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Sort Children in Birth order - Tool - example window

The Sort Children in Birth order tool searches your database for families that have children which are not listed in the order of their births and assists in ordering them. Allows bulk updates of the children order.


  • Once this addon has been installed
  • Select Menu Tools -> Family Tree Processing -> Sort Children in Birth order...

Proceeding with this tool may make unexpected changes to your data. While it is possible to Undo the changes made by this tool, it may be easier to recover from a backup.

  • When the tool starts, it scans you data for families that need sorting. A progress bar appears so that with large databases Gramps doesn't seem to be frozen. This does not make any changes to your data, and only performs the search and fills the panes if unsorted families are found. Families with children in birth order are not shown. If some children in a family don't have valid birth dates, but others are in order, the family is not shown.
  • At this point the tool window with three main panes and some buttons should be visible.
    • The top pane will contain a list of the results of the search. If nothing appears here, then none of your families have unsorted children. Selecting a family from this list updates the data in the lower panes. It is also possible to sort this list for ID, Father, or Mother, using the header of the list.
    • The Current Sort pane (lower left side) will show the original unmodified list of children with their birth dates, if any. This cannot be changed.
    • The Proposed Sort pane (lower right side) will show the proposed changes to the children sort. If the user wants to make additional changes, they can be made directly in the pane. Adjusting the sort manually can be done by selecting a child and using either the Up or Down buttons below the pane. When you are satisfied with the changes, if any, you can use the Accept button to save the proposed sort order to the database.
  • Many times, the user will not feel a need to make manual changes, the proposed sort order if acceptable. The tool offers two buttons that allow the user to accept some or all of the listed families.
    • The Accept All * button will accept all the families that have a '*' (Asterisk) next to them. In these families all the children have valid birth dates so that sorting can be done unambiguously. When this button is used, a progress bar appears so that with large databases Gramps doesn't seem to be frozen.
    • The Accept All button will accept all the families, even those with some missing or invalid birth dates. In these cases, the sorted results is the same as shown in the lower right 'Proposed sort' pane. That is, children with invalid or missing birth dates will be sorted first, followed by those with valid dates. When this button is used, a progress bar appears so that with large databases Gramps doesn't seem to be frozen.
  • If you do not want any changes to be made to your data, or you are done with the tool, you can simply press the Done button.
  • The Help button will bring up this page.

Some Notes

  • When changes are accepted, they appear in the 'Undo' list Edit -> Undo History... where they can be undone. They can also be undone individually via Edit -> Undo. Changes from the Accept button are listed individually as 'Edit Family', those from the Accept All or Accept All * buttons are listed as 'Edit families' in the undo list.

See also

How do I change the order of children? Use:

  • The Family Editor Children tab to change the order of children in the family.
  • This third party addon Birth Order Tool which allows bulk updates of the children order.
