Event filters

This category includes the following rules that match people based on their recorded events:

Has the birth

This rule matches people whose birth event matches specified values for Date, Place, and Description. The rule returns a match even if the person's birth event matches the value partially. The matching rules are case-insensitive. For example, anyone born in Sweden will be matched by the rule using the value "sw" for the Place.

The rule returns a match if, and only if, all non-empty values are (partially) matched by a person's birth. To use just one value, leave the other values empty.

Has the death

This rule matches people whose death event matches specified values for Date, Place, and Description. The rule returns a match even if the person's death event matches the value partially. The matching rules are case-insensitive. For example, anyone who died in Sweden will be matched by the rule using the value "sw" for the Place.

The rule returns a match if, and only if, all non-empty values are (partially) matched by a person's death. To use just one value, leave the other values empty.

Has source of

This rule matches people whose records refer to the specified source.

Has the personal event

This rule matches people that have a personal event matching specified values for the Event type, Date, Place, and Description. The rule returns a match even if the person's event matches the value partially. The matching rules are case-insensitive. For example, anyone who graduated in Sweden will be matched by the rule using the Graduation event and the value "sw" for the Place.

The personal events should be selected from a pull-down menu. The rule returns a match if, and only if, all non-empty values are (partially) matched by the personal event. To use just one value, leave the other values empty.

Has the family event

This rule matches people that have a family event matching specified values for the Event type, Date, Place, and Description. The rule returns a match even if the person's event matches the value partially. The matching rules are case-insensitive. For example, anyone who was married in Sweden will be matched by the rule using the Marriage event and the value "sw" for the Place.

The family events should be selected from a pull-down menu. The rule returns a match if, and only if, all non-empty values are (partially) matched by the personal event. To use just one value, leave the other values empty.


This rule matches people who are present as a witness in the event. If the personal or family event type is specified, only the events of this type will be searched.

People with incomplete events

This rule matches people missing date or place in any personal event.

Families with incomplete events

This rule matches people missing date or place in any family event of any of their families.