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Data Entry Gramplet - default entry dialog

The Data Entry Gramplet allows an easy method of editing previously added people, and adding new and related people in your family tree.


You can access the Data Entry Gramplet by adding it to the Gramplet sidebars or bottombars in the People, Relationship and Chart views. This gramplet is only for "Person" category views, so it is unavailable in the Dashboard or Family views... or any other views that focuses on something other than the Active Person. You can still detach/undock the Gramplet to allow use while referencing other Views.

The Data Entry Gramplet consists of two separate sections: the Active person and New person sections.

Both sections have a number of text fields, just displaying that type of data for different people. The topmost is the Surname, Given: entry field which is a combined entry for just the surname followed by a comma and the given names. If you need more finely grained editing on the name (for example, the person's name includes a suffix or prefix), you can use the Edit icon once the new person has been created.

The Death: and Birth: lines for both the Active person and New person are also a combined entry, allowing you to enter a date and place. The date (if one) is entered first in any format available to your Gramps installation, followed by the word in (in your language) and the location (if one). For example, the following are all valid entries for the birth or death entries:

  • Jan 1, 1867 in Kingsport, TN
  • about 1822 in Sweden
  • in London, England, UK
  • 1756/12/31

If a location has been previously used, then it will share that location with the others. If it is new, it will be created.

To Add a New person as a relation to the active person choose a relation type from the Add relation: drop down eg: No relation to the active person(default), Add as a Parent, Add as a Mother, Add as a Father, Add as a Spouse, Add as a Wife, Add as a Husband, Add as a Sibling, Add as a Child. The Gramplet will guess at the best place to add the person. For example, it will add the new person to the first family available. The Gramplet will also try to discern gender where needed, guessing that the "father" spouse of a family is male, and the "mother" spouse is female. If these guesses are incorrect, you should add your new person via the normal Gramps data entry method.

Click on the Edit button to the right of the Active person's name to use the standard Edit Person window.

Click on the Edit button to the right of the Family: label to use the standard Edit Family window. This will bring up the first/primary family (if the active person is a parent in a family) or will bring up the active person's parent's family, if it is known.

If you begin an edit of the active person, then the active person data won't change until you either Save or Abandon your changes.

Use an existing person as a Template

Understanding the precise data format needed to avoid creating duplicate place and sources can be confusing.

Add places and sources to your active person before pressing the Copy Active Data button.

This allows the same source to be applied to each person added subsequently... even when you type new different name, birth and death dates in each of the left-hand columns.

The Copy Active Data will copy the entries of the active person to the editable entries for the new person. This is particularly useful when adding an entire family grouping from the same source data.

To undo a change, use the menu Edit ->Undo History... option.

Note that you cannot delete existing date or place information using this Gramplet

You can only add or change them. For example, you cannot remove a place by just deleting the text. You will need to edit the person's record using the regular edit dialog (by clicking the edit button next to the person's name).

See also

  • Forms Gramplet addon - allows users to create and edit structured source data in a single form.
  • Note Gramplet - which is a data entry gramplet, that allows you to edit the first note of type Person Note for the active person.


  • 4170#c44496 If you select a gender of "Other" the Gramplet will crash.

Feature Request

  • 4170 : Data Entry Gramplet: genders
  • 5420 : Improvements to Data Entry Gramplet
  • 8922 : Citations aware Data Entry Gramplet
  • 9774 : Data Entry Gramplet: Option to add baptism