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This is a Third-party Addon. Please use carefully on data that is backed up, and help make it better by reporting any comments or problems to the author, or issues to the bug tracker |
The DenominoViso Addon for Gramps creates an interactive graphical representation of a family tree on a web page.
The report is available from the menu Reports > Web Pages > DenominoViso
You can change how the report is created by changing options in the following tabs.
DenominoViso Options tab
- Destination:
The destination file for the xhtml-content.- Folder - Select output folder location.
- Central Person: defaults to the active person
- Select Central Person button - to select a different person.
- Title of the webpage empty by default - Any string you wish
- Display mode: - Either plot ancestors or descendants graph
- Ancestor(default)
- Descendant
- Display type: - The type of graph to create.
- Regular (default)
- Fan
- Growth Spiral
- Mandelbrot Tree
- Pythagoras Tree
- Direction of time: - Direction in which times increases.
- right to left (default)
- left to right
- top to bottom
- bottom to top
- Generations
(default) - The number of generations to include in the tree - Max chart width (%):
(default) - Width of tree as fraction of the browser window - Max chart height (px):
(default) - Height of the tree in pixels. - Closing remarks:
(default) - List of strings, free text added at the bottom, for example for a copyright notice.
Include Options tab
- [x] Include private records
- Include Events: [x] - Whether to include a person's events
- [x] Include birth children
- [ ] Include death relatives
- [ ] Include witness note
- Include Attributes: [x] restricted to:
(text box empty) - Whether to include a person's attributes- [ ] Include Addresses
- [ ] Include Note
- [ ] Include URL
- [ ] Include URL description
- [ ] Include Sources
Image Options tab
- [ ] Include Photos/Images from Gallery
- Copy Image: [ ] * to directory:
- Copy the images to the designated image directory button
- Copy Image: [ ] * to directory:
- Images with Attribute:
equal to___
should be Included (default) or Excluded- [ ] Include Image source references
- Source reference attribute:
This article's content is incomplete or a placeholder stub. |
Style Options tab
- Color of active person::
- Color of found persons::
- Color of male persons::
- Color of female persons::
- Width of rectangle (hrd)::
- Height of rectangle (hrd)::
- Vertical distance of rectangles (hrd)::
- Extra style settings::
This article's content is incomplete or a placeholder stub. |
Advanced Options tab
- Mouse event handler: [x] onclick [ ] onmouseover
- Birth relationship linestyle:
- Source confidence color:
- Event format:
- Source format:
This article's content is incomplete or a placeholder stub. |
How the developer uses it
Some examples of how I use a page created by DenominoViso.
- I am primarily looking for information on ancestors. The large overview shown by a page created by DenominoViso, helps me to easily find which ancestors are lagging behind: the branch is tiny compared with neighboring branches.
- Finding death records is harder then birth/baptism and marriage records in Dutch archives. So temporarily I typically set death to something like "after xxxx". I can now enter "after" in the search box and search for "death events", all people that still miss their real death event show up.
- Some sources are expected to contain a considerable (geographic) group of my ancestors, for example tax records. Because in Gramps I have entered the details of that tax record in the description field of the event, I can search on this in the page created by DenominoViso. Those persons not showing up while it is expected, can easily be identified for further research.
If your tree of ancestors/descendants grows a bit bigger, traditional graphical representations run out of space and you are left with viewing only part of your tree. The DenominoViso plugin mitigates this by dropping names and other textual details from the boxes that make up a tree so that many more boxes, thus a larger section of the tree, can be put in view.
The consequence of this is that the document needs to be interactive to determine which box belongs to which person, thus DenominoViso creates a graphical webpage in SVG/XHTML/javascript. Such a document can be displayed with standard compliant browsers such as Firefox or Opera (Internet Explorer will not do).
What is seen on the webpage is typically a tree structure consisting of many boxes. Hovering the mouse over a box shows the name of that person on the statusbar (browser settings must allow javascript to set text on the statusline, something which is at present typically switched off by browsers in their standard configuration). Clicking on a box displays the known details about that person.
- Flat access to the data. Gramps is very hierarchical opening window after window. This is good for data entry, but not so for data display. A page created by DenominoViso shows all information about a person with a single click and some scrolling.
- Easy searching. The webpage contains a text entry and a selection field which make it easy to search on names or other properties.
- A single page website. Gramps can create a website, but it is too bulky for my taste. DenominoViso typically puts all textual information in one big file.
- Mixing family and person events. Gramps displays family events in another window then personal event. Birth of a child though, would be considered by most people as a major event during their live. DenominoViso can mix family events with personal events and represents them in chronological order.
- Fine grained control over what gets included. DenominoViso has many options that control what gets included in the webpage. Some can be included by setting a simple checkbox, others however are very advanced and should only be used by people with some experience. For example the confidence level of the source of an event can be indicated by a color; to the best of my knowledge their is no other report that can display this information.
What's in a name
The name DenominoViso is derived from a use-case I had not realized before I wrote this plugin. It means something like "let's have a look at namegiving". It turns out that in my family not only family names can be traced back over centuries, but also firstnames where children are typically named after their grandparents or great grandparents if there are many of them. Pages created with the DenominoViso plugin are ideal for this, just enter the specific part of the name in the search field and search for "Name".
Version History
- Gramps 4 - Update of Gramps 3 version, to support GTK+3 and python 3. No new functionality was added.
- Gramps 3 - An update of the Gramps 2.x version, to work with the new plugin-architecture. No new functionality was added.
- Help URL does not lead here.
- 6486: Duplication in graphical reports when first cousins marry
- ?? Repository information is at present not included in the page created by DenominoViso.
- Other minor issues reported on github