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Names in Gramps

574 bytes added, 21:44, 20 December 2013
Added the "Origin Attributes" section with definitions
===PatronymicOrigin Attributes===....UNKNOWN: Unknown originCUSTOM: Custom user defined originNONE: no given originINHERITED: name was inherited from parentsPATRILINEAL: name was inherited from father's family nameMATRILINEAL: name was inherited from mother's family nameGIVEN: name was bestowed on the individualTAKEN: name was chosen by the individualPATRONYMIC: name is derived from father's given nameMATRONYMIC: name is derived from mother's given nameFEUDAL: name refers to the holding of land in a fiefPSEUDONYM: name is fictitiousOCCUPATION: name follows from the occupation of the person

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