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Edellinen Hakemisto Seuraava

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Kuva. 11.3.1 Valikko Raportit-->Kirjat...

Tässä osassa kuvataan Grampsissa käytettävissä olevaa kirjaraporttia.


The Books Report allows you to create a custom genealogy book containing a collection of Gramps textual and graphical reports in a single document (i.e. a Book)

The only report available under this report is the Books Report.

When you select Reports-->Books... from the menu, the main Book dialog appears.

Manage Books dialog

Kuva. 11.3.2 Manage Books - dialog

The main Manage Books dialog has three sections Book name:, Available items and Current book

To start the creation of your custom genealogy book click the OK button once all selections of the reports to be included have been made, and possibly configured (or reconfigured) or to just accept the defaults; this will present the Generate Book dialog.

Book name

The Book name: (New Bookdefault) text entry field shows the name of the current book. Change it and save your custom book (a set of configured selections) for future use, in which case you may first alter the field to contain whatever name you want. If you load a saved-away book (see below) it will show that book's name -- which may then be changed if you want to save a slightly-different configuration.

Book name toolbar

The top horizontal set of set of toolbar icons near the Book name: field operate on the whole book and allow the following functions:

  • The Clear the book icon button clears all previously selected Available items items from the Current book section.
  • The Save current set of configured selections icon button to save the current book (under the name previously typed in the Book name: text entry field) for future use, if the book name already exists you will be asked if you wanted to Proceed to save over it or you can Cancel and provide another name. Saving the book also saves the configuration for each of the Available items you setup.

Fig. 11.3.3 "Open previously created book" icon and resulting "Available Books" - dialog
  • Select the Open previously created book icon button to open the Available Books window which shows all your previously-saved books. In that box either double-click on a particular book name or first select it and then hit OK to then load the book.

Fig. 11.3.4 "Manage previously created books" icon and resulting "Available Books" - dialog
  • You can also select the Manage previously created books icon button to open a slightly different Available Books window which shows your list of available books, and by using the Delete button you can removed the selected book.

Available items

The middle section Available items lists the items available for inclusion in the book.

Available items selections

Almost all items available for inclusion in the book are textual or graphical reports, and are therefore available in the form of standalone reports (see Index of Reports for their individual documentation). The exceptions are the following items which are only available as book items, in a book report:

Alphabetical Index

Fig. 11.3.5 Alphabetical Index - item

This item produces page(s) with an alphabetical index of people noted into selected textual reports.

On the Report Options tab you may choose the Translation: language from the drop down list.

Custom Text

Fig. 11.3.6 Custom Text - item

The Custom Text item produces a page with three paragraphs, each containing custom text:

  • Initial Text:
  • Middle Text:
  • Final Text:

The text input fields are expandable so you can really put all the text you want in there.

The lower window part shows some Document Options: here you can choose the Style. You can choose the default style or click on the Style Editor... button. This brings up a Style Editor window where you can add and remove Styles. For more details see also style editor. This item was meant to be used for epigraphs, dedications, explanations, notes, and so forth.

Table of contents

Fig. 11.3.7 Table Of Contents - item

A Table of contents (TOC) is generated for book as a list of the parts of a book or document organized in the order in which the parts appear.

On the Report Options tab you may choose the Translation: language from the drop down list.

For Open Document Text(ODT) file output

the Table of Contents and Index are inserted into the document but not generated by Gramps. Right click in them in LibreOffice and then click on "Update Index or Table of Contents" in the context menu to generate the entries.

Title Page

Fig. 11.3.8 Title Page - item
If you selected the Title Page item and clicked the Add button to put this item in your book and you click Preferences button (Configure currently selected item) you will get a Title Page window.

On the Report Options tab you have three text input fields available where you can change the Title:, the Subtitle: and a Footer: from the example text provided.

An Image: can be optionally placed between the subtitle and the footer, by selecting the Select an existing media object button which will show the Select Media Object selector dialog where you can select the existing image you want.

You can also change the Image Size: from the default.

The lower window part shows some Document Options: here you can choose the Style. You can choose the default style or click on the Style Editor... button. This brings up a Style Editor window where you can add and remove Styles. For more details see also style editor.

Because you can configure the various elements, this item can be used to create title pages for the whole book, its chapter, or even a single item.

Current book

The bottom section Current book lists the currently selected items in the order they will appear in the book.

Current book toolbar

The bottom right vertical set of toolbar icons beside the Current book section table operate on the sections and allow the following functions:

  • Use the + Add an item to the book icon button to add the selected item from the top Available items section list to the Current book section list below. Double-clicking the (top list's) selected item will also add it.
  • Use the - Remove currently selected item from the book icon button to remove an item from the bottom Current book section list.
  • Use the Up arrow Move current selection one step up in the book icon button to change the order of the selected item in the Current book.
  • Use the Down arrow Move current selection one step down in the book icon button to change the order of the selected item in the Current book.
  • With the Configure currently selected item icon button you can configure the options of the selected item of the Current book -- but you must select the item first. Double-clicking an item will also start a configuration dialog. The configuration dialog invoked by Configure currently selected item icon button are item-specific. If you choose not to configure the item, some defaults will be used for all needed options. The common option for almost all book items is the center person: the person on whom the item is centered. Thanks to this option, you can create a book with items centered on different people (e.g. your mom's and dad's ancestors as separate chapters). By default, the center person is set to the Active Person.

Tuota kirja

Fig. 11.3.9 Generate Book - dialog

You will see the Generate Book dialog once you have selected the Manage Books dialogs OK button to accept the defaults and start the creation of your custom genealogy book.

There are two sections Paper Options and Document Options:

Paper Options

Paper Options where you can change the Size and Orientation for the Paper Format, and all Margins. A Checkbox is available to use metric values instead.

Document Options

The Document Options section allows you to change the:

  • Output Format: use the drop down menu to change output format:
    • PDF document
    • PostScript
    • OpenDocument Text
    • Print...
  • Open with default viewer if checked allow you to open in the default viewer eg: LibreOffice Word Processor. (checkbox unchecked by default)
  • Filename: enter your filename, note the filename extension changes depending on the output format. eg: For PDF documents the default value is /yourhomedir/<Family Tree name>_book.pdf and OpenDocument Text the default value is /yourhomedir/<Family Tree name>_book.odt etc..

Back to Index of Reports.

Edellinen Hakemisto Seuraava
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