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Customizing Ubuntu Desktop CD

1,055 bytes added, 21:26, 27 June 2008
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Next we unpack the target filesystem from that huge file. First we will mount it using another empty directory <code> mnt_sq</code>: <pre>mount mnt/casper/filesystem.squashfs mnt_sq -o loop -t squashfs</pre> And then we <code>rsync</code> from it to a new directory: <pre>rsync -a mnt_sq/ squash</pre> This should create the directory <code>squash</code> with the contents of the target filesystem. Now that we are done with the mounted images, we may unmount them: <pre>umount mnt_sq
umount mnt</pre> At this point you should have the directory <code>iso</code> with all the contents on the CD needed for booting the Ubuntu system, and the directory <code>squash</code> with the system itself.
==Adding our packages==
For the sake of simplicity, let's assume that you have collected all the packages you want to add in a separate directory <code>new/debs</code> relative to your working directory. That is, there's <code>new</code> dir with the subdir <code>debs</code> where all the deb packages are collected. Let's copy all these packages onto the target filesystem (any place will do for now, but I chose <code>/root</code>): <pre>cp new/debs/* squash/root/</pre> Then we will prepare <code>chroot</code> environment like so: <pre>mount -t proc proc squash/proc
mount -t sysfs sysfs squash/sys</pre> and then we will "change root" (<code>chroot</code>) to that target filesystem and install packages. <pre>chroot squash dpkg -i /root/gramps_3.0.1-1_all.deb</pre> Changing root means we will see '''only''' the target filesystem as if we were trully running it it and it were our root filesystem. So the above command changes root to <code>squash</code> and then runs <code>dpkg -i /root/gramps_3.0.1-1_all.deb</code> command to install GRAMPS.

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