Talk:Coding for translation using weblate

From Gramps

Is there a workflow for running a "translatable test" on a beta add-on?

For instance, there is a already pseudolocale add-on for Weblate. It generates prefix/suffix for each string so that you can visually confirm all strings have been tagged correctly.


Could a workflow be documented for generating such translation and testing it?

What's driving this question? While reviewing activity the the French & Finnish support forums for Gramps, the French translator reported that a translation caused an add-on to stop working. Everything would translate but one string.

The add-on ( Consanguinuity ) is still in the code review queue.

But it seemed reasonable that we might want to encourage translators to attack some of the more important Isotammi add-ons too. The FilterParams add-on is still in Kari's personal GitHub Repository. It is really powerful and would be good to have translation files BEFORE it is released to the main Isotammi repository.

Additional languages going in might open a path for committing external translation submissions to their repository. (Which currently only supports Finnish, Swedish & English.) Or maybe we need a mechanism for our add-on management tool to would let translation patches for IsoTammi add-on to be hosted through our repository?

Bamaustin (talk) 22:46, 12 October 2022 (UTC)