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Gramps β



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Looks to have been merged into Gramps, sometime in the past.



The Data of the different family trees can be manipulated by “FamilyGroups” which distinguish the unrelated groups.
"_RelatedPersons" is the new General filter  for " Matches people with related home-person "

On root,
Copy "_RelatedPerson" in gramps/Filters/rules/Person
Modify the "" in gramps/Filters/rules/Person
 add two lines
..... from _RelatedPersons import RelatedPersons (first party)
..... RelatedPersons,                            (second party)
and test the unrelated groups for filtering  or exporting
   ( Matches people with related home-person )


  • 1.0 The first
  • 1.1 Without numeric module, not available for Windows.

Original download path gone

Possible patches !

To allow person selection on filter

--- Filters/Rules/Person/ 2009-03-29 22:42:52.000000000 +0200
+++ Filters/Rules/Person/ 2009-03-31 14:12:15.000000000 +0200
@@ -38,8 +38,9 @@
 class RelatedPersons(Rule):
     """People with with related active person"""
-    name        = _('People with related home-person')
-    description = _("Matches people with related home-person")
+    labels      = [ _('ID:') ]
+    name        = _('People related with <person>')
+    description = _("Matches people related with a person")
     category    = _('General filters')

     def prepare (self, database):

+ need to modify current code => Home person (ID) will be Selected person (ID)

To set the rule as a generic filter rule for export (GRAMPS XML, GEDCOM)

--- 2009-02-16 18:01:08.000000000 +0100
+++ 2009-03-31 14:12:46.000000000 +0200
 @@ -160,8 +160,12 @@
         com = GenericFilter()
         com.set_name(_("People with common ancestor with %s") % name)
+        rel = GenericFilter()
+        rel.set_name(_("People related with %s") % name)
+        rel.add_rule(Rules.Person.RelatedPersons([gramps_id]))

-        return [des, df, ans, com]
+        return [des, df, ans, com, rel]

     def parse_options(self):

To set the rule as a generic filter rule for reports and not primary formats on export (GeneWeb, csv)

--- ReportBase/ 2009-02-16 17:59:26.000000000 +0100
+++ ReportBase/ 2009-03-31 14:21:08.000000000 +0200
@@ -3180,11 +3180,15 @@
     com = GenericFilter()
     com.set_name(_("People with common ancestor with %s") % name)
+    rel = GenericFilter()
+    rel.set_name(_("People related with %s") % name)
+    rel.add_rule(Rules.Person.RelatedPersons([gramps_id]))

     if include_single:
-        the_filters = [filt_id, all, des, df, ans, com]
+        the_filters = [filt_id, all, des, df, ans, com, rel]
-        the_filters = [all, des, df, ans, com]
+        the_filters = [all, des, df, ans, com, rel]
     return the_filters