Addon:Rule expansions

From Gramps

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Unless otherwise stated on this page, you can download this addon by following these instructions.
Please note that some Addons have prerequisites that need to be installed before they can be used.
This Addon/Plugin system is controlled by the Plugin Manager.
An Addons Offline Manual is available for review.


Rule Amendments

Changes to Rules are inconspicuous

New built-in Rules appear without any fanfare. Plus there are so many of them, grouped in so many subcategories that they may remain concealed.
Addons require downloading and installation, so the addon Rules have more visibility than the builtins. Plus they can be searched as a category in the Plugin Manager.

Fig. Addons (Rules).1 Preferences: Check for Updated Addons showing Rules

Rules are the basic building blocks of custom Filters. A wide variety of rules have been built-in for creating custom filters in each category.

The following of addon Rule collections have been gathered released as "Packs" of rules:

  • FilterRules - documentation, GitHub repository
  • FilterRules2 - documentation, GitHub repository
  • Generic rules (SuperTool) - (separate entries under each object category, for use with with custom rule code generated by SuperTool) - documentation, GitHub repository

With the release of Gramps version 5.1, the first addon Rules were posted as examples of coding a Filter Rule addon. Installing similarly to any other addon, a New Rule appears as a menu item within Add Rule dialog while Defining a custom Filter.

Filters created with these Rules can tested, cloned or deleted using the Filter Editor. The dialog is invoked from the Edit menu in each Category view.

Locating Filter Rule AddOns

Fig. Addons (Rules).2 Search for Rule in the Enhanced Plugin Manager

The Plugin Manager can be used for more than installing and updating plug-in modules. It can help you discover the growing capabilities that might not be obvious.

Open the Plugin Manager from the Help menu and use its Search box to filter the view to only those addons which have a row or filename which include the 'Rule' term.

Fig. Addons (Rules).3 Info on 'People related to <filter>' addon Rule

Addon Rules that have been peer-reviewed will be added to Gramps' Update Manager system. This automates the installation process

When manually installed, each addon rule's Python source code (.py) file and Gramps Plugin Registration ( file will be located in the \gramps5.2\plugins\FilterRules\ subdirectory of your User Directory

Looking at the Info on any currently installed Rule will verify the file location where addon rules have been installed.

Addon Rules

Rules are added in sets/groups via the Plugin Manager. All the Rules in a set are added/removed when any Rule in that set is added/removed.

Each set supports Multilingual internationalization services through .po and .pot files using gettext.

In the few months that addon Rules have been a feature, two sets of rules have been collected:

Individual Rules

Active Person
Fig. Addons (Rules).4 Searching for person rules

General filters addon rule to find the Active Person. Available for PeoplePerson, RelationshipsRelationships, ChartsCharts, GeographyGeography

This is a useful "basic" rule for use in compound filters.

Also see:

Isotammi Addon Rules

Rather than distributing through the Gramps open source project, the Taapeli Project (which is a national database of Finnish Genealogical Society) curates their own set of "Isotammi lisäosia" : “Big Oak (the mythological World Tree) addons" for Gramps. The addon manager installation files are hosted separately.

Besides an initial experiment distributing a rule, they created the SuperTool for directly executing queries and building custom query rules used by a "Generic <Object> filter" in each category view.

FilterRules : Plugin Manager Rulebook Collection

General Filter Rule Addons

People related to <filter>
Fig. Addons (Rules).5 Searching by Rule name

PeoplePerson • General filters addon rule to find Person(s) matching a specified filter. Matches people who are related to anybody matched by a person filter.


isrelatedwithfiltermatch provided as sample & .py code for writing addon filter rules. Demonstrates piping the output of one custom Filter into another.

People with events with a selected role
Fig. Addons (Rules).6 Searching for Person Rules which include the 'role' term.

PeoplePerson • Event filters addon rule to find Person(s) having any Event with a specified Event Role.

This rule is particularly useful to search for people with Events having an "Unknown" event role. An Unknown role always a placeholder that should be resolved as soon as possible.

Families with Events with a selected role
Fig. Addons (Rules).7 Searching by Rule name

FamilyFamilies • Event filters addon rule to find Families having any Family member or shared Family level Event with a specified Event Role.


hasrolerule provided as sample & .py code for writing addon filter rules. Demonstrates including category variants of a rule in the same addon.

Source matching parameters
Fig. Addons (Rules).8 Searching by Rule name

Sources (v3.4.x)Sources • General filters addon rule to find Sources based on the following parameters: Title, Author, Abbreviation, Publication.

This addon rule has similar options to the standard Filter Gramplet for the Source Category View. It can be used to save complex filter parameters.


hassourcefilter provided as sample & .py code for writing addon filter rules. Demonstrates text based filtering with RegEx options.

People Separated less than <N> degrees of <Home person>
Fig. Addons (Rules).9 Searching for Person Rules which include the 'degrees' term.

PeoplePerson • Relationship filters addon rule to find Person(s) having a relationship to the Home Person within a specified degree of Consanguinity and Affinity.

The Home person is point of reference for calculating (<N>) Degrees. For N, Minimum value is 1, Maximum is value 32.

  • Degree 1: person/spouse + children ( <zero N> ancestors, because the selected person is generation 1 + 1N descendants)
  • Degree 2: person plus person’s parents, siblings, niece/nephew, children, grandchildren, etc. (= 1N ancestors + 2N descendants)
  • Degree 3: persons grandparents and 3 generations down. (= 2N ancestors + 3N descendants).

The ancestors and descendants generations have an offset of 1 to mimic the built-in filter rule behavior. Early versions of this rule optionally included partners and non-primary parents. Those relatives are now always included.

This Rule may need to manually downloaded and installed: see the source code files on the GitHub Repository

People Separated less than <N> degrees of <person>
Fig. Addons (Rules).10 Searching Person rules by 'degrees' term; roll-over hint for ID.

PeoplePerson • Relationship filters addon rule to find Person(s) having a relationship to a specified Person within a specified degree of Consanguinity and Affinity.

The Person corresponding to the ID is the focal point of reference for calculating (<N>) Degrees. For N, Minimum value is 1, Maximum is value 32.

  • Degree 1: person/spouse + children ( <zero N> ancestors, because the selected person is generation 1 + 1N descendants)
  • Degree 2: person plus person’s parents, siblings, niece/nephew, children, grandchildren, etc. (= 1N ancestors + 2N descendants)
  • Degree 3: persons grandparents and 3 generations down. (= 2N ancestors + 3N descendants).

The ancestors and descendants generations have an offset of 1 to mimic the built-in filter rule behavior. Early versions of this rule optionally included partners and non-primary parents. Those relatives are now always included.

Early versions of this rule optionally included partners and non-primary parents. Those relatives are now always included. See the GitHub Repository files

Events of families matching a <family filter>

Events of families matching a <family filter>

Families matching <event filter>

Matches families that are matched by an event filter

People who are part of families matching <filter>

People who are part of families matching <filter>

Filter people by their age at death
Match associations of <person filter>
People with multiple parent records

PeoplePerson • Family filters addon rule that matches people who have more than one set of parents.

People with <count> of <event>

PeoplePerson • Family filters addon rule that Matches persons which have events of given type and number..

FilterRules2 : Plugin Manager Rulebook Collection

Genetic Genealogy Filter Rule Addons

The following rules are based on the logical rules of genetics, not on comparing DNA data.

Matrilineal progenitrix of <person>

Matches the earliest recorded matrilineal ancestor mother.

Mitochondrial inheritance of <filter>

Matches recorded descendants of a filter result following mitochondrial inheritance patterns.

Mitochondrial inheritance of <person>

Matches recorded descendants of person following mitochondrial inheritance patterns.

Patrilineal progenitor of <person>

Matches the earliest recorded patrilineal ancestor father.

X-chromosomal ancestors of <person>

Matches ancestors of <person> following a X-chromosomal inheritance pattern.

X-chromosomal descendants of <person>

Matches descendants of <person> following a X-chromosomal inheritance pattern.

Y-chromosomal inheritance of <person filter>

Matches recorded descendants of a filter result following Y-chromosomal inheritance patterns.

Y-chromosomal inheritance of <person>

Matches recorded descendants of person following Y-chromosomal inheritance patterns.

Pre-Release Rules

Descendants of <person> sharing yDNA with each other

Matches descendants of a <person> sharing yDNA

The Evolution of of Rules as Addons

Gramps 5.1.1 (Sept. 2019)

  • Fix bug 0011114: resolve crashes in withinarea filter rule:
Avoid bad coordinates in the ref place
Avoid alphabetic characters in filter rules
Could not convert string to float by using withinarea filter rule
Difference between sidebar filter and filter rule
Fix Bug 0011293 Fix internationalization issue where untranslated English GUI items appear in Event filter

Gramps 5.1.0 (Aug. 2019)

  • New feature : Filter Rules can now be expanded through the addons interface.
  • Filter Rule editor, save pane position
  • Fix Bugs 0007950 and 0011430: Name Filter rule now supports multiple attribute: Check all values of an attribute type and not only the first one
  • filters rule have children person filter: Check all families of a person for children and not only the first
  • Person Sidebarfilter:
Fix Person Sidebarfilter when using ‘Event’ and Reg expressions
In personsidebarfilter, search on each part of name Instead of requiring that the entire search string matches a single one of the Person’s names, the function will require that each word in the search string matches any of the Person’s name fields.
  • Fix exception when merging with active sidebar filter

Gramps 5.0.2 (Aug. 2019)

  • Fix bug 0010509: resolves silent fail - relationship path between filter rule when parent is missing
  • Fix crash when using sidebar filter and merging in another view
  • Fix Place Tree view when using enclosed by sidebar filter
  • Fix Relationship Graph; extra people when using filters & subgraphs

Gramps 5.0.1 (Dec. 2018)

  • Fix bug 0010685: resolves crash in IsDuplicatedAncestorOf filter rule on tree loop
  • Fix Person Sidebarfilter when using ‘Event’ and Reg expressions
  • Fix FilterParser for much older 3.x custom_filters.xml files
  • Fix crash when a filter with loop in definition is defined
  • Fix view so column widths are preserved when using filters

Gramps 5.0.0 (Jul. 2018)

  • Fix Custom filter update when created via sidebar.

Developing New Rule Addons

Beginning with version 5.0, Gramps implemented an database API (application programming interface) infrastructure supporting user selectable backends. This new exploration of database support lead developer to extend the addon (plug-in) framework to support expanding Filter Rules via the Plugin Manager.

The 5.1 release changed the default database backend from BSDDB (Berkeley database) to SQLite. With the broader group of user familiar with optimizing searches, it made sense to open Gramps to the specialized knowledge.


See also

The Group As name override
unify similar surmanes thread
threads with "Group As name"