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{{languages|Start with Genealogy}}
== 录入你的第一个成员 ==
我们做了这么多,却还没有录入一个成员资料!是时候先录入你自己的个人资料了。所有这些你即将录入的信息都来自于来源“张三的采访记录”。我们把这个来源放到一个你容易访问的地方。在工具栏上点击{{man button|剪贴板}}图标来打开剪贴板。在来源视图中把“张三的采访记录”拖动到这个剪贴板中。这样这个来源就存放在了剪贴板,现在你可以把这个窗口关闭了。
'''我怎样使用Gramps来管理家谱? '''
在导航栏点击成员图标以打开成员视图。Note that on the Toolbar there is a pressed-in button (3rd button from the right) indicating the type of person view you have activated. Try the other possibility once to see what changes. Many Categories in the Navigator have more than one view!(这一段未翻译是因为我安装的是4.2.5版本看不到它所说的pressed-in图标)。
在工具栏上面点击{{man button|新增}}按钮来添加你的第一个成员。你现在看到的是成员编辑器,在上半部分你看到各种关于名称的输入框。在这里输入你的姓和名(注意不要把姓输入到“家庭前缀”中去,应该是它后面的那个输入框)。如果你的姓特别长,你可以点击它后面后“新增”图标来使用多个名字。然后选择你的性别。
在你录入数据时,你需要知道你是从哪里我得到这个数据的(即信息“来源”)。点击窗口列表中的{{man label|来源引用}},然后再点击小工具栏上小手图标{{man label|添加现有来源}},选中你之前录入的“张三的采访记录”。然后在新窗口录入一些额外信息,比如{{man label|可信度}}可以选为“很高”
在你的“张三的采访记录”已经有了你自己的头像。你可以在这里使用同一张照片。点击“图库”,然后点小工具栏上小手图标{{man button|共享}} 即可使用。你也可以使用剪贴板:点击主窗口的左侧的{{man button|媒体}},然后再点主窗口工具栏上面的{{man button|剪贴板}},之后把照片从“媒体”拖动到“剪贴板”窗口上。再回来成员编辑器,就可以直接从“剪贴板”把照片拖下来使用。
从这里我们可以得到家谱的主要要素:来源,事件,成员及家庭。除此之外,Gramps还可以让你保存摘录,媒体(图片、录像,文档)及[[Repositories in Gramps|文库]]
点击所有{{man button|OK}}来保存你刚刚录入的数据,直到你看到Gramps的主窗口。
首先,在工具栏点击第一个图标“连接最近的数据库”。在弹出的窗口中,点击右边的“{{man button|New(新建)}}"按钮,然后在列表中输入你想要的名字。然后点右下角{{man button|载入家族树}}按钮。Gramps就会打开你刚刚创建的家庭树。
因为我们从你自己开始,那样你自己就是信息的“来源”。从左边的导航栏点击“来源”图标,然后在工具栏点击 {{man label|新增}} 或 {{man key press|CTRL|插入}} 来打开编辑窗口。
* 名称: 张三的采访记录
* 作者: 张三
然后点击{{man button|OK}}。
就这样你录入了你的第一个“来源“。在这个来源主窗口中你可以看到Gramps自动为你添加了一个编号(例如:S0001)。你可以在{{man menu|编辑->首选项->ID编号格式}}来改变它的格式。
在我们继续其它功能以前,让我们来改变下操作界面。点击工具栏{{man button|配置现有选中视图}},选中”上次修订“,然后也可以拖动它来改变顺序。
首先你要明白Gramps本身并不存储你的媒体文件,它仅仅保存一个指向你硬盘上媒体文件的链接。所以你可以把你的图片、录像或录音存放在任何目录。然后把菜单{{man menu|编辑->首选项}}的“相关媒体路径的基础路径”改到你存放媒体文件的目录。点击{{man label|Close(关闭)}}按钮即可生效。注意分类整理好你的媒体目录。
现在让我们继续录入来源数据。双击“张三的采访记录”或直接选中然后按{{Man key press|回车}}。注意下半部分有:注解,图库,属性,文库及参照。 让我们加一张你自己的照片进去。
点击{{man label|图库}} ,然后再点击“添加”图标就会弹出一个对话框来选择照片。对话框的下面有一个“标题”可以修改名字,比如“张三的照片”。记得选中“转换成相对路径”。点击{{man button|OK}}。然后你会看到一个“参照媒体编辑器”窗口。你可以在这上面截图,比如从合照中截出你自己的头像。点击{{man button|OK}} 回到之前的窗口。
你可以在图库中增加Word文档,但你最好是把文字类的信息存放到{{man label|注解}}中去。这样可以以后搜索其中的内容。点击{{man label|注解}}的“创建”图标然后你就可以录入文字了。
一切完成后就点击{{man button|OK}},这样你的来源“张三的采访记录”就有了图片和文字说明。
== Time for your first Person ==
So much done, and not yet one single person is present in your family tree! Time to change that. Let's add yourself. As all information you will add comes from the source 'Interview with John Doe', we first store this in an easy to reach place. In the toolbar click on the {{man button|Clipboard}} icon to open the clipboard. Drag and drop, from the source view, the source 'Interview with John Doe', into the Clipboard. Your source is now stored in the Clipboard and this window can be closed.
In the Navigator, click on the Person icon to see the person view. Note that on the Toolbar there is a pressed-in button (3rd button from the right) indicating the type of person view you have activated. Try the other possibility once to see what changes. Many Categories in the Navigator have more than one view!
Click now on the {{man button|Add}} button on the Toolbar to add your first person. You now see the person editor, and the top part of this should be what you expect: all information about the name of this person. So, type in your given name, and your surname. If you are eg. Spanish and have a very long surname, then click on the {{man button|Add}} icon after the surname to enter multiple surnames. See the manual for more details. Now select your Gender.
As you enter data, you need to add where you obtained this data (Source). For this, click on the {{man label|Sources}} tab, then open the Clipboard from the Toolbar, drag the source you stored in the clipboard, into the area under ID |Title | Auth | Page of the Person Editor. This will open up the 'Source Reference Editor'. The bottom part of this editor is the same source as already entered, but the top part is new, and contains the data on how the information of the person was found in this source and how certain you are of it. For this interview you can set {{man label|Confidence}} to ''Very High''.
You already have a picture of yourself, as you added it to the source. You can now add this same picture to this Person record you are creating. For this, click on the {{man label|Gallery}} tab of the person editor, and click on the {{man button|Share}} button. This will open a list of all media objects. Select the one you made earlier and click {{man button|OK}} to store everything. You could also have used the clipboard: or by adding the picture there from the media view, or by adding the media ''reference'' in the clipboard by dragging it from the gallery of an object to the clipboard, and then using it from there where you need it.
Save everything by clicking {{man button|OK}} until you see the main Gramps view again.
== Events ==
Next, you will want to add your birthday. For this, open the person editor of yourself, by double clicking on your name. Note that the {{man label|Events}} tab is open. Click on the {{man button|Add}} icon to add an event. Gramps preselects the birth event for the first event that you want to add. Enter your birth date as: (12/31/1900 - Month/Day/Year) or (1 Jan 1900 - Day Month Year). If you use Day Month Year, the Month must be entered with the first 3 letters only or it must be spelled out completely.
You can also click on the {{man button|Calendar}} button on the right. This window allows you to select the Day Month and Year with a drop-down menu. When using this make sure that the Quality is set to Regular and Type is also set to Regular. After entering your birth date in the calendar window, click on {{man button|OK}} to save it.
Next, because you have no Places in your database you need to create one. Knowing the place where you were born, click on the {{man button|Add}} icon after the Place entry to create this place. Enter places as City/Town, Township, County, State, Country or any combination of these. Such as Germantown, German Township (Twp), Montgomery County (Co.), Ohio, USA. Being consistent when adding places will be helpful later when you can select these from the {{man button|Select an existing place}} icon.  Adding latitude and longitude will allow these places to be positioned on a map later.
Don't forget to Source this. Click the {{man button|Source}} tab, open the '''Clipboard''', drag and drop your source, select the Confidence level, and save both the Source and then the new place with the {{man button|OK}} buttons.
Note that the editor that has been open is the Event ''Reference'' Editor. This means that there is a global part that you can share with other people (the bottom of the editor), and a top part which is unique to the person. This top part is used to enter the {{man label|Role}} of the person in the event. In your own birth, you have the primary role. If you know the name of people helping in the birth, and you want to store these people also, you can share this event with them, with a Role of ''Aide''. You can type a custom role in the {{man label|Role}} field if you are not happy with the predefined possibilities.
Again, add a source to the event via the {{man label|Sources}} tab, like you did before. As you have no real recollection of your own birth, the interview should not have confidence 'Very High'! You would need to add a birth document as source for that.
When done, click {{man button|OK}} to save the event, and then again to save the person, and you have your first full person record.
== Family ==
You now have entered yourself, time to add your parents. You could add your father and mother as you added yourself, and then connect them in a family, but most people will do things in one go via the {{icon|rela}}'''Relationship View''' or the {{icon|ance}}'''Pedigree View'''. Let's go to the Relationship view: select yourself in the person view, and then in the navigator, select the relationship view. This view has a toolbar that allows to add parents or to add a spouse. Click on the {{man button|Add parents}} icon to open the family editor.
In the family editor you will see that you are present in the {{man label|Children}} tab. Use the {{man button|Add}} icon next to father and mother to add them as you have added yourself. Use the {{man button|Add}} icon in the {{man label|Children}} tab to add your siblings. You need to use drag-and-drop to sort siblings in the order as you want them to appear in reports (normally oldest to youngest I suppose).
In the family editor you can also add events. We call these family events as they are shared by the two parents. Typically this is Engagement, Marriage, .... In these the Role is 'Family'. It is not needed to add these events also individually to the two parents!
When done, click {{man button|OK}} to save the family, and you will return to the relationship view with all the extra information visible. From within this view you can navigate to other people and keep enlarging your family tree.
== A report ==
Now that you have a first small family tree, make a report. Go to the oldest grandparent you have in the relationship view or the person view (you can set bookmarks on people and set a home person!). With this person selected, go in the menu {{man menu|Reports->Text Reports->Detailed descendant report}}, to create a nice textual descendant report.
== What next?==
Gramps has many features, as you improve, take the time to go over the manual and learn more. Use the mailing list to discuss issues.
== Related articles ==
*[[Add a child]]
*[[Add a spouse]]
*[[Add a godfather-godmother]]
*[[Add a witness]]
* [[Media:Edit family from pedigree view Gramps 3.2.5.ogg|Edit family (parents, children, siblings) from Pedigree View]]
* [[Media:Add_family_from_pedigree_view_Gramps_3.2.5.ogg|Add family (parents, children, siblings) from Pedigree View]]
[[Category:How do I...]]
[[Category:Gramps Logic]]

Revision as of 06:16, 9 August 2017




在导航栏点击成员图标以打开成员视图。Note that on the Toolbar there is a pressed-in button (3rd button from the right) indicating the type of person view you have activated. Try the other possibility once to see what changes. Many Categories in the Navigator have more than one view!(这一段未翻译是因为我安装的是4.2.5版本看不到它所说的pressed-in图标)。



在你的“张三的采访记录”已经有了你自己的头像。你可以在这里使用同一张照片。点击“图库”,然后点小工具栏上小手图标共享 即可使用。你也可以使用剪贴板:点击主窗口的左侧的媒体,然后再点主窗口工具栏上面的剪贴板,之后把照片从“媒体”拖动到“剪贴板”窗口上。再回来成员编辑器,就可以直接从“剪贴板”把照片拖下来使用。
