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What is in an Example Tree?

The example family tree database (example.gramps file) ideally will have an example of everything, at least one, of everything Gramps does, or which it is possible to do in Gramps, even if obscure etc.

Before filing a bug report...

Is your Tree damaged? When you suspect that you have discovered an issue (aka 'bug') in Gramps, first try the same operation with the example family tree.
• If the problem happens there as well, then file a bug report.
• If the problem cannot be recreated using the example family tree, then you may need to fix a corruption in your data.

The purpose of an Example Tree

Fig. 1 Import Family Tree - Gnome for Ubuntu dialog example
Fig. 2 Import Family Tree - Windows dialog example
Fig. 3 Import Family Tree - macOS dialog example

Your installation of Gramps should include some example family tree data. This data is used for working through tutorials and for safely exploring tools or features.

And, because many of the features of Gramps cannot be explored until the Tree is populated with People, Families, Events, Places, Sources, Media and other types of data; importing the example data creates a playground for exploring Gramps.

Further, most of the examples, "How do I..." tutorials and screen-capture illustrations (aka figures) in this wiki are based on this example data freshly imported into a newly created (empty) tree. So, by using this data when following instructions on a new technique, you should see the same results.

This eliminates the ambiguity and wonder if a different result was because you didn't correctly apply the technique or your data had a critical difference. That lets you focus appropriately: on improving your technique or repairing your data.

Such a tree can be considered to be 'expendable.' If you accidentally mangle the tree then simply discard the Tree, create a new Tree and import the example family tree data again.

The example is also used to provide a known, stable and predictable environment for testing. Many conditions cannot be recreated without tree data. Using this tree (as a common frame of reference) eliminates the extra complexity of describing how to recreate the data before describing the issue.

Load example.gramps

Follow these steps to bring the external file "example.gramps" into a family tree database:

  1. Find example.gramps or example.gramps.gz on your system.
    For example in each Operating System:
    • on Linux, /usr/share/doc/gramps/example/gramps/. If the file is named example.gramps.gz, rename it to example.gramps and gramps will recognize it. You can copy this file to a temporary location or import it directly from this directory.
    • on MS-Windows v5.2.3 AIO, C:\Program Files\GrampsAIO64-5.2.3\share\doc\gramps\example\gramps (On MS-Windows, ensure you can see hidden files; see User Directory:MS Windows)
    • on Apple macOS, the example database is located inside the application bundle at /Applications/Gramps.app/Contents/Resources/share/doc/gramps/example/gramps/
  2. Start Gramps
  3. Create a new family tree
    Fig. 4 Manage databases - icon on toolbar (Same as using menu Family Trees ➡ Manage Family Trees...)
    • If the "Family Tree - Gramps" dialog did not appear automatically when starting Gramps, select the Family Tree ➡ Manage Family Trees... menu option or use the keybinding Ctrl+o
    • select the New button.
    • Give it some name, such as example
    • select the Load Family Tree button to open this highlighted new family tree. With this empty tree, the interface will be distressingly bare.
  4. import the example.gramps file
    • Use Family Trees ➡ Import... menu or use the keybinding Ctrl+i to open the File Chooser
    • browse to the folder found in step 1
      The default file chooser navigation option for filepaths is to displaying each hierarchical level using clickable breadcrumb navigation. If you would rather type (or paste) in the path found above, press the Ctrl+L keybinding to swtch from breadcrumbs to an editable text box.
    • click the example.gramps item to highlight (aka "select") the file
    • click the highlighted file again to begin the import

Import Statistics of the example.gramps family tree

Number of new objects imported:

Media objects with relative paths have been imported. These paths are considered relative to the media directory you can set in the preferences, or, if not set, relative to the user's directory.

Fig. 5 Import Statistics - dialog

Connecting to the example Media Objects

Fig. 6 Media object with a broken filepath

There are seven example Media Objects (images in JPEG and PNG file format) distributed with the example.gramps tree. The filepaths specified in the tree use a relative media path as the starting point (the Base path for relative media paths:). The default directory (defined in the Preferences) uses a different starting point.

So these images won't be locatable until the media path has been re-defined. And the Preview thumbnails will display 'broken link' icon of a box with a red 'x'.

The media path can be reset now or if starting to experiment with images.

  1. In Edit > Preferences, change the Base path for relative media paths: in the General tab. This could be in a new directory, to keep it separate to your own family tree media. (e.g. On Linux ~/gramps/example/)
  2. Copy the media files from the example directory (that you found in step 1, above) to this media path directory.
The example.gramps family tree data file

Alternately, a replacement Gramps example.gramps XML family tree database file (without the Media Objects) can be downloaded from the GitHub file store.

See also

for MS Windows, located in C:\Program Files\GrampsAIO64-5.2.3\share\doc\gramps\example\gedcom\