GEPS 041: New Selector

From Gramps
Revision as of 11:58, 20 February 2022 by Romjerome (talk | contribs) (Clever search for each selector)
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What should be part of the Selector?

What is the need?

  1. Select one record (object) via the Graphical User Interface
  2. Display main data, for letting the user make the selection
  3. Usability and consistency
  4. Search and filter features


Person selector

Family selector

Usage, goal and Usability

  1. Selection
  2. Edition

Additional features and related concepts

  1. Reports
  2. Filtering for selecting a group of records (objects)
  3. Navigation, history and active objects
  4. Runtime and performance
  5. Selection expected by the user, marked and tagged objects
  6. refining a selection

Filter vs. Search

There are two ways to find data in Gramps: Search and Filter.

  • The Search will only match what is visible.
  • Filters are not limited to what you see on the screen, but looks at the actual data.

See some filters for more details.

Search Bar

The current design of the Search bar lets us find visible data on active column. The Search Bar is often available on selectors.

Set of filter rules

For now, some selectors, on reports and on Family Editor, provide a fast filter, by default.

The Search bar is disabled and an additional Show all button is available at the bottom of the dialog.

These windows are trying to provide a quick and common selection of people.

e.g., filtered by gender on Family Editor, or bookmarked people on reports.

Mother selector via fast filtering and 'Show all' button at the bottom

Interactive Search

For limiting a gtk issue on Search field, gramps42 has it own interactive search widget.

Just write the first letters of the word on the dialog, and the cursor will try to find this word.

Like the Find shortcut box, available with CTRL+F or CMND+F.

Limits on current selectors

  1. Time for search
  2. Performance
  3. Few fast filter rules, by default
  4. Consistency, mixup of features and widgets
  5. Hierarchically grouping records (e.g., Person, Place) in the Selector cripples sorting capabilities. Sub-sorting within grouping by "Last Changed" is of little value compared for the entire list. Add option to use Flat lists?
Note, there was a Gtk SearchEntry bug (latency and collapsed seizure) limiting a good search match: max_length(3).

Fixed since gramps 4.2.0, see bug report 1450.


Optional proposals.

Search and filter on new selector

Displayed columns

Current Selectors:

Selector Columns and search keys Interactive Search key
Person Name, ID, Gender, Birth Date, Birth Place, Death Date, Death Place, Spouse, Last Change Name
Family ID, Father, Mother, Last Change ID
Event Type, Main Participants, Date, Place, Description, ID, Last Change Type
Place Name, ID, Type, Title, Last Change Name
Source Title, Author, ID, Last Change Title
Citation Source: Title or Citation: Volume/Page, ID, Last Change Source: Title
Repository Title, ID, Last Change Title
Media Title, ID, Type, Last Change Title
Note Preview, ID, Type, Tags, Last Change Preview

New Selectors:

Selector Columns Interactive Search key Search keys with regex support
Person Name, ID, Gender, Birth Date, Birth Place, Death Date, Death Place, Spouse, Last Change Name Name, ID, Gender, Birth Date, Birth Place, Death Date, Death Place, Spouse
Family ID, Father, Mother, Last Change ID ID, Father, Mother
Event Type, Main Participants, Date, Place, Description, ID, Last Change Type Type, Main Participants, Date, Place, Description, ID
Place Name, ID, Type, Title, Last Change Name Name, ID, Type, Title
Source Title, Author, ID, Last Change Title Title, Author, ID
Citation Source: Title or Citation: Volume/Page, ID, Last Change Source: Title Source: Title or Citation: Volume/Page, ID
Repository Title, ID, Last Change Title Title, ID
Media Title, ID, Type, Last Change Title Title, ID, Type
Note Preview, ID, Type, Tags, Last Change Preview Preview, ID, Type, Tags

Fast filter by default

Ability to have a fast filter with the last active objects and bookmarked objects.

Some experimentations have been made on feature request 5024.

Current selector ecosystem already provides this ability.

See Person selector on reports and Father/Mother selector on Family Editor.

On gramps 4.2.2, there was a bug 9315 on the Show all/Search load.

Clever search for each selector

See selector and query on gramps-connect.

Search query and filter on gramps_connect

Ability to also use one search field matching on multiple columns (names, ID, dates, etc.)

Search on gramps_connect

See also search on filter rules editor

Interface for handling and selecting custom filters on selectors

Additional proposals

  1. Replace the Show all check box at the bottom by a Switcher at the top of the dialog.



  • Provide dynamic groups of objects based on the date of the last edition.
    • via API
time = object.get_change_time()
last = today
group1 = from today to 1 week back
group2 = from today to 2 weeks back
group3 = from today to 1 month back
group4 = from today to 6 months back
group5 = more than 6 months back
    • via Filter
sfilter.add_rule(rules.event.ChangedSince(["Today date", ""]))

where "Today date" uses ISO-date format.

  • Displayed items can be sorted by change time

See also

Feature requests

  • 9837: More than 10 items in 'Latest Change' Gramplet list
  • 9814: Expanded Place tree when selecting existing place
  • 9276: Need ability to search alternate place names when selecting place
  • 8762: Last Used places in the Select Place window
  • 8743: Search for place needs more options
  • 7342: Show "Main Participants" with events
  • 6558: Optimize the use of citations
  • 6332: Move home person to bookmark menu
  • 5142: Keep selected the last selected source
  • 5037: [Reports] More names listed in the person/family selector box
  • 5024: By default, to display [Last Recent Used] and [bookmarked] objects on selectors
  • 3655: "last modified" timestamp changes everytime a tree is accessed
  • 12026: Add Existing Person is missing Find feature
  • Discourse Topic: Ideas; QuickSelect combo-boxes


  • 9880: Time loading for person selector in census forms
  • 9738: Select person dialog opens always expanded
  • 9700: Select Place search & Source/Citation hierarchy should NOT automatically open
  • 9315: [Regression]: filter set by default on selector is ignored on load (_init_)
  • 9314: Two selectors on Places report can generate a confusion
  • 9028: Find is broken when used in the Family selector
  • 7536: Events model does not have 8 columns
  • 7514: Searching on Listviews is VEEERYYY slow and typing echo is scrambled
  • 7004: Only Event and Family Editors are checking if data_has_changed on save()
  • 5032: Report selection logic
  • 3653: Manage Family Trees Window shows as 'last modified' the time stamp of generating the tree
  • 1450: Incremental Gtk Search is broken on View


Some experimentations are available on a forked branch.

New Branch

Based on gramps master branch, a new major branch with many changes.

For tests, need to focus on Selector features

Download a copy, unzip the archive and run:

$ cd gramps_cryptic_rebase-Selectors
$ python3 -d "gui.selector"

create a new family tree, and import a copy of your data.

Resource path

You may have to play with resource path.

$ ResourcePath.ERROR: Unable to determine resource path
$ export GRAMPS_RESOURCES=/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/gramps-5.2.0-py3.6.egg/share


Tested some years ago with remaining indirect and unfixed issues (title, model, editors) because the focus was on possible modifications on Selectors. Should take it as a draft.


Test Code People (1) Families (2) Events (3) Places (4) Sources (5) Citations (6) Repositories (7) Media (8) Notes (9)
id0 17565 individuals - 3918 surnames
id1 4009 individuals - 1031 surnames 1633 9426 1043 1376 2870 38 1542 924


Hardware Code Gramps version Processor Clock RAM Storage OS User
H01 4.2.3 AMD FX-4100 quad 3.6 GHz 8 GB SSD .. Chris
H02 4.2.5 AMD FX-4100 quad 3.6 GHz 8 GB SSD .. Chris
H03 GEP041 AMD FX-4100 quad 3.6 GHz 8 GB SSD .. Chris
H04 4.2.5 Intel Pentium 4 HT 2.8 GHz 512 MB HDD Ubuntu 14.04 based User:Romjerome
H05 GEP041 Intel Pentium 4 HT 2.8 GHz 512 MB HDD Ubuntu 14.04 based User:Romjerome
H06 5.0.0-alpha (5099b42) Intel Pentium 4 HT 2.8 GHz 512 MB HDD Ubuntu 14.04 based User:Romjerome
H07 4.2.3 .. .. GHz .GB SSD .. ..
H08 4.2.5 .. .. GHz .GB SSD .. ..

Tests table legend

Test Code Test Description
T01 Time to open the Person Selector, no search yet
T01_a Time to find the person from Association tab on Person Editor
T01_b Time to find the person from Selector on Reports, pre-selection
T01_c Time to find one parent from Family Editor, pre-selection
T01_d Time to find one child from Family Editor, pre-selection
T01_e Time to open the active person from Form addon, no need search time
T01_f Time to find the non-active person from Form addon
T02 Time to find the Family from Selector
T03 Time to find the Event from Selector
T04 Time to find the Place from Selector
T05 Time to find the Source from Selector
T06 Time to find the Citation from Selector
T07 Time to find the Repository from Selector
T08 Time to find the Media from Selector
T09 Time to find the Note from Selector

Performance results

You can add print statements, like:

import time
one = time.clock()
two = time.clock()

then run gramps via console

Config data T01 (no search, build model) T01_a (raw find and search) T01_b (filter by user data) T01_c (filter by sex) T01_d (filter, skip list) T01_e (no search, has_focus) T01_f (alternative focus) comments
H01 id0 2.5s - - - - 2.5s - expands only surname of person selected
H02 id0 18s - - - - 18s - expands all surnames
H03 id0 5s - - - - 5s - expands all surnames
H04 id1 4s<t<12s 7s<t<15s >3s <3s 6s 4s 7s Sometimes, BaseSelector.__init__can take 2/3 of time
H05 id1 4s ~5s ~3s ~3s ~5s 4s ~6s if filter does right, then few seconds for matching, else ~+3 seconds for finding
H06 id1 4s ~7s ~4s ~3s ~6s 5s ~7s Do not have problem. Need ~+3 seconds for finding. Time close to GEP041 (~+1s).

Tests could be on BaseSelector as some objects do not have own _init_().

Config data T02 T03 T04 T05 T06 T07 T08 T09 comments
H04 id1 <1s <1s <1s 1s <1s <1s <1s <1s very fast: +/- 3 seconds for matching, searching, finding.
H05 id1 <3s <3s <3s <4s <3s <3s <3s <3s fast: filter rules provide a user selection (last edited, last used, bookmarked, related, active), else, +/- 3 seconds for matching, searching, finding.


Config data T01 (no search) T01_a (raw find and search) T01_b (filter by user data) T01_c (filter by gender) T01_d (filter) T01_e (no search, has_focus) T01_f (alternative focus) comments
H07 id2 1m 1s 10s 1m 1s 10s 1m comments
H08 id2 1m 1s 10s 1m 1s 10s 1m comments

Tests could be on BaseSelector as some objects do not have own _init_().

Config data T02 T03 T04 T05 T06 T07 T08 T09 comments
H07 id2 - - - - - - - - comments
H06 id2 - - - - - - - - comments