps or you wish to install a different version than it ships with, you could try to install the latest version of Gramps manually.

Warning before attempting this use your existing installation to make a Gramps XML backup

This should only be attempted by experienced users, and after you have backed up your Family Tree.

The version of Gramps that has been included in your distribution will have been tested to work with the components in that distribution. If you try to install a different version of Gramps there is a possibility that the components needed for the new version of Gramps are not available for your distribution, or they are available, but don't work properly. You might not discover that there is a problem till you have already done some work with the new version of Gramps.

If you already have Gramps installed, and you are only making a 'point' upgrade (i.e. from Gramps x.y.z to x.y.z+1, e.g. from 3.4.3 to 3.4.4), then it is likely but not certain that Gramps will continue to work. However, if the change is much greater, especially if it is a major version change (e.g. from 2.y.z to 3.y.z), then the danger that it does not work properly is much greater.


For Debianopenlogo-32.pngDebian-based linux distributions (Which includes Ubuntu 32x32.png Ubuntu ) Download the .deb file. Double-click on the downloaded .deb file or (for some distributions, e.g. Mint Debian) run the following command from the directory where the file was saved (change the filename to match the one you downloaded).

sudo dpkg -i python3-gramps_5.2.4-1_all.deb

If you have an error about having unmet dependencies run:

sudo apt-get -f install

to install the dependencies.

Useful command lines

Before upgrading you can[2]:

  • Find out what version you are running, by using this:
   dpkg-query -s python3-gramps

that queries the package and gives you info about it.

  • If you are committed to an upgrade then make sure you have backed up you Family Trees to Gramps XML then run :
   sudo dpkg -r python3-gramps

this will remove the current gramps package (assuming its a python3 version older versions could be python-gramps )

  • To stop Ubuntu updating gramps (to possibly an older version from Ubuntu!) you may need to run:
   sudo apt-mark hold gramps

Upgrade is then complete.

For other distributions

For other distributions, Download link.png the source and follow the instructions for Linux:Build from source

Live CD

Download link.png

Linux live CD Demonstration includes Gramps 3.2.5 pre-installed to trial, without touching anything on the hard drive. To start this boot the Computer with this Live Linux Desktop on a CD in the CD/DVD-ROM Drive. (Requires that you write this image to a CD-ROM using CD-Burner software eg:Nero, Imgburn..). Obtaining the CD (727 MB) Linux Genealogy CD based on Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat). If you are interested in Gramps, but are afraid to actually install it or unable to install it (not your PC, windows, no internet at home, work laptop, ...), then try out our Linux Genealogy CD. It runs without installing on the hard disk and contains a collection of open source, free, genealogy programs. You can then install latest Ubuntu 14.04.3 and Gramps from the CD anytime you like.


[1] Backup to Gramps XML. You will find backup in the Family Tree menu of recent Gramps versions, otherwise use export in the same menu but uncheck privacy options in the Exporter Assistant in order to export all data. See : How to make a backup

[2] Alternatively, you can click and hold on the disk icon at the top of the window of the mounted disk, and then option-drag to the Applications folder. This will create a new folder containing all the files, including the README and NEWS.

[3] An alternative independent Legacy version is GrampsPortable_5.2.2.paf.exe (29.0 MB) Portable Gramps from PortableApps.com includes all dependencies required for Windows. Note:You can install it on C: then to run Gramps type C:\PortableApps\GrampsPortable\GrampsPortable.exe (Or the path you installed it to) or make a shortcut to that file on your desktop or start-menu. By Bart.S - Please report packaging issues to the author. (2012-09-07)

[4] Chocolatey NuGet is a Machine Package Manager, somewhat like apt-get, but built with Windows in mind. Gramps Chocolatey Package

See also