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Gramps 4.1 Wiki Manual - Command Line

27 bytes removed, 05:15, 19 July 2015
If no <code>-O</code> or <code>-i</code> option is given, Gramps will launch its main window and start the usual interactive session with the empty database, since there is no data to process, anyway. (Unless you have already expressed a "preference" that it start with the last database it used.)
If no <code>-e</code> or <code>-a</code> options are given, Gramps will launch its main window and start the usual interactive session with the database resulted from opening and all imports (if any). This database resides in the ''<code>import_db.grdb</code>'' file a directory under the ''<code>~/.gramps/importgrampsdb/</code>'' directory.
Any errors encountered during import, export, or action, will be either dumped to stdout (if these are exceptions handled by Gramps) or to stderr (if these are not handled). Use usual shell redirections of stdout and stderr to save messages and errors in files.

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