Gramps 5.2 Wiki Manual - Entering and editing data: detailed - part 2/tr

From Gramps
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The previous section offered you a detailed overview of how to enter and edit data for people, relationships and dates. This section continues with other objects you encounter in Gramps.


Editing information about events

Fig. 9.2.1 Events Category - Events (List) View - example

Adding an Event to a person allows you to record information you have found.

When adding an event to the Events Category, the New Event dialog appears.

To add or edit event data, switch to the Event Category View and select the desired entry in the list of events. Double-click on that entry or click Edit on the toolbar to invoke the following New Event dialog.

New Event dialog

Fig. 9.2.2 Edit Event - dialog - example


Events are edited through the Event Editor dialog. This dialog can be accessed by: double-clicking a row in the Event category view, or in the Events tab of the Edit Person dialog, or the Events_2 tab of the Family Editor dialog.

The top part lets you view and edit basic information about the event:

  • The Event type: can be selected from the available types listed in the Event type drop-down menu. e.g., Birth (default), Baptism, Death, Burial, etc. Gramps
    You can enter you own Event Custom Types by typing directly into this entry field.
  • The Date: of the event can be an exact date, a range (from ... to ..., between ...), or an inexact date (about ...).
    • Invoke date editor button starts the Date selection dialog.
  • The Description: field gives you the opportunity to give a longer description what this event is.
    • Record is Public - Toggle the Privacy lock to mark the event record as private which allows it to be omitted from reports.
  • The Place: can be selected from a list of previously entered place using the Select an existing place button or entered anew using the Add a new place button. Additionally, you can drag and drop a place entry into this field.
  • The ID: is a unique identifier for the event. Leave this field blank to allow Gramps to generate this value automatically for new events.
  • The Tags: allow you to select an existing tag using the Edit the tag list button.

New Event tab pages

The central part of the window displays tabs containing different categories of information. Click on a tab to view or edit its contents. The tabs provide the following information categories of the event data:

Source Citations

The Sources Citations tab lets you view and edit sources relevant to an event. The central part of the window lists all such source references stored in the database. The buttons + , Edit , and - let you add, modify, and remove a source reference associated with an event. Note that the Edit and - buttons become available only when a source reference is selected from the list.


The Notes tab provides a place to record notes or comments about the event. To add a note or modify existing notes simply edit the text in the text entry field.


The Gallery tab


The Attributes tab


The References tab

The bottom part of the window has OK and Cancel buttons. Clicking OK will apply all the changes made in all tabs and close the dialog window. Clicking the Cancel button will close the window without applying any changes. Pressing Help will provide help if available.


If a tab label is in boldface type, this means it contains data. If not, it has no data.

Editing event references

Event references connect a Event to a person and allow you to provide additional information about the event.

When adding event references to a Edit Person's Events tab, the Event Reference Editor dialog appears.

Event Reference Editor dialog


Information in this dialog is specific to the particular reference. A single event can be referenced many times, and all such references will have in common the overall event information. This dialog lets you provide reference-specific data, such as relevant role, attribute to further specify and document the reference.

Fig. 9.2.3 Event Reference Editor - dialog - default

The New Citation dialog includes two sections, Reference Information and Shared Information.

  • The Reference Information section indicates the details associated with the particular reference to this Event: General, Notes, Attributes.
  • The Shared Information displays : General, Source Citations, Attributes, Notes, Gallery, References.

Reference Information

Reference Information tab pages

For the Role: of the person in this event, use the Primary (default during an Add Event) option for the main beneficiary. Use a descriptive Event Role (eg., Aide, Bride, Celebrant, Clergy, Family, Groom, Informant, Witness) for a Events where the Person is not the Primary participant.

Events added to a Person via the Share or by drag'n'drop will be assigned the Unknown Event Role by default. If the Person holds an equal Role, set their Role to Primary as well.

If none of the pre-defined Roles are appropriate, add a Role Custom Types by keyboarding in the new Role name rather than selecting one from among those of the Role Pull-Down menu. Any added Role custom types will remain available in that expanded menu... unless the Tree is exported & re-imported or cleaned via a 3rd party addon Utility like Type Cleanup.



Shared Information


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Any changes in the shared event information will be reflected in the event itself, for all participants in the event.

Source Citations





Editing information about media objects

To add or edit media data, switch to the Media Category View and select the desired entry in the list of media. Double-click on that entry or click Edit on the toolbar to invoke the following New Media editor dialog.

New Media dialog

Fig. 9.2.4 New Media Editor - dialog - example showing Media properties

The top section presents a thumbnail preview of the media object if available, along with a summary of its properties (ID, Date, Path and object type) that you can view and edit. You can type this information directly into the corresponding fields. For the Date, you can also enter information by clicking the Invoke date editor button to invoke the Date selection dialog.

  • A descriptive Title: for this media object.
  • The ID: is an unique record to identify the media object, leave blank to have it generated by Gramps.
    • Privacy toggle for this media object Record is public(default) or Record is private
  • Date: a date associated with the media object eg: for a picture it could be the date it was taken.
    • Invoke date editor button to invoke the Date selection dialog.
  • Path: of the media object on your computer. Gramps does not store the media internally, it only stores the path! Set the Relative Path in the Preferences > General tab's Base path for relative media paths: entry to avoid retyping the common base directory where all your media is stored. The Media Manager tool can help managing paths of a collection of media objects.
    • Open File Browser to select a media file on your computer. button.
  • Edit the Tag list button.

The bottom section of the window displays four notebook tabs containing different categories of information. Click a tab to view or edit its contents. The bottom part of the window has Help, Cancel and OK buttons. Clicking OK will apply all the changes made in all tabs and close the dialog window. Clicking the Cancel button will close the window without applying any changes. Pressing the Help button will bring you here.


Every media object is referred to by its Path. The user is responsible for keeping track of the object files. Gramps will only reference and display the contents, not manage the files themselves.


Clicking OK will immediately save changes to the database (write on disk). All changes are immediate.

New Media tab pages


If a tab label is in boldface type, this means it contains data. If not, it has no data.

The tabs represent the following categories of media data:

Source Citations


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The Attributes tab lets you view and edit particular information about the media object that can be expressed as Attributes. The bottom part displays the list of all such attributes stored in the database. The top part shows the details of the currently selected attribute in the list (if any). The buttons + , Edit , and - let you add, modify, or remove an attribute. Note that the Edit and - buttons become available only when an attribute is selected from the list.


The Note tab provides a place to record various information about the source that does not fit neatly into other categories. This area is particularly useful for recording information that does not naturally fit into the "Parameter/Value" pairs available to Attributes. To add a note or modify existing notes simply edit the text in the text entry field.


The References tab indicates any database records that refer to a given media object. The list can be ordered according to any of its column headings: Type , ID , or Name. Double-clicking an entry allows you to view and edit the corresponding record.


Only primary objects can be shown in the References tab: Person, Family, Event, Source, or Place. The secondary objects such as Names and Attributes, although able to refer the media object, will only show up through their primary objects to which they belong.

Editing media object references

When Media Object references connect a Media Object to an other object on a Edit Person's Gallery tab, the Share button will bring up the Select Media Object selector and once you select a Media Object the Media Reference Editor dialog appears.


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Select a media object selector

Fig. 9.2.5 Select a media object - (File) Selector Dialog - example

The Select a media object file selector allow you to preview and select a media file you want to attach, and at the same time you may edit the shown Title: (Defaults to the filename without the file extension).

  • Convert to a relative path (checkbox unchecked by default until checked for the first time and remembered for each subsequent image selection.)

Media Reference Editor dialog

Fig. 9.2.6 Media Reference Editor - dialog - collapsed default example

The Media Reference Editor dialog.

See also How to create image reference regions


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Fig. 9.2.7 Media Reference Editor - dialog - "Shared Information" section expanded example

You may also expand the Shared Information section.


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Top section


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Top section tab pages
  • Region corners : x1, x2, y1, y2.

The region part allows to select a specific region on the Media Object. You can use the mouse cursor on the picture to select a region, or use these spinbuttons to set the top left, and bottom right corner of the referenced region. Point (0,0) is the top left corner of the picture, and (100,100) the bottom right corner.

  • Privacy

The Privacy button lets you mark whether or not the record is considered private. Check the Private record box to mark this record as private.

See also the Narrated Web Site Gallery tab supports output of these referenced regions.

Source Citations



Shared Information

Shared Information tab pages


Source Citations



Editing information about places

To edit information about places, switch to the Places Category and select the desired entry from the list of places. Double-click that entry or click the Edit button on the toolbar to bring up the Place Editor dialog:

Place Editor dialog


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Fig. 9.2.8 Place editor - dialog

To edit information about places, switch to the Places Category and select the desired entry from the list of places. Double-click that entry or click the Edit button on the toolbar to bring up the following Place Editor dialog:

The following fields are available:

  • Title area at top displays the description of this place to be used in reports. Gramps will construct this for you. See Preferences > Display > Enable automatic place title generation
  • Name: the name of this place.
    • Invoke place name editor button opens the Place Name Editor dialog where you can add/edit additional information.
  • Type: the place type. All Custom Types are shown at the bottom of the list. Choose from the following default available Types:
    • Building
    • Borough
    • Country
    • County
    • City
    • Department
    • District
    • Farm
    • Hamlet
    • Locality
    • Municipality
    • Neighborhood
    • Number - See Street format:
    • Parish
    • Province
    • Region
    • State
    • Street
    • Town
    • Unknown(default)
    • Village
  • Latitude: the position above equation of the place in decimal or degree notation. Eg, valid values are 12.0154, 50°52'21.92\"N, N50º52'21.92\" or 50:52:21.92. You can set these values via the Geography View by searching the place, or via a map service in the Place view. See: Supported longitude/latitude formats
  • Longitude: the position relative to the Prime, or Greenwich, Meridian of the place in decimal or degree notation. Eg, valid values are -124.3647, 124°52'21.92\"E, E124º52'21.92\" or 124:52:21.92. You can set these values via the Geography View by searching the place, or via a map service in the Place view. See: Supported longitude/latitude formats
    • Record is public/private
  • ID: an unique record to identify the place. Leave generated by Gramps.
  • Code: a code for this place. For example, an area code or postal code.
  • Tags:
    • Edit the tag list

Place editor tab pages


If a tab label is in boldface type and displays an icon, this means it contains data. If not, it has no data.

The tabs represent the following categories of place data:

Enclosed By

Fig. 9.2.9 "Enclosed By" tab from "Place Editor" - dialog - example
Places in Gramps are stored in a hierarchy. The Enclosed By tab allows you to link this place to other places, higher in the hierarchy, which enclose it. Each link consists of a place and an optional date range. The buttons + , Edit , and - let you add, modify, and remove a link. Note that the Edit and - buttons become available only when a link is selected from the list. In general, a country will be a top level place, and will not be linked to any other place.

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See also: Enclosed By Gramplet

Select Place selector

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Fig. 9.2.10 Select Place - Selector Dialog - example

The Select Place selector dialog allows you to link to an already existing place and once selected it will be opened in the Place Reference Editor

You may use the Find button to filter the list based on one of the options from the drop down list:

  • Name contains (default)

Place Reference Editor
Fig. 9.2.11 Place Reference Editor - Dialog - example

Place Reference Editor


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The second part of the window displays seven notebook tabs containing different categories of information. Click a tab to view or edit its contents. The bottom part of the window has OK and Cancel buttons. Clicking OK will apply all the changes made in all tabs and close the dialog window. Clicking the Cancel button will close the window without applying any changes.


Clicking OK will immediately save changes to the database. All changes are immediate.

Alternative Names

The Alternative Names tab lets you view and edit other names by which the place might be known. The tab lists all other names of the place stored in the database. The buttons + , Edit , and - let you add, modify, and remove a name record. Note that the Edit and - buttons become available only when a name is selected from the list.

Seeing a question ? mark means that you may have a problem in the naming variants of that place. There may be some places which have different names for the same date range and language. Overlapping date ranges are valid. The place displayer will use the first matching name.

Source Citations

The Source Citations tab lets you view and edit sources relevant to a place. The central part of the window lists all such source references stored in the database. The buttons + , Edit , and - let you add, modify, and remove a source reference associated with a place. Note that the Edit and - buttons become available only when a source reference is selected from the list.


The Notes tab displays any comments or notes concerning the place. To add a note or modify existing notes simply edit the text in the text entry field.


The Gallery tab lets you store and display photos and other media objects associated with a given place. The central part of the window lists all such media objects and gives you a thumbnail preview of image files. Other objects such as audio files, movie files, etc., are represented by a generic Gramps icon. The buttons + , Select , Edit , and - let you add a new image, add a reference to an existing image, modify an existing image, and remove a media object's link to the place. Note that the Edit and - buttons become available only when a media object is selected from the list.


The Internet tab contains Internet addresses relevant to the place. The bottom part of the window lists all such Internet addresses stored in the database. The top part shows the details of the currently selected address in the list (if any). The buttons + , Edit , and - let you add, modify, and remove an Internet address. The Go button (represented by an icon with a green arrow and yellow circle) opens your browser and takes you to the web page corresponding to the highlighted Internet address. Note that the Edit , - , and Go buttons become available only when an address is selected from the list.


The References tab indicates any database records (events or LDS ordinances) that refer to a place. This information cannot be modified from the Place Editor dialog. Instead, the corresponding database record (e.g., a birth event) has to be brought up and its place reference edited.

Place Name Editor dialog

Fig. 9.2.12 Place Name Editor dialog - default

You can access the Place Name Editor dialog from the Place Editor dialogs Invoke place name editor button.

The Place Name Editor dialog allows you to add/edit the following information:

  • Name: the name of the place
  • Date: Date range in which the place is valid
    • Invoke the date editor button
  • Language: Language in which the name is written. Valid values are two character ISO codes for example: en,fr, de, nl. See Wikipedia for the full list of valid ISO 639-1 codes.

Supported longitude/latitude formats

When you create/modify a place, the possible formats used for longitude/latitude are :

Longitude & Latitude Formats
D.D4 degree notation, 4 decimals
eg +12.0154 , -124.3647
4 decimals of longitude precision allows an 11.132 meter (36.5223097 foot) approximation at the equator.
D.D8 degree notation, 8 decimals (precision like ISO-DMS)
eg +12.01543265 , -124.36473268
DEG degree, minutes, seconds notation
eg 50°52'21.92"N , 124°52'21.92"E (° symbol has UTF-8 code c2b00a)
or N50º52'21.92" , E124º52'21.92" (º symbol has UTF-8 code c2ba0a)
The character for seconds can be either one double quote "
or two single quote '
The letters N/S/W/E can be placed before or after the digits.
DEG- degree, minutes, seconds notation with :
eg -50:52:21.92 , 124:52:21.92
ISO-D ISO 6709 degree notation
ISO-DM ISO 6709 degree, minutes notation
ISO-DMS ISO 6709 degree, minutes, seconds notation

Editing information about sources

From either of the Sources category views you can select or create a new source, or if you had chosen the STOCK_ADD + or STOCK_EDIT Edit buttons, then the New Source editor dialog appears.

New Source dialog

Fig. 9.2.13 New Source - editor dialog - example

For the New Source editor dialog the general information in the top section of the window lets you define basic information about the source: its Title , Author , Abbreviation , and Publication information . You can type this information directly into the adjacent fields.

  • Title: Title of the source.
  • Authors: Authors of the source.
  • Pub. info.: Publication Information, such as city and year of publication, name of publisher, ...
  • Abbreviation: Provide a short title used for sorting, filing, and retrieving source records.
    • Record is public/private Lock icon toggle.
  • ID: an unique record to identify the source. Leave generated by Gramps.
  • Tags:
    • Edit the tag list

New Source tab pages

The tabs provide the following information categories of source data:


The Notes tab provides a place to record notes or comments about the source. To add a note or modify existing notes simply edit the text in the text entry field. Only primary objects can be shown in the References tab: Person, Family, Event, Place, or Media object. Secondary objects such as Names and Attributes can only be accessed through the primary objects to which they belong.


The Gallery tab lets you store and display photos and other media objects associated with a given source (for example, a photo of a birth certificate). The central part of the window lists all such objects and gives you a thumbnail preview of image files. Other objects such as audio files, movie files, etc., are represented by a generic Gramps icon. The buttons + , Select , Edit , and - let you add a new image, add a reference to an existing image, modify an existing image, and remove a media object's link to the relationship. Note that the Edit and - buttons become available only when a media object is selected from the list.


The Attributes tab displays "Key/Value" pairs that may be associated with the source. These are similar to the "Attributes" used for other types of Gramps records. The difference between these Key/Value pairs and Attributes is that Attributes may have source references and notes, while Key/Value data may not.
The central part of the window lists all existing Key/Value pairs. The buttons + and - let you add and remove pairs. To modify the text of Key or Value, first select the desired entry. Then click in either the Key or Value cell of that entry and type your text. When you are done, click outside the cell to exit editing mode.


Fig. 9.2.14 "Repositories" tab from "New Source" - dialog - example
The Repositories tab displays the references to the repositories in which the source is contained. The list can be ordered by any of its column headings: ID , Title, Call Number,and Type. Double-clicking an entry allows you to view and edit the record. You may also edit the reference. The buttons on the side of the tab allow you add a new repository, link to (or share) an existing repository, edit the reference to the repository, or remove the reference.

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Select Repository selector
Fig. 9.2.15 Select Repository - Selector Dialog - example

The Select Repository selector dialog allows you to link to an already existing repositories and once selected it will be opened in the Repository Reference Editor

You may use the Find button to filter the list based on one of the options from the drop down list:

  • Title contains (default)
  • Title not contain
  • ID contains
  • ID does not contain
  • Last Change contains
  • Last Change does not contain

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The References tab lists all the database records that refer to this source, if any. The list can be ordered by any of its column headings: Type , ID , or Name. Double-clicking an entry allows you to view and edit the record.

Editing source citations

Citations connect a Source to another object and allow you to provide additional information about the source. Citations can be attached to a large number of objects,

For each object, a common set of buttons are provided:

  • STOCK_ADD + (Create and add a new citation and a new source). This brings up an empty Citation dialog.
  • STOCK_INDEX (used for share) Add (Add an existing citation or source). This brings up the Source or Citation selection dialog box.
  • STOCK_EDIT Edit (Edit the selected citation). This brings up the Citation dialog pre-populated with the Citation and source information.
  • STOCK_REMOVE - (Remove the existing citation). This removes the citation from the object. It does not delete the citation itself, which could then be connected to another object.

Note that the STOCK_EDIT Edit and STOCK_REMOVE - buttons become available only when a citation has been selected.

Select Source or Citation selector

Fig. 9.2.16 Select Source or Citation - Selector Dialog - example

When STOCK_ADD Add adding an existing citation or source, the Select Source or Citation dialog appears

This allows either an existing source or an existing citation (along with its associated source) to be selected. Click on the disclosure triangle alongside a source to see the citations associated with that source. For example, if one of your sources were a book, then the citations would normally refer to a page (or pages) within the book. If you already have a citation that refer to the particular page of the book, then you could select that citation which would then be shared. On the other hand, if this object needs to refer to a new page, then you would select the source and in the subsequent dialog enter the new page.

You may use the Find button to filter the list based on one of the options from the drop down list:

  • Source: Title or Citation: Volume/Page contains(default)
  • Source: Title or Citation: Volume/Page does not contain
  • ID contains
  • ID does not contain
  • Last Change contains
  • Last Change does not contain

New Citation dialog


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Fig. 9.2.17 New Citation - editor Dialog - example

Once you have selected a citation or a source, or if you had chosen the STOCK_ADD + or STOCK_EDIT Edit buttons, then the New Citation dialog appears.

The New Citation dialog includes one section called Citation information.

Citation information

The Citation information section indicates the details associated with the particular reference to this Source: Confidence, Volume/Page, Date, and Notes. You can choose the Confidence level from the Confidence drop-down menu. The remaining details can be typed in the corresponding text entry fields.

  • Date: Date associated with this source reference. Typically used to store the date that the data was entered into the original source document (not the date when the event occurred).
  • ID:
  • Volume/Page: Specific location with in the information referenced. For a published work, this could include the volume of a multi-volume work and the page number(s). For a periodical, it could include volume, issue, and page numbers. For a newspaper, it could include a column number and page number. For an unpublished source, this could be a sheet number, page number, frame number, etc. A census record might have a line number or dwelling and family numbers in addition to the page number.
  • Confidence: Conveys the submitter's quantitative evaluation of the credibility of a piece of information, based upon its supporting evidence. It is not intended to eliminate the receiver's need to evaluate the evidence for themselves.
    • Very Low = Unreliable evidence or estimated data.
    • Low = Questionable reliability of evidence (interviews, census, oral genealogies, or potential for bias for example, an autobiography).
    • Normal - ??
    • High = Secondary evidence, data officially recorded sometime after event.
    • Very High = Direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.
A warning icon STOCK_DIALOG_WARNING is displayed if the citation is shared.

Information in a citation may be shared. A single citation can be referenced many times and all such references will have in common the overall citation information. Changing the citation information will change it for all of the shared uses

Select Source selector
Fig. 9.2.18 Select Source - Selector Dialog - example

The Select Source selector dialog allows you to link to an already existing source.

You may use the Find button to filter the list based on one of the options from the drop down list:

  • Title contains (default)
  • Title not contain
  • Author contains
  • Author does not contain
  • ID contains
  • ID does not contain
  • Last Change contains
  • Last Change does not contain

Citation information section tab pages

The tabs provide the following information categories of citation data:


The Note tab provides a place to record notes or comments about the citation. The central part of the window lists all notes for this citation, and gives you a preview of the beginning of the note. The buttons STOCK_ADD +, STOCK_INDEX (used for share) Add, STOCK_EDIT Edit, STOCK_REMOVE -, STOCK_GO_UP Up and STOCK_GO_DOWN Down let you add a new note, share the selected note, edit the selected note, remove the selected note and move the selected note up or down the list of notes. Note that the STOCK_INDEX (used for share) Add, STOCK_EDIT Edit, STOCK_REMOVE -, STOCK_GO_UP Up and STOCK_GO_DOWN Down buttons become available only when a media object is selected from the list. Removing a note only removes the note from this citation, it does not delete the note itself. Please refer to details on editing notes.


The Gallery tab lets you store and display photos and other media objects associated with a given citation (for example, a photo of a page of a book or a page of a census). The central part of the window lists all such objects and gives you a thumbnail preview of image files. Other objects such as audio files, movie files, etc., are represented by a generic Gramps icon. The buttons STOCK_ADD +, STOCK_INDEX (used for share) Add, STOCK_EDIT Edit and STOCK_REMOVE - let you add a new image, add a reference to an existing image, modify an existing image, and remove a media object's link to the citation. Note that the Edit and - buttons become available only when a media object is selected from the list. Please refer to details on editing media references.


The Attributes tab displays "Key/Value" pairs that may be associated with the citation. These are similar to the "Attributes" used for other types of Gramps records. The difference between these Key/Value pairs and Attributes is that Attributes may have source citations and notes, while Key/Value data may not.

The central part of the window lists all existing Key/Value pairs. The buttons STOCK_ADD + and STOCK_REMOVE - let you add and remove pairs. To modify the text of Key or Value, first select the desired entry. Then press the STOCK_EDIT Edit button to select the Key, or click in either the Key or Value cell of that entry and type your text. When you are done, click outside the cell to exit editing mode.


The References tab lists all the database records that refer to this source, if any. The list can be ordered by any of its column headings: Type , ID , or Name. Double-clicking an entry allows you to view and edit the record.

Depolarla ilgili bilgileri düzenleme

Bir kaynak seçtikten sonra STOCK_ADD + veya STOCK_EDIT Düzenle düğmelerini seçtiyseniz, Yeni Depo penceresi belirir.

Yeni Depo penceresi

Fig. 9.2.19 New Repository - editor dialog - example

Aşağıdaki alanlar gösterilir:

  • Ad: Deponun (kaynakların depolandığı yer) adı.
  • Tür: soy ve aile geçmişi kaynaklarının depolandığı yer fiziksel veya sanal yapılar olabilir:
    • Albüm
    • Arşiv
    • Kitapçı
    • Mezarlık
    • Kilise
    • Koleksiyon
    • Kütüphane(varsayılan)
    • Kasa
    • Bilinmiyor
    • İnternet sitesi
  • KNo: depoyu tanımlamak için benzersiz bir numaradır. Gramps tarafından oluşturulmak üzere boş bırakın.
  • Genel/özel layıt Kilit simgesi geçişi.
  • Etiketler:
    • Etiket listesini düzenleyin

Yeni Depo sekme sayfaları

Sekmeler, aşağıdaki depo verileri kategorilerini temsil eder:


Adresler sekmesi, deponun çeşitli adreslerini görüntülemenizi ve kaydetmenizi sağlar.
Pencerenin alt kısmı, veri tabanında depolanan tüm adresleri listeler. Üst kısım, listede (varsa) o anda seçili olan adresin ayrıntılarını gösterir. + , Düzenle , ve - düğmeleri, veri tabanına uygun şekilde bir adres kaydı eklemenize, değiştirmenize ve kaldırmanıza izin verir. Düzenle ve - düğmelerinin yalnızca listeden bir adres seçildiğinde kullanılabileceğini unutmayın.


İnternet sekmesi, depoyla ilgili İnternet adreslerini görüntüler. Alt kısım, bu tür tüm İnternet adreslerini ve beraberindeki açıklamaları listeler. Üst kısım, listede (varsa) o anda seçili olan adreslerin ayrıntılarını gösterir. + , Düzenle, ve - düğmeleri bir İnternet adresi eklemenize, değiştirmenize ve kaldırmanıza izin verir. "Git" düğmesi (yeşil ok ve sarı daireye sahip bir simgeyle gösterilir) web tarayıcınızı açar ve sizi doğrudan vurgulanan sayfaya götürür. Düzenle, ve - düğmelerinin yalnızca listeden bir adres seçildiğinde kullanılabilir hale geldiğini unutmayın.


Notlar sekmesi, notları veya depo ile ilgili yorumları kaydetmek için bir yer sağlar. Bir not eklemek veya mevcut notları değiştirmek için metin giriş alanındaki metni düzenlemeniz yeterlidir.


Referanslar sekmesi, belirli bir depoya başvuran tüm veri tabanı kayıtlarını gösterir. Liste, sütun başlıklarından herhangi birine göre sıralanabilir: Tür, KNo, veya Ad . Bir girdiye çift tıklamak, ilgili kaydı görüntülemenize ve düzenlemenize olanak tanır.

Editing information about notes

Once you have selected a source, or if you had chosen the STOCK_ADD + or STOCK_EDIT Edit buttons, then the New Note editor dialog appears.

See also:

New Note editor dialog

Fig. 9.2.20 New Note - editor dialog - example

When creating a new note, or when editing an existing note, the New Note editor dialog appears. There are two tabs, the Note tab, and the References tab.

Note tab

The Note tab is the place for adding notes to People, Sources, etc. The tab allows you to re-sequence notes in the order you want to see them. As on the other tabs, you can add new (note) records, share existing notes with another object and remove notes from this object.

'Remove' is not the same as 'Delete'

Removing a note record from the Note tab does not delete the note data from the family tree. It remains present in the Note category view afterwards but is no longer linked with the current object.

Notes that are not linked to any object in the Tree may be found in the Notes view by searching for a zero count in the "Notes with a reference count of <count>" Custom filter rule.

The Note tab has the following elements

  • A toolbar to apply styles to your notes. You can select and apply one of the toolbuttons, or set the values as you want and start typing.
  • Italic : common function known from text editors
  • Bold : common function known from text editors
  • Underline : common function known from text editors
  • Undo : Undoes last action.
  • Redo : Re-applies last action.
  • Font selection drop down list: a basic font selector showing all fonts installed on your operating system.
  • Font size: select the size of the font to use for your text.
  • 22x22-gramps-font-color.png
    Font color: select the color of your font.
  • 22x22-gramps-font-bgcolor.png
    Background color: adds a background color to the text you enter.
  • Link: Opens the Link Editor allowing you to create an internal link to an item in Gramps, such as a Person, Family, Event, Note, etc.
  • Clear Markup: Highlight the text to remove markup you have placed on the note.

If you want to revert to a previous version of a note after you save it, there is an Undo/Redo feature for notes (just like other items). Go to menu -> Redo, Undo, or Undo History.

  • A context menu on the textview.
The most important entry in this context menu is the spell selection. You are offered a selection of installed languages on your system with spell checking enabled.
  • The text view where you can write your note
  • Some properties of your note
  • Preformatted checkbox: Notes in Gramps are considered reflowable to allow the content to conform to the report's page size and formatting for the most harmonious presentation. In the default setting, newlines (linefeeds & carriage returns) and white spaces will be automatically ignored so as to form complete paragraphs, which are defined by an empty line between two textblocks.
    When Preformatted is checked, Gramps will assume the whitespace and newlines you keyed into the notes are important. Use Preformatted for tables, literal transcripts, and so forth. Using a monospace font will help keep preformatting column widths & margins predictable.
    Try not to use preformatted unless absolutely necessary, the reports create will flow more naturally.
  • Make public/private Privacy is the same as on the other objects. With one easy click, you can indicate a note should be considered private so Gramps can remove this note from all output created.
  • ID: a unique ID for the note. If left blank, an automatic ID will be generated according to the settings in the preferences.
  • Type: (General default) The note type. You can add your own custom Type by keyboarding it in directly. Adding a Note will automatically set the Type to match the object to which it is being added. (e.g. A note added to the Notes tab of the Person Editor will default to Person Note Type.)
Type Recognized for features in
<primary object> Note
<secondary object> Note
General (default)
Html code Narrated Web Site report inclusions; export to GEDCOM
Source text
To Do To Do Gramplet, ToDo Notes Gramplet Addon. Not to be confused with ToDo tag-based reports.
  • Tags: Select a Tag for the note: Complete, Todo etc... You can add your own Tags by typing it. Reports based on tags include: Tag Report, Todo report

References tab

The References tab indicates any objects that refer to a given note. The list can be ordered according to any of its column headings: Type, ID, or Name. Double-clicking an entry allows you to view and edit the corresponding record.

HTML links

If you add links to webpages with the full address in a note, the link will turn blue and underlined when you hover your mouse over the text. Clicking the link opens the webpage in your default browser.

Link Editor
Fig. 9.2.21 Notes Editor - Linking text
When the Link button does not respond

A block of Note text must be highlighted for the Link Editor to be active. There is no visual indicator when the button is inactive.

Fig. 9.2.22 Link Editor - dialog - example

The Link Editor has the following options:

  • Link Type: allows you to create an external link to an Internet Address (URL) or an item in Gramps, such as an Event, Family, Media, Note, Person, Place, Repository, Source, or Citation.
  • STOCK_INDEX (used for share) Select Item button : opens the selector dialog for existing items in the category specified in the Link Type.
    • New button
  • Gramps item:
    • Edit button : opens the editor dialog for the specified Gramps item
  • Internet Address:

This article's content is incomplete or a placeholder stub.
Please update or expand this section.

See also:

Note markup and preformat in reports

Markup like bold, color, underline, ... can be added to notes. A note can be preformatted or not. It depends on the output type how this markup will appear. Here an overview is given of what you can expect.

  • Pdf and direct print (to printer or to file) fully support the markup and the preformatted setting
  • ascii print removes all markup from the notes for obvious reasons
  • LaTeX output interprets the markup to its best of possibilities. LaTeX is not well suited as a typesetting language to add custom style. That would break the benefits LaTex offers. Hence, the following is done:
  • bold, underline and italic is supported
  • fontsize is mapped to the size indicators of LaTeX in a fuzzy manner
  • mono fonts are shown as a mono spaced font
  • color and font is not supported
  • preformatted is handled correctly
  • Narrative Web. Many people use the Narrative Web report as an easy way to work with their data. This report is trying to respect markup in the notes. This is an interpreted translation, it is not one-to-one.
  • ODF output does not support markup at the moment.
  • RTF output does not support markup at the moment.
  • html output does not support markup at the moment.
Note markup and preformat in reports

Use markup in notes only in those cases it adds to the information stored. Gramps is not a text editor.

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