
From Gramps
edit  Il Portale della Comunità Gramps
Benvenuti al Portale Comunità Gramps! Questo spazio è riservato per la comunità intorno Gramps, il progetto di Software Libero per la genealogia.
No poll running at the moment
edit  User Polls
Above you may see our current feature poll. Please take a vote! See the results of featured polls of the past.

As a user, you can also add a poll to one of the articles you are editing/making. To make users aware of your poll, consider adding it to User polls, and include it in your article from there.

edit  Live CD
A Live CD based on Ubuntu with pre-installed Gramps, GeneWeb, and LifeLines applications, as well as the GraphViz program to draw beautiful graphs in Gramps. The CD is available only for the x86 architecture.
edit  Gramps shirts
You can buy Gramps shirts (short sleeve tee) from the Gramps-Project inventory on Cafepress, designed by Gramps.