Latin words and expressions/B
Translation mangled The English and Netherlands versions of this page are not correctly separated. The resulting Latin dictionary is a mishmash of both. See 11608 |
Latin words and expressions starting with the letter B.
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z - @ - * |
- b. bap. bapt.
- baptisata, baptisatus, baptizata, baptizatus
- B.L.
- benevole lector
- B.M.
- Beatae Memoriae
- B.M.V.
- Beattae Mariae Virginis
- baccalaureus
- bachelor, person who holds the lowest academic degree, student having finished the general acadimic courses and starting the specialisation/master courses
- bajula, bajulus
- messenger; waiter; porter
- baliu, balius
- legal guardian of lesser degree
- bal(l)ivus
- head judge; person in Flanders, Hainaut, Holland, Sealand and North-France being the representative of the king/ruler; regent
- balneator
- hairdresser, barber
- bannum
- forced use of an object belonging to the landlord of which he demands payment, eg an oven
- bannus
- the bans, decleration of marriage
- baptisabatur
- he is baptised
- baptisata, baptisatus
- baptised, person being baptised
- baptisata est
- she is baptised
- baptisatus est
- he is baptised
- baptisavi
- I have baptised
- baptisma, baptismatis
- baptism
- baptis(mate),-(mum) necessitatis
- by the emergency baptise
- baptismum
- baptism
- baptizata, baptizatus
- person being baptised
- baptizati sunt
- they are baptised
- baptizorum
- from the people baptized
- barbarc(ar)ius
- silk weaver
- barbarius, barbitonsar
- barber
- baro
- baron
- Beatae mariae virginis
- the Holy Virgin Mary
- beatae memoriae
- in holy comemmoration
- bedellus
- servant of the law
- beg(g)ina
- Beguines
- benedictio
- blessing (of a wedding)
- benefacere
- gift, giving a gift
- beneficatus, beneficiarius
- priest being the beneficiary of a gift
- beneficium absteinendi
- the right of the children to refuse the inheritance of the father
- beneficium inventarii
- right of the heirs to (in case of doubt) only accept the inheritance if benefits can be obtained from it.
- benevole lector
- the reader of this having good intentions
- bercarius
- sheep herder
- bibliopega
- book binder
- bibliopola
- book merchant, book keeper
- bidellus
- executioners helper; bedel (an administrative official at universities); law enforcer
- bidu(o), (ante)
- on the second day, (before)
- biennalis, biennis
- two years old
- bigami, bigamus, bimaritus
- bigamy, man who is married to two women at the same time
- binati filii
- twins
- binubus
- man who married for the second time
- bombarda
- gunshot
- bombardicus
- gunman
- bombardus
- gunner, bombardier
- bombicinator
- person weaving/working with silk
- bona
- goods
- bona hereditaria
- erfgoederen, stamgoederen, stokgoederen
- bona materna
- goods/items from mothers side
- bona minorum, bona mingrum
- goods belonging to a minor
- botresses
- basketcarrier (in the 17th, 18th century)
- botularius
- sausage maker; sausage merchant
- boves
- oxen (cows)
- braxator, brax(i)ator
- brewer
- brevi
- short
- bubulc(ulai)us
- oxen keeper; cow herder; oxen driver
- buc(c)inator
- hornblower
- burdonarius
- carrier animal driver
- bursarius
- purse maker, bag maker, leather worker, saddle maker; consignee
- busti-rapus
- person who desecrates a tomb
- buticularius-pincerna
- donor