Gramps:Media copyright tags

From Gramps
Revision as of 13:08, 21 September 2019 by Bamaustin (talk | contribs) (Added Category)
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Gramps takes copyright law very seriously. Image description pages are tagged with the license and the source of the image. This makes it as easy as possible for readers, editors, and creators of derivative works to know what they can and can't do with the images in our wiki.


  • For an image to be considered "free" under Gramps Image use policy, the license must permit both commercial reuse and derivative works.
  • All copyright and licensing tags should be put on a line of their own.
  • Along with a tag, specify the source or copyright holder information. Provide as much detail as possible. You can use the {{information}} template.
  • If an image is not licenced under a standard license, please specify what the actual license states.
  • If you tag an image as requiring attribution, please specify who needs to be attributed.
  • If multiple categories apply to an image, add all that apply.
  • In general, fair use material, is not allowed, but such images can still be used on the English Wikipedia (see Gramps:Copyrights#Fair use materials and special requirements).

List of media copyright tags

For image creators

If you are the the creator of an image, you can choose any acceptable free license. You can multi-license your image under different licenses, if you prefer. The license must not prevent commercial reuse or derivative works.

  • GNU Free Documentation License - {{GFDL-self}} - Written by the Free Software Foundation. People are required to attribute the work to you, and if they make changes or incorporate your work in their work, they are required to share their changes or work under the same license.
  • Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike - {{cc-by-sa-2.5|Attribution details}} - This is one of several CC licenses. This version permits free use, including commercial use; requires that you be attributed as the creator; and requires that any derivative creator or redistributor of your work use the same license. The desired attribution text should be included as a parameter in the template.
  • Public domain - {{PD-self}} - The creator permanently relinquishes all rights to the work.
  • Free Art license - {{FAL}} - A copyleft license for artwork; modification and commercial use are allowed, provided derivative works carry the same license.