Gramps 5.2 Wiki Manual - Reports - part 7/he

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Fig. 13.7.1 Reports >Web Pages>... Menu overview

This section describes the Web Pages reports, Narrated Web Site and Web Calendar as part of the different reports available in Gramps.

Web Pages

Narrated Web Site

Do you really want to use the entire Family Tree database

Be aware that if you select the Entire Database filter option for your Family Tree database that a large number of files will be generated (depending on the size of your Family Tree database). It is recommended to start with a smaller filter (for example: ancestors of a certain person) to simplify the output while you learn about the Narrated Web Site Report.

Fig. 13.7.2 Narrated Web Site - Web Pages - Individuals page - default HTML output - example

The Narrated Web Site report generates a web site (that is, a set of linked web pages), for a set of selected individuals and provides the user with options that allow a wide range of customization. You can run this report via the menu Reports-->Web Pages-->Narrated Web Site....

The Narrated Web Site report creates pages that closely follow the World Wide Web Consortium’s Recommendations for XHTML 1.0 Strict and CSS 1. These recommendations include a separation of content from presentation. Due to this practice, the style and appearance of the new web pages can be completely controlled from one CSS stylesheet without altering individual pages.

Introduction pages can be added to provide additional information, such as a family history.

Genealogy records can generate a lot of files. Many web servers have a difficult time with a large number of files in a single directory. The Narrated Web report strives to keep the number of files per directory to a manageable level. To do this, a hierarchy of directories is created. The generated file names are not intuitive, but are unique for each person. Subsequent runs will generate identical file names, making it easy to update specific files.

HTML Code type Notes

In this subsection, the word tag does not refer to Gramps marker tags but instead refer to HTML formatting tags!

Notes set to the HTML Code type will be inserted under the object to which they are attached. This allows special

The HTML chunks must be well-formed, with all tags properly closed, to avoid conflicts with the rest of the webpage generated by the report. Only insert tags in a HTML Code-type Note that would normally be contained within the body of a HTML document.

The following tags will always be ignored: html, meta, doctype, head, meta, title, link, script, body

all other tags will be available : i, a, p, ol, ul, div, h1-h7, button, svg, table, tr, td, …

Generating Pages...

When you select the OK button, the generation of the web pages will start. So first check all options on the each of the dialog tabs


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