From Gramps
Elenco delle recensioni su Gramps di cui siamo al corrente, da parte di terzi, in ordine cronologico inverso (prima i più recenti). Se vi imbattete in un articolo su Gramps non elencato qui, vi invitiamo a segnalarcelo in modo che possiamo aggiungerlo alla lista.
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- Grow Your Family Tree. Computeractive magazine, (622), 16–16. Peers, N., 2022-01 (correction in issue 641, pg.41)
- Youtube video Gramps video on importing a genealogy file, By uberdorf, 2021-09-09
- How to Install and Use Gramps, a FREE Genealogy Program for Windows, Macintosh, and Linux/UNIX, by Anonymous, Eastman's Online Genealogy Newsletter, 2021-08-26
- Youtube:Featuring GRAMPS Features! Is It Really A Genealogy Program for All?, by Ed Thompson, Genealogy Software Showcase, 2021-03-18
- Gramps 5.1.3 Released, By Dick Eastman, Eastman's Online Genealogy Newsletter, 2020-08-18
- Gramps 5.1.2 Released, By Dick Eastman, Eastman's Online Genealogy Newsletter, 2020-01-13
- Gramps, by Ana Marculescu, Softpedia editor, 2020-01-10
- Best family tree software to use [2020 Guide], by Madalina Dinita, Managing Editor of Windows Report; 2018-03, rev. 2019-11-07
- Gramps Tutorial Video Tutorials by TechTutorials, Gramps Reddit, 2019-11-04
- Gramps Tutorial #1: Downloading, Installing, & Uninstalling on Windows 10
- Gramps Tutorial #2: Creating Backups & Updating your Software
If you've already installed Gramps and want to learn using the Example tree, skip to 17 minutes 4 seconds in Tutorial 2. - Gramps Tutorial #3: Program Overview v 5.1
- Gramps Tutorial #4: Creating a tree & adding people & relationships(Gramps 5.1)
- Gramps Tutorial #5: Repositories, Sources, & Citations(Gramps 5.1)
- Gramps Tutorial #6: Creating Events (Personal & Family)(Gramps 5.1)
- Gramps Tutorial #7: Places & Addresses(Gramps 5.1)
- Gramps 5.1.1-1, by Neil Bothwick, Macworld (UK), 2019-09-21
- Gramps 5.1.1 Released, By Dick Eastman, Eastman's Online Genealogy Newsletter, 2019-09-17
- GRAMPS and Other Genealogy Programs in the Cloud, By Dick Eastman, Eastman's Online Genealogy Newsletter, 2019-07-08
- 8 Best Free Linux Family History Software, by Steve Emms,LinuxLinks 2019-03-14
- How to Change the Font for Gramps on Windows, By Kevin Routley(Aka:Anon Mouse),, 2019-01-05
- Free and Open-Source Software (FOSS) Explained, By Dick Eastman, Eastman's Online Genealogy Newsletter, 2018-08-13
- Replacing Family Tree Maker, Part 8: Importing Your FTM Tree into Gramps 5, By Keith Riggle,, 2018-08-08 (update of 2015-12-22 edition for Gramps 4.0) Includes a fair and fairly deep dive into Gramps' GEDCOM import/export idiosyncrasies.
- Gramps 5.0.0 Released, By Dick Eastman, Eastman's Online Genealogy Newsletter, 2018-08-07
- Gramps Genealogy Program, By Ashwin, Code Yarns 👨💻 Notes from the world of software, 2017-12-09
- Family history online, By Ros Page, CHOICE, 2017-11-02
- Map your family tree with Gramps and QGIS – how to digitize and visualize genealogy data, By Jakob, Digital Geography, 2017-01-03
- Genealogy Tools:Gramps, By Kris, Someone Peed in My Gene Pool!, 2017-??-??
- Gramps 4.2.5 Released, By Dick Eastman, Eastman's Online Genealogy Newsletter, 2016-12-20
- Using the Form Gramplet, By Tim Graham, Photo Restorations by Tim G.
- GRAMPS: Using the Form Gramplet, on Youtube, 2016-08-04
- GRAMPS: Defining Custom Forms for the Form Gramplet, on Youtube, 2016-08-10
- Genealogy Software for the Macintosh, By Dick Eastman, Eastman's Online Genealogy Newsletter, 2016-03-18
- Adding marriages - video tutorial for Gramps 4.2.x - aimed at new users., Michel Vuijlsteke on Youtube, 2016-03-03
- Replacing Family Tree Maker, Part 8: Importing Your FTM Tree into Gramps 4, By keithr,, 2015-12-22 (Archived)
- Free Genealogy Software, By Dick Eastman, Eastman's Online Genealogy Newsletter, 2015-12-10
- Gramps Genealogy Software Demo, Part Two: Creating a Printable Family Tree, Clare Walker on Youtube, 2015-09-11
- Gramps Genealogy Software Demo: Adding Births, Marriages and Deaths, Clare Walker on Youtube, 2015-09-11
- Project of the Week, August 31, 2015, by Community Team, SourceForge Community Blog, 2015-08-31
- Database Design for Genealogy Data, Louis Kessler's Behold Blog, 2015-07-14
- Tutorials: Upgrading GRAMPS on Debian Jessie, By Tim Graham, Photo Restorations by Tim G., 2015-06-14
- GRAMPS Video 3: Upgrading GRAMPS, on Youtube, 2015-06-11
- Gramps Genealogy - Using places in version 4.1.3, Richard Suthern on Youtube, 2015-05-11
- Gramps Genealogy - testing options, Richard Suthern on Youtube, 2015-05-11
- Tutorials: How to install the free GRAMPS genealogy software., By Tim Graham, Photo Restorations by Tim G., 2015-03-17
- GRAMPS Video 0: Installing on Debian-based Linux, on Youtube, 2015-03-17
- GRAMPS Video 1: Installing on Windows, on Youtube, 2015-03-17
- GRAMPS Video 2: Getting Started with Your Family Tree, on Youtube, 2015-04-09
- Episode 3, WHO DO THEY THINK THEY ARE? (Gramps was recommended) - The Checkout - ABC TV (Australia), Aired 8pm, 2015-04-23
- Richard Suthern's - video tutorials for Gramps 4.1.1 - aimed at new users. , Richard Suthern on Youtube, 2015-02-16
- How to install uninstall backup and import Gramps Genealogical Software on Linux Mint or Debian, Linux Review How-To's, on Youtube, 2014-11-10
- Linux In Genealogy, by Kylie Willison, Kylie's Genes Blog, 2014-08-17
- Gramps: Genealogy made easy, by Adam Jones,, 2014-08-08
- Free program to organize and grow your family tree, by Kim Komando,, 2014-07-30
- Document your family tree and track your genealogy research with Gramps, by Ryan Lerch,, 2014-07-29.
- Genealogy research with Gramps, by Vladimir Perić , ,2014-07-16.
- The Making of - my genealogy graph database, by Rik Van Bruggen, Bruggen Blog, 2014-01-13.
- Leftovers from the holidays: Genealogy Graphs!, by Rik Van Bruggen, Bruggen Blog, 2014-01-10.
- (French)Une question de logiciel, By Yann Bailly, Généalogie en dilettante, 2014-01-09.
- How Good are GenSoftReviews Ratings?, by Louis Kessler, Louis Kessler’s Behold Blog, 2014-01-04.
- Genealogy and Technology, by Hans Boldt, TreeSearch Blog, 2013-10-11
- Cite Those Sources!, by Hans Boldt, TreeSearch Blog, 2013-09-26
- Introducing TreeSearch, by Hans Boldt, TreeSearch Blog, 2013-09-25
- Reviews: Genealogy Software for Mac, by Jenny, Jennyalogist Blog, 2013-09-03.
- Picking Out Genealogy Software - Part 2: On-premise programs, by Pam Broviak, Exploring Genealogy - Geneva, IL Patch, 2013-07-28.
- Using GRAMPS for your Genealogy Project, By Marc Nozell, Nozell, rhymes with Oh Hell Blog, 2013-07-11
- Gramps lets you print free customised family tree charts cross platform, by Angela Alcorn,, 2013-06-13.
- Projects of the Week, May 27, 2013, by Community Team, SourceForge Community Blog, 2013-05-27.
- 6 Best Free Genealogy Software, by Joanna Maria, TechShout, 2013-05-22.
- Gramps 3.4.0 as new default package under Edubuntu 13.04, by Edubuntu team,, 2013-04-25.
- (Hungarian)Ingyenes programok, by László, DirtyWindows, 2013-03-17.
- Open source genealogy with Gramps, by Joey Bernard,, 2013-03-16.
- Genealogy Programs for Macintosh, by Dick Eastman, Eastman's Online Genealogy Newsletter, 2013-03-02.
- Gramps 3.4 Portuguese translation, by Frederico Muñoz, Lisp & Unix & Dragons &c., 2013-02-28.
- Genealogy software: Gramps, by Ζήσης Π., Greek Heraldry Society, 2013-02-15.
- (French)Gramps, la généalogie simple et gratuite, by famille Cuneo (cuk),, 2012-12-19
- Family history research online, by Rosalyn Page, CHOICE, 2012-12-06
- (French)La généalogie avec GRAMPS 3.4.1, by Benoît Audouard (baud123), Licence CC by-sa,, 2012-09-04
- Python, by Roger Parkinson, There's no place like, 2012-08-22
- Best Free Genealogy or Family Tree Software, by okrick, Gizmo's Freeware,, 2012-08-13 (update since 2011-01-17)
- (German) Stück für Stück Ahnenforschung mit der Genealogie-Software Gramps, by Vincze-Aron Szabo, LinuxUser 8/2012, 2012-07-19
- Technology Tuesday – from Joomla to GRAMPS NarrativeWeb, by pramclub, Easter Family Genealogy Blog, 2012-07-03
- Gramps Genealogy System #2, by Nathan Salapat, Random techy Rants, 2012-06-09
- Gramps Genealogy System, by Nathan Salapat, Random techy Rants, 2012-06-07
- Painstaking family tree assembly with Gramps, by James Temperton, Computeractive downloads, 2012-05-02
- Discover your family tree - The Kim Komando Radio Show®, 2012-04-04
- (French)Gestion des lieux dans Gramps, by Vincent Marty,, 2012-03-07
- (French)Test logiciel Généalogie Gramps, by Vincent Marty,, 2012-02-29
- (French)Gramps, mon logiciel de généalogie sous Linux, by Marc Champagne,, 2012-02-09
- Installing Gramps (Genealogical Research Software), by newlife007,, 2012-02-04
- The Search for FOSS, by shdavidson,, 2012-01-13
- Genealogy Software, Brodie Clan Genealogy and Wiki, 2012-01-02
- 3 Free WikiTree Alternatives, by Siddhartha,, 2011-12-17
- Free Genealogy Software: Making Your Choice, by Ramona,, 2011-12-10
- Introduction to Genealogy and Family History - Using the internet to research your family - With special reference to Northamptonshire (PDF, 1.7M),, 2011-12-00
- Gramps Genealogical Research Software, Info like Tracking Tools, Publishing And Distribution Options, Price and more, Pikimal,, 2011-11-16
- GRAMPS - Genealogy and Family Tree Software. Features, reviews, ratings. FindTheBest,, ca. 2011-11-05
- (French)Gramps. Genealogical Research and Analysis Management Programming System - La généalogie en toute liberté, le Club Informatique Artai - Logiciels Libres - Gramps,, 2011-11-04
- The Free And Easy Way To Track Family Genes On A Mac, by Jeffrey Mincey, Mac360, 2011-10-06
- GENEALOGY SOFTWARE:Free, Paid and on the Web!, By Tony Brandy, Page 15, INTERNET Genealogy (Issue: October/November 2011), 2011-09-21
- HOW-TO GRAMPS Pt. 2, by David O. Rowell, Full Circle Magazine, Issue 53, 2011-09-00
- Gramps, Free Genealogy Software, by Mark Brinkmann,, 2011-08-22
- Gramps Portable 3.3.0 - Comprehensive and flexible genealogy research tool, by Neil Bothwick,, updated 2011-08-17
- HOW-TO GRAMPS Pt. 1, by David O. Rowell, Full Circle Magazine, Issue 52, 2011-08-00
- Portable Windows Software on a USB Flash Drive, - Eastman's Online Genealogy Newsletter, 2011-07-15
- GRAMPS - Reader Reviews Genealogy Software Reviews, (rated 4/5), by Jon Morin,, 2011-07-13
- Review -- GRAMPS., by Dave Rowell, Full Circle Magazine, Issue 51, 2011-07-00
- Another look at GRAMPS, by Philip, Blood and Frogs: Jewish Genealogy and More, 2011-06-27
- (German)Hundelunge und Spargeltarzan: Gramps 3.3 unterstützt Spitznamen, by Falko Benthin,, 2011-06-14
- 401 page family book published, by Joachim Breitner ((Gramps-users) 401 page family book built using gramps), nomeata’s mind shares, 2011-06-13
- Free Genealogy Software, A Selection by Charlie Mead (PDF, 290K), Issued for the East of London Family History Society,, 2011-06-04
- Gramps Can Help You With Your Genealogy Research, by Jen Thorpe,, 2011-06-??
- Gramps 3.2.6, Eastman's Online Genealogy Newsletter, 2011-05-05
- DVDMediaSoft Genealogy Research Software, by Tamura Jones, Modern Software Experience, 2011-05-03
- (French)Gramps a 10 ans..., Linux french news (LinuxFr), 2011-04-22
- GRAMPS - Genealogical Research and Analysis Management Programming System, Ward Muylaert Blog, 2011-03-20
- Export GEDCOM File From, Richard A. Johnson's Blog, 2011-03-11
- The other apps, by Chin Wong, Manila Standard Today, 2011-03-01
- Software Review -- Gramps, Genealogical Research & Analysis Management Programming System (PDF, 250K), (rated 4/5), The East of London Family History Society Computer Group Newsletter (ed. by Charlie Mead), 2011-03-00
- Family History Programs for Macintosh, Gramps 3.2 by (, (PDF, 37K), by Carl Smith,, updated 2011-02-25
- RootsTech Ketchup, The Ancestry Insider, 2011-02-22
- (French)Généalogie, Gedcom et Gramps, by Nelson Dumais, La chronique de Nelson, 2011-02-21
- Rootstech: Winner Programmer Software Challenge, by Joan Miller, Luxegen Genealogy and Family History, 2011-02-14
- Genealogy software: GRAMPS, Assorted Experience, 2011-02-13
- Create Collective Family History Tree – GRAMPS Genealogy Software, TECK.IN, 2011-02-02
- Ubuntu & Linux Software, by Brian K. Lewis, The PULP, Newsletter of the Hartford User Group Exchange, (PDF, 555K), 2011-02-00
- GRAMPS – A pretty decent genealogy app, by Serge Meunier, Smoky Cogs, 2011-01-24
- 4 Ways To Use Gramps To Check Family Genealogy, by Alexis Kayhill, Mac360, 2011-01-24
- GRAMPS 3.2.5 released for Mac, but not ready for primetime, by Philip, Blood and Frogs: Jewish Genealogy and More, 2011-01-20
- Gramps Genealogy Software on Mac OS X, by admin, Mac Genealogy Software, 2011-01-19
- Best Free Genealogy / Family Tree Software, by okrick, Gizmo's Freeware,, 2011-01-17
- Debian 6.0 nears release, Mageia prepares to launch buildsystem, Linux Mint gets the "best distro" award, Linux Genealogy live CD, Miscellaneous News (by Ladislav Bodnar), Issue 387, DistroWatch Weekly, 2011-01-10
- Gramps: Free Genealogical Research Software, by Siddharth, I Love Free Software, 2011-01-07
- TMG vs GRAMPS, Denis, The Genealogy Bits, 2011-01-04
- Other Genealogy Software, Tom Low-Shang Blog, 2011-01-04
- Gramps Web App, Tom Low-Shang Blog, 2010-12-29
- How to Create your very own private family tree Genealogy for free in just ten minutes., by gobigreenwood,, 2010-12
- (German)GRAMPS: Ahnenforschung einfach und übersichtlich, Bürosoftware, GRAMPS Download,, 2010-12-21
- 10 days Gramps Portable ..., on Bart.S's blog,, 2010-12-20
- Best Open Source Genealogy Software? - Slashdot, 2010-12-19
- New Portable Apps: Gramps & Marble, JLog, 2010-12-16
- Gramps Portable for Windows - Eastman's Online Genealogy Newsletter, 2010-12-11
- New App: Gramps Portable 3.2.5 Released, Submitted by Bart.S,, 2010-12-10
- (Russian)Gramps Portable 3.2.5-1 ML by PortableApps (Rus?), WEB-проект "Всегда Вместе!, 2010-12-09
- New Linux Genealogy CD 6.1 Released - Eastman's Online Genealogy Newsletter, 2010-11-29
- (Spanish)GRAMPS 3.2.5-Completo editor de árboles genealógicos compatible con documentos GEDCOM, 2010-11-25
- The Best Genealogy Software Rated by Features - Finding the Best Genealogy Software for Windows 7, by Christian Cawley and Bill Fulks,, 2010-10-15
- A variety of tools: GenealogyJ, Gramps, and MacFamilyTree, By Judith E. Bush, Curious.Judith Blog 2010-07-07
- Consult Gramps about your family tree, By Lee Schlesinger, 2010-06-09
- Free Software Projects, Projects on the Move: Gramps and Puppet, by Heike Jurzik and Andrej Fink, Linux Magazine issue 116, 2010-08
- (Spanish)Gramps, by javierreta, BlogDRAKE, 2010-07-02
- Consult Gramps about your family tree, SourceForge blog, leeschlesinger, 2010-06-09
- (Portuguese)GRAMPS 3.2.3 -- Cria a tua árvore genealógica no Ubuntu, by Pedro Pinto,, 2010-05-27
- (German)OpenSource Ahnenforschungs-Software Gramps, by Jeffrey,, 2010-05-22
- Gramps 3.2.2, by Neil Bothwick, PC & Tech Authority Downloads, 2010-05-01
- Genealogy Software for the Mac (PDF, 9.7M), by Russell Anderson,, 2010-04-28
- Genealogy Software for the Macintosh (Syllabus) (PDF, 116K), by Russell Anderson,, 2010-04-28
- GRAMPS - Family Tree Software & LINUX, by Ted Lomatski, Genealogy News Bits, 2010-04-20
- GRAMPS Use, Numerous Articles on Using and Reasons for Using GRAMPS
- Research and Organize Your Family Tree With Gramps, by Lisa Hoover,, 2010-03-29
- GRAMPS - Genealogical Research and Analysis Management Programming System, Ward Muylaert, 2010-03-20
- (Spanish)GRAMPS 3.2.0 – Software para crear tu árbol genealógico, Cibercafé DOBA, 2010-03-18
- (Spanish)Gramps: software genealógico para tu Mac,, 2010-03-06
- Podcast #192 - 2009 December 21, by George G. Morgan and Drew Smith, The Genealogy Guys, 2009-12-22
- GeneaBlog Awards 2009, Genealogy Blog Awards: Geekiest Genealogy Blog: Honourable mention: The Gramps Project Blog, by Tamura Jones, Modern Software Experience, 2009-11-30
- The Coolest Genealogy Software – For YOU,, 2009-11-09
- 2009 Award Winners:GRAMPS - Rated 4.00 out of 5, Best Liked Genealogy Software, Genealogy Software Reviews
- GRAMPS Alternatives and Similar Software and GRAMPS Information,, 2009-09-28
- GRAMPS Genealogy Software Review,, 2009-09-12
- GRAMPS on the Mac, by Doug Tallman in MacGenealogist, Genealogy Wise, 2009-09-07
- GRAMPS (Coverdisc)HotPicks Issue:122, Linux Format, 2009-09
- Netbook Computers for $129.99 to $219.99, Eastman's Online Genealogy Newsletter, 2009-07-12
- Genealogy Programs for the Macintosh, Eastman's Online Genealogy Newsletter, 2009-06-30
- GRAMPS Genealogy Program (listed in SDGS Newsletter Articles March 2004 - Current - Index to SDGS Newsletter), San Diego Genealogical Society Newsletter, 2009-05
- GRAMPS Tutorial by Andy Channelle, (Page ?)Issue:117, Linux Format, 2009-04
- Create Family Tree with Free Genealogy Software – Download Professional Genealogy Program GRAMPS Free by Ranjay Mitra,Pro Digital Tips 2009-03-30
- Portable Gramps – Genealogy in your Pocket, 2009-03-28
- (Spanish)GRAMPS, crea tus propios árboles genealógicos, By: Rafael Piñero, Visual Beta, 2009-03-08
- (Italian)Gramps creare il propio albero genealogico con Ubuntu - LinuX Freedom for Live, 2009-01-24
- (French)Les insuffisances du GEDCOM 5.5, Par Bruno Callens le Dimanche, Bruno Callens Recherches Généalogiques, 2008-12-21
- GRAMPS, by PropHead's Blog - HR's Industrial Strength Portal, 2008-12-09
- GRAMPS, LinuxLinks Portal Site, 2008-12-06, updated 2012-02-06
- Gramps for Geneology, by Murray Cumming, 2008-11-13
- Trace Your Roots With GRAMPS by Kristin Shoemaker,OStatic, 2008-11-13
- (German)Der Genealogie auf der Spur mit GRAMPS, NETZWELT, 2008-07-10
- +1 for Open Source Genealogy Software by Art Zemon, Cheerful Curmudgeon, 2008-09-28
- GRAMPS, client-server, SQL: Django? by B. Malengier - Observations from the castle Blog 2008-09-10
- UbuntuMagazine/MonthlyReviews/GRAMPS version 2.2.6, Reviewer – Adrian Rea, Ubuntu Wiki, 2008-08-06
- (Italian)Gramps, un interessante progetto di genealogia open-source - Daniele Semeraro , 2008-07-08
- Open sourcing genealogy for Linux first? Bad moveby Matt Asay,The Open Road - CNET News, 2008-07-07
- GRAMPS: Open Source Genealogy - by Mackenzie Morgan - 2008-07-05
- Some Thoughts on GRAMPS for Windows, by Tamura Jones 2008-05-19
- Treefrog: User Interface, Part 2:The Family Group Screen - Paradise Road: Ken’s Blog, 2008-04-28
- (German)Installation von gramps, Vonhaeftens Blog, 2008-04-28
- (Polish)GRAMPS 3.0.0, Linux News, 2008-03-26
- GRAMPS 3.0 Coming Soon!, by Jason Simanek, Bohemian Blog, 2008-03-15
- (French)Divertissement du Vendredi: Gramps - Logiciel de généalogie - Paquet Fedora du jour, 2008-02-15
- (Italian)GRAMPS Calogero Sanfilippo, frammenti di razionalità, 2008-02-04
- HowTo: Create and Manage Genealogy Family Tree via Gramps - 2008-01-31
- GRAMPS(Page ?) HotPicks Issue:94, Linux Format, 2007-07
- Tellico and GRAMPS by Robby Stephenson - 2007-07-06
- Interview: GRAMPS Developer,(Starts on page 24) Interviewed Don Allingham by Adrian Rea for Full Circle Magazine, 2007-06 (Go to Downloads, Issue 2, and download the pdf).
- Review: GRAMPS genealogy software,(Starts on page 29) Written by Adrian Rea for Full Circle Magazine, 2007-06 (Go to Downloads, Issue 1, and download the pdf)(HTML).
- GRAMPS and Suse Linux 9, By jeltsch, Michael's Domain, 2007-05-23
- roots ‘n all, by Jacqueline McNally, dilettante, 2007-02-22
- Track your ancestors with GRAMPS, by Alex Roitman,, 2007-02-2
- Software Review - GRAMPS, by Tom Clark, Requisite Systems, 2007-01
- Gramps Linux: Family tree software - Australian PC Authority, 2007
- Genealogy with GRAMPS, by Ryan Cartwright, Free Software Magazine, 2006-12-22
- (German) Von der Wurzel bis zum Blatt Ahnenforschung mit Gramps by Vincze-Aron Szabo, LinuxUser 7/2006, 2006-07-01
- (Italian)Programmi di Genealogia - Provate questi eccellenti programmi, liberamente disponibili("Linux Genealogy Live CD"), by Odoardo Zecca,, 2006-04-19
- Family Trees with GRAMPS, by Scott Granneman, Linux Magazine, 2005-12-7
- Bloodlines - Managing your family tree with GRAMPS, by Kevin Donnelly, Linux Magazine, 2005-10
- GRAMPS(Page 47) HotPicks Issue:70, Linux Format, 2005-09
- GRAMPS: A family tree research tool - Focus on Fedora Extras - Issue #10, by Tim Waugh,, 2005-08
- GRAMPS for Silicon Valley Computer Genealogy Club, by Robert B. White, Silicon Valley Computer Genealogy Club, 2005-08
- Genealogical software - GRAMPS - Tips, tricks & hints (by Robert Storey) - DistroWatch Weekly, Issue 100, 2005-05-16
- GRAMPS for Linux, UNIX and Macintosh OS X, by Dick Eastman, Eastman's Online Genealogy Newsletter, 2005-03-15
- Tracking your GRAMPS, by Joe Barr, Newsforge, 2005-01
- Gramps-tk - This project is currently inactive, by Doug Blank, 2005
- Novell's Cool Tools - submission by Kory Sonnier, 2005
- GRAMPS 1.0.0, a Genealogy Program for Linux, by Dick Eastman, Eastman's Online Genealogy Newsletter, 2004-12-17
- GRAMPS And The Family Tree, by Jack Carlson, Linux Fanatics, Saturday, 2004-07-31
- From Shared Resources, Your Personal History, by Peter Wayner, The New York Times, 2004-04
- Gramps and GraphViz speak Russian, Blog of Leonid Mamchenkov, 2004-03-11
- Patching Gramps, Blog of Leonid Mamchenkov, 2004-03-06
- More on Gramps, Blog of Leonid Mamchenkov, 2004-03-03
- Gramps – Genealogical Research and Analysis Management Programming System, Blog of Leonid Mamchenkov, 2004-02-29
- (French)Gramps 1.0, by Linux french news (LinuxFr), 2004-02-12
- Climbing the family tree: Linux genealogy applications[1], Linux and Main, 2002-09-25
- 2002-10-03: The ScreenSavers. In 2002 GRAMPS was featured on the TechTV show, "The ScreenSavers". The video is no longer available on line from G4TV. episode of The Screen Savers available for viewing online (link gone)[2]. Open-source expert Joe Arruda demonstrates Gramps, a free genealogy program.
- See also Gramps on The Screen Savers in 2002 - Gramps Blog
- Gramps, on Open hub (was (Admin: bmcage )
- Gramps project, on Twitter (Admin: [email protected] )
- Gramps, entry on the Python Package Index (pypi) (Admin: ?? / Package Index Owner: grampsproject) Who Admins this?
- GRAMPS for Genealogists, on Facebook (Admins:Tom Shaw, Dan Garnitz, Byron Howes)
I use GRAMPS, on Facebook (Admin:Dan Garnitz)[rolled into GRAMPS for Genealogists group in 2022]- Dansk gramps brugergruppe(Danish Gramps users.) on Facebook (Admin: Kaj Mikkelsen ) [3]
- Gramps Fans on Genealogy Wise (Admin:Dan Garnitz)
- Gramps, on that from 2014-06-18 the site is no longer being updated(was (Admin: dallingham)
- Gramps Project - Software Publisher Profile on (Admin: [email protected] ) (Use to manage account)
- Gramps(software) article, on Wikipedia (Available in 22 languages)
- The Gramps Project - Reddit (MODERATORS: mvuijlst, dm1407, gumr89s0, Sam888)
- The IRC(Internet relay chat) channel for Gramps is #gramps on Libera Chat (Channel Operators: Nick Hall(active)) (Moved to 2021-05-27)
The IRC(Internet relay chat) channel for Gramps is #gramps on freenode (Channel Operators: Luigi Toscano "tosky" (active) / FuzzyTheBear (inactive) / freenode-staff (contact only for admin stuff) )[4][5]
-!forum/gramps-finland - "Gramps Finland" is a Google Group for information exchange between Finnish users of Gramps. Used for rapid delivery of Finnish translations.
- cafepress T-Shirts gramps project, (Admin: Brian Matherly)
- Gramps Project on Sourceforge
- Gramps, project page on SourceForge (Project Admins: bmcage, nick-h, dallingham, pez4brian, simanek, Sam888)
- Download Statistics for Gramps on SourceForge
- Gramps Project on Github (Gramps 4.2+)
- gramps-project project page on Github (Admin: Nick Hall)
- gramps source
- addons
- addons-source
- Gramps Project Hosting etc...
- Sam Manzi is our server administrator.
- Brian Matherly and Nick Hall (also know all of the server details)
- Hosted on A2 Hosting in the United States.
- Runs the following web applications
Handling Website application upgrades for mediawiki/wordpress/mantisbt
- Gramps project owned domain names
- - Managed by Brian Matherly [6]
- Other Gramps Controlled Projects on Sourceforge
- gramps-addons, project page on SourceForge (Project Admins: bmcage, nick-h, dsblank, gburto01, romjerome, Sam888)
- gramps-cd, project page on SourceForge (Project Admins: dsblank, nick-h, Sam888)
- gramps4win, project page on SourceForge (Project Admins: fuzzyfonzy, ormus7577)
- Alternate Packagers
- Gramps Portable
- Gramps Portable (Program page only)
- Download Statistics for Gramps Portable on portableapps, SourceForge
- (German)Gramps Portable Download - Stammbaum-Programm - PC-WELT,
- Other
- Gramps for Linux Reviews by Users - Genealogy Software Reviews.
- Gramps for Windows Reviews by Users - Genealogy Software Reviews.
- Gramps for the Mac Reviews by Users - Genealogy Software Reviews.
- Gramps AIO - Free software downloads and software reviews - CNET,
- GRAMPS page at
- (Spanish) GRAMPS page at
- (French) GRAMPS page at
- (German) Gramps page at
- Gramps(Desktop) page at
- Gramps page at
- (German)Gramps download page at
- (German)Gramps download page at
- (Portuguese)Gramps for Linux download page and GRAMPS for Windows download page at
- (Portuguese)Gramps Linux download page and Gramps Portable Linux download page at
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